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He's the 'Why'

"No one can serve two masters." --Matthew 6:24

Read: Matthew 6

Speaking in churches across the country, the crux of our message is the fact that living an abundant life is not about food choices or exercise routines. It's not about making a daily or weekly plan to conquer your fitness or weight-loss goals. In fact, it's not about what our reflection reveals whatsoever. The PrayFit theme is and will always be, "Life is not about the body, but our health is a means of praise." It's easy to say. Rolls off the tongue. But our motto is more than a line in a speech.

It's more than a Tweet or a Facebook status update. The reason I can say that is because if you take away food, exercise and the mirror, it would still be true. Results neither determine nor deter the meaning of the mission; a mission only life's final war with pain can exhaust.

If I asked whether or not your health would be important to you if nobody saw what you looked like, would you work as hard as you do to keep it in shape? (You may be asking, "Why else would we try?") Whatever your answer, just remember the fact that byproducts of the effort don't determine the worth of the effort. What determines the worth of our objective to live healthier lives for our spouses, kids, or work isn't whether or not we succeed at it. What determines our worth is who we have inside our hearts.

Friends, Jesus gives our lives meaning. He's the point of the story, and the point of our health we don't want to miss. And for that reason, and that reason alone, we place our trust, time, our money, our precious loved ones, and yes, these bodies. If you're thinking about rearranging your priority list, let today's verse be the only reason why.

--Jimmy Peña

WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: STRENGTH & SWEAT How much time do you need to get an effective, total-body workout? Some will say an hour. Others may say 30 minutes is good enough. We contend that the proper blend of exercises performed at the right pace can get you a fantastic workout in ten minutes flat.

>> Click here for this week's workout!