Since 2009
"Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly; I do not fight like a man beating the air."— 1 Corinthians 9:26
Read: 1 Corinithans 9
I'm definitely old-fashioned, but who reading this remembers tryouts? I thought of it yesterday when I asked, "Who won?" to a young boy and his mom as they came back from his soccer game. They replied, "Oh, we don't keep score. In this league, we don't keep score and everybody plays." Hmm. I tried to hide my confusion, but had she replied in Yiddish it would have made as much sense.
You know, if Paul were in sports, I think he would have enjoyed keeping score. The way he talked of disciplining his body like an athlete, or how passionately he wrote of running the race. Something tells me, Paul would have understood the "thrill of victory and the agony of defeat." Of course, Paul would be the first person to teach us of grace and forgiveness, but a record of wrongs is not the issue at stake. The issue is more about the kind of fight we have in us for the faith, as well as for the body. Like Paul, it's time to follow our instincts.
Truth be told, if our health was required for Heaven, well, we'd be in bad shape. And if God kept score on our day's losses, we'd lose outright every time. But it's because of those things that we might as well toughen up. Who knows how effective we could be for the kingdom if we exercised a little more Godly gumption. Not in order to win favor, but because we have favor.
Oh, and I have to report, as my neighbor disappeared into her home, the little boy stuck his head out the front door, put his hand up to the side of his mouth as if to tell me a secret from across the street: "We won 11 to nothin'!" he yelled with a whisper. Atta boy, I thought. Gumption. He's a carrier. And so are you.
--Jimmy Peña
You may recognize Terry Crews from his roles on TBS's Are We There Yet?, UPN/CW's Everbody Hates Chris or the action blockbuster The Expendables. You may also recognize him from his hilarious commercial spots for Old Spice. But this faithful, action-comedy star also happens to be one of the fittest men in Hollywood...and a fan of PrayFit.
"Jimmy Pena has been doing his thing in fitness for decades, but with PrayFit, he's taken things to a whole new level," Terry said in his endorsement. "If you're looking to build a stronger faith while also getting healthier, then this is the resource for you."
Crews joins a powerhouse list of endorsers that includes actor/producer Tyler Perry, TV host Mario Lopez, actor/entertainer LL Cool J, 2010 American League Most Valuable Player Josh Hamilton, two-time boxing champion Robert Guerrero and actress Rachel Cannon.
A Runner's World
"Run in such a way as to get the prize." --1 Corinthians 9:24
Read: 1 Corinthians 9
Smarter people than me have said that life is about the journey, not the destination. I thought about it this weekend while my wife and I planned her next marathon (and my next vacation). See, we base a few of our trips each year on the races she enters. As she surveys the course with all its twists and turns, I consider the finish line. After all, when she crosses the finish, we both see our goals.
Paul said it best: "Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. (v. 25)" If anyone knew the perspective we should have about these bodies, Paul did. Vessels, tools, mere instruments. Vehicles that help us run the human race with Heaven's grace.
So let's set records in the Lamb's book; share Christ with every breath in this runner's world. I say we throw our heads back and high step it, trusting the finish line to help us make sense out of these twists and turns. After all, whoever said life was about the journey was still on it. I think when we reach the destination, we'll all beg to differ.
--Jimmy Peña
This week, it's up to the runners. We want you to provide us with your latest fleet-footed, gazelle-like extravaganza. Whether you're an avid runner or recently bought your first pair of asics, we want to hear from you. We'll post one of your workouts next week here on PrayFit. Tell us if you ran indoors or out. Your pace, the incline, the duration and number of intervals and, most importantly, how your run impacted your life. Share your runner's world with us.
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October 3, 2011Read 1 Corinthians 1
"But God chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise; God chose the weak things of the world to shame the strong." --1 Corinthians 1:27
If he were your neighbor, you'd move. If choosing teams, he'd be the one last picked. Without a doubt, on the island of misfits he'd be king. But he didn't care. More bold than beautiful, John knew the act to follow was really the act to follow. So he used whatever God gave him to get his message across to a world in need.
Friends, our bodies are merely tools. In the end, they simply get us from life's A to B. But our short trip was so important that Jesus made His. So this week, let's add how we eat and exercise to the list of strange ways God makes Himself known to those around us. Will you be popular? Maybe not. Regarded or rewarded? It's doubtful. But then again, the only attention that's really important is the attention you're paying to the body God designed you. So go ahead. Be the last one standing. In a world that disregards the body as a means of praise, you'll be in good company when you don't fit in. Misfits seldom do.
If necessity is the mother of invention then simplicity is it's wise, older uncle. When it comes to designing good, productive workout routines, the best strategy is often the most basic. So this abs program -- devoid of any cheap gimmicks -- is an invention born out of simply knowing what works. Using proven, effective exercises for the upper abs, lower abs and obliques, you'll provide your midsection all the stimulus it needs to change in just minutes.
>> Do This. Perform these four exercises in the order listed without rest. Do each move to failure then move to the next one. Rest 30 seconds at the end of the last exercise then repeat 2-3 more times. Use this routine at the end of any workout or do it as a stand-alone routine. Allow 48-72 hours between sessions to allow for better recovery.
Double Crunch
Standard Crunch
Crossover Crunch
Reverse Crunch
>> For exercise descriptions, click here.
>> For exercise demonstrations, click here. (VIDEO)