A Healthy Conscience
"But we must hold on to the progress we have already made." --Philippians 3:16Read: Philippians 3
Scotty Smith recently said, "Advent requires hush and eschews rush."
With Thanksgiving in the rear-view -- deep breath -- it's time to gear up for Christmas. School activities, shopping lists, travel arrangements. Add to that a genuine desire to be healthy and fit, and the days get pretty packed, right? If it takes an hour in the gym or on the track to get a workout in, sparing even 10 minutes to read and pray is, well, tough to spare. A show of hands of those who can relate. Who has time to get quiet? Doesn't God know how busy I am!?
But like Scotty eludes, if there's ever a time to create new habits or fortify old ones, it's during Advent. It's far more important to have a healthy conscience that it is to be health conscious. For the fitness-minded, shame on us if we train and eat "perfectly" this week but never crack open our Bibles or hit our knees. Sure, it's great to plan your workout, but more important to work your heart out.
So let's enjoy the season; shop till we drop, pull out the Christmas sweaters and hang the lights. But as you set the week's schedule including your workouts and meal plans, bless the Lord and your life by adding in those precious few minutes of reading, praying and listening. God knows time is precious, and He misses His with you.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: What better time than this month to create the best, most important habits of our lives. Anyone with me? Can we slow down? (A show of hands of those who immediately said to themselves, "I can't. And that's for the weak.") Well, you'd be right.