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An Inconvenient faith

When was the last time faith interrupted your life? Can you remember the last time your faith was inconvenient to what the world deemed prevalent?

Today falls in-between; in between Christmas and New Year's Eve when business isn't quite business as usual, school is still out, and we're counting down the days; counting down the days until we put a button on the year and begin newness; a newness I have had the honor of stepping into with you for 7 years.

But unlike the previous years together, this year we're going to do things a little differently. Before we shake 2016 to its foundation, let's be shaken to ours. For the first 10 days of the year, we're devoting ourselves to humble reverence, complete awe, and utter dependence (true for every day of the year.) Apart from God, nothing we do physically means anything, so for the first 10 days of January, join us for total rest from all physical training.

I hope this isn't shocking, but we'll devour God's Word, begin memorizing entire books, praying, talking and dedicating the year to Him alone. Radical? Not really. Uncommon? Perhaps. But whether it seems too relaxed or too reckless, let's meet right here; here where we have no desire to draw attention or crowds; here where we have no aim to make a name for ourselves. 

We're here to abandon self. We're here to follow Jesus. 

Of faith, Tozer says is, "More dangerous than it sounds." And at the risk of sounding crazy and losing precious ground on physical goals, dreams and resolutions, let's pray our faith breeds a dangerous dissatisfaction on any satisfaction our physical pursuits provide us. May we - even but for a few short days in January - deepen our faith to the point of a sure, undeniable distinction between faith and fitness

God, You're the reason we have breath in our lungs. We don't want to waste a day. Unveil in us - as we reveal to others - why we're made.

-Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Will you be here on January 1-10 as we begin a new year like never before? Will you allow your faith to interrupt your new year?