PrayFit: We Are The Body


Followers First

At PrayFit, we're followers of Jesus, first and last. Nothing God gave us to enjoy in our pursuit of health was ever intended to be enjoyed at the mercy of our relationship with God, and that is something we take very seriously at PrayFit Ministries. Spending time in God’s word and in prayer will never be replaced with any measure of physical stewardship. The first rule of PrayFit Ministries is that we love and talk about Jesus.

Love Others

At PrayFit, we love others. The Bible says that our love for one another is how the world will know that we are followers of Christ. In our dealings with others, private and public (social media, etc), we strive to be examples of that truth, always seeking to love others the way Jesus loves us and them.

Gift of Grace

At PrayFit we believe health is a gift of grace. The ability, the motivation, the resources, the training itself, the byproducts of diligence and obedience: all gifts. We do not earn gifts, but we celebrate them and flourish for God and others with them.


At PrayFit, we see health as an act of stewardship. What is a steward? Someone who has been given something to take care of temporarily that’s not their own. Our bodies the Bible says are not our own, but instead we are to honor God with them. Taking care of our bodies is just one way to thank God for only seeing our hearts.


At PrayFit, we are sensitive to the needs, hurts and unseen illnesses of others. So many people around us are hurting with unforeseen infirmities. Health is a faith battle, often fought privately, painfully and with worn-out tools. We never judge someone’s health, but rather respond as a resource of comfort.

Work, Humility and Service

At PrayFit, we seek to put our faith to work. We believe faith is the most powerful tool God gave us to conquer life’s obstacles, and that includes our health. If we have the gift of health, we seek to serve those in need at home, church and in our community

At PrayFit, we strive to be humble and modest. We believe it takes far more strength to be humble about hard work than the hard work itself, but more importantly, God hates pride, and that’s enough for us. We will not use our faith as a platform to show off our bodies (or vice-versa).

At PrayFit, we're servant leaders. When Jesus got up to wash the feet of all the disciples (even the feet of Judas), He was setting the example for all of us; that the greatest leaders are servants. And our health - our very life - is a chance to serve like Jesus served.