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Rally Caps

For his work on things like gun control and childhood obesity, Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg was recently quoted in The New York Times as saying, “I am telling you if there is a God, when I get to heaven I’m not stopping to be interviewed. I am heading straight in. I have earned my place in Heaven. It’s not even close.” The day after Easter is always an exciting day for me. Upper room moments happened all over the world as believers celebrated Jesus conquering death and rolling away stones. Many of us woke up this morning with a new spring in our step, lease on life and mountains to climb. And when it comes to our healthy goals, when Jesus defeated death, He gave us every reason we need to look alive!

So why do I lead off this week with a quote from Bloomberg? Well, because it truly is how the world thinks; that Heaven is about our merit, our deeds, our works, our good, our effort. That somehow our "best" earns us the right to shake a fist, beat our chest and make demands. Well, if Bloomberg was right about anything, it's not even close. Like my Pastor said, "That interview is called the Judgement."

As believers, the Cross of Calvary and the empty tomb are where our hope rests. Tethered to Heaven by grace, faith is our battle cry. It's a rally cap kind of day. Before we lace 'em up, send chalk flying or hit any sort of healthy routine, let's remember that the best way to show others what we celebrated yesterday is not in the weight we lift or the miles we log, but in the love we show. The power is His, the credit, the merit, the worth, the greatness, the majesty and glory are all His. It's the day after! Rally caps!

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Will you be intentional with your love today? Between sets, miles, at the check-in, the check-out, show them what happened yesterday.

Prayer Request: By the time you read this entry, Wendy Velazquez (wife of PrayFit VP Eric Velazquez) will be undergoing some major and extensive knee surgery. Doctors will be repairing her torn medial meniscus, and they could also find that her ACL needs repair once the surgeon is inside. We'll know more soon. So please be praying for her, her surgeons, Eric and their girls through it all.

Final Prayfit Diet CoverA 33-DAY MAKEOVER

The simplicity of The PrayFit Diet -- perfect caloric balance with protein, fat and carbs -- can help you get incredibly healthy and find your motivation for a lifetime to stay that way. Here are a few of the more frequently asked questions about this effective eating plan

Q: Is the PrayFit Diet a diet?

A: The PrayFit Diet is only a diet in name. It is more accurately described as a lifestyle adjustment that addresses our relationship with food. It is a 33-day program that calls for balanced caloric intake from the three macronutrients (protein, fat, carbohydrates). Research shows that when food is eaten in these proportions, health is maximized, fat loss is optimized and inflammation is minimized.

Q: Why is it 33 days?

A: The PrayFit Diet was built out as a 33-day plan because it pays tribute to the 33 years Jesus gave us and because a month-long plan is proven to by research to be highly effective time frame to create change within the body and to develop positive eating habits.

Q: How much weight can I lose on the PrayFit Diet?

A: This is perhaps the most asked question when it comes to any nutrition book. Those who follow the program to the letter, particularly those with more weight to lose, can lose up to 20 pounds in 33 days in combination with regular activity. But this book goes so far beyond the pounds and inches that you stand to lose this month. Because we don't ask you to eliminate any macros, as is the case with some "diets," you are not left feeling deprived. You will be getting enough carbs to fuel workouts and daily activity, enough protein to repair and build muscle and enough fat to cushion joints and bolster heart health. Because of this, the PrayFit Diet is utterly sustainable. No need to cycle off and come back to it. By following the principles outlined in these pages, you'll have the only manual you need to feed yourself and your family healthy, wholesome meals, day in and day out, forever.

>> To order a copy of The PrayFit Diet for yourself or someone else, click here!