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In Awe of You

May we leave the gym each day in more awe of God than when we walked in. And may our tiny, infinitesimal muscles with our miraculous neuromuscular system - negotiating lifts and coordinating movements - along with the involuntary mechanisms of lungs breathing and hearts beating - simply stir in us one giant, unmistakeable, instantaneous reminder of His awesome greatness and our gross dependence. Whether we enjoy walking on the treadmill or digging holes in the squat rack, taking classes or teaching them - when we leave the gym - we're not just opening the door after a workout, "whew." 
We're opening the door after a miracle, "Wow!"

We'll never lift better than we live. We'll never run better than we walk. Aren't we glad that - for us - Jesus did both.

-Jimmy Peña

PrayFit 7 Series
You guys know me by now. I don't push merchandise down your throat or try and get too cute and clever and use faith to push fashion. I'd say 99% of you couldn't pick me out of a line-up and that's fine. It's not about me. The message of PrayFit is clear. Jesus is our boast and health is a gift of grace. Period.

Seven years ago this January, we started writing faith & fitness devotions on a little blog. God took that blog and created PrayFit Ministries. He made us intentional, gave us clarity, boldness and most of all, He gave us you; people to serve.

Since then we've had millions of readers on the most popular faith & fitness devotion ever published, two national best-selling books and two #1 ranked DVD's on Amazon and Walmart, as well as a conference series called PrayFit RISE (get ready Dallas). And in honor of our 7th birthday, we're rolling out the PrayFit "7" series, beginning with our newest hoodie.

Thank you for helping support this ministry for the last 7 years. A few more "7" products will be hitting the store, but thank you in advance for your faithfulness. Grow in grace.