Out of the Wilderness

IMG_4821Hey Everyone! I sure have missed my time with you and I'm hoping you feel the same. I hope you and your loved ones are so healthy and so happy. And while we're still not ready to resume daily devotions, I wanted to give you an update.

If you're new to the site, you may not know that I recently underwent an intensive, lower back surgery. I saw the doctor on Thursday of last week to check the progress of my recovery, and grace happened. He told me that the hardware in my lower back is fusing nicely with my bones and I'm healing as fast as any patient he's ever seen. Isn't that a blessing?!? I can't tell you how amazing we feel. I can't express how grateful I am to you for remembering me in your prayers. I'm not done, bless God. I'm not done writing. I'm not done speaking. I'm not done living. This week I'll start a 10-week, intensive physical therapy program. I can't wait. I feel like a kid who's dad just bought him a new baseball glove. My face is in the mitt and I'm smelling the leather. I've gotta get on the field.

Speaking of the field, I'm speaking in it soon. On September 13th, I'll be in Phoenix delivering the keynote address at the International Christian Wellness Conference, and on September 19th, I'll be in Bartow, Florida delivering the keynote speech for Leland Family Ministries. I'll be sure and give details for each as they come closer, but suffice it to say that I wouldn't be able to travel and speak without God's grace. He is good and He heard our prayers.

As far as the website, many things have been happening behind the scenes. We're working on a very cool page for all you runners out there. A place for you to log your miles, get tips, talk training plans, schedule races, and more. The team is also working to help make the site more user-friendly for everyone who reads us on their phones and we hope that you'll help us spread the news quickly once we launch.

And finally, we've been working diligently on providing more ways for you to wear the message of PrayFit. We've begun rolling-out some of our latest merchandise! Please take a quick look at the store to find our latest wave of t-shirts and tanks with some of our favorite verses. Friends, it's through your giving that we're able to continue the ministry of PrayFit and we are so grateful. We hope these new items bless your life and your testimony as Christians with a heart for health. Thank you for your love and support.

As far as daily messages, we'll be back as soon as possible. I miss writing probably more than you miss reading, but I can't wait to meet you in the middle. In the meantime, we hope you'll continue to enjoy the years' worth of entries in our archives and our selections of audio devotionals.

Be blessed everyone. Thank you again for your thoughts, emails and prayers. You're constantly on my mind.

--Jimmy Peña

MAKE YOUR CHURCH NEXT: Life is not about the body. Our health is a means of praise. This fundamental message, which has become the heart of PrayFit in the last several years, has always been at the heart of Jimmy's philosophy on exercise and nutrition. But to put it in a paragraph here doesn't do it justice -- to hear it from the man himself is a convicting experience for anyone who has the opportunity. Let us help you bring this message to your church or community event. Contact us today at info@prayfit.com.

>> To read reviews of PrayFit and interviews with Jimmy in the media, click here!


The Point Of It All


Into The Wilderness