Since 2009
I Wanna See You Be Brave
Sure do hope you've had a good first week back and an excellent fresh beginning to 2014. Monday we reminded each other that a new year is only new when we allow God to turn yesterday's shadows into shade. Tuesday we took that very heart and realized that while we often hail from rock bottom, grace says we can begin again. And of course on Wednesday, we all took inventory of the #oneword that captures what God is pressing into our lives for the year.
Speaking of, yesterday Loretta introduced me to a neat song called "Brave." I'd heard it on various commercials, but never really listened to the words. It actually reminds me that as a little boy, whenever I was attempting something physical outside, I'd say, "Dad, watch! Daddy, watch me!" And whatever it was I was trying, knowing he was looking gave me that little something extra. And of course, he genuinely watched, knowing his attention meant the world to me and say, "Good, my boy!"
Frankly, the idea that our little lives are being watched by a great and mighty God is too massive of a concept for my puny mind to comprehend. But when I imagine Him believing in me, encouraging my every situation, it's too critical of a truth for my little heart to ignore. Here are some of the words of "Brave" that feel like daggers as they go from my ears to the center of my heart and hopefully to yours:
Say what you want to say. Let the words fall out. Honestly, I want to see you be brave. Say what you want to say. Let the words fall out. Let your words be anything but empty. Why don't you tell them the truth? I want to see you be brave.
Truth is, He's the only thing brave in us. That's right. On our own we're nothing. We're scared. And what's more, He's the most important thing to be brave about! If you and I disagree with that, it only means the truth is invading our pride. But when we act, speak, witness, and work because He's watching, we show the world how big our brave is. Watch me, Abba. Watch me, Daddy. I'll be brave.
–Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: What are some of the ways He's called you to be brave? Be more mindful of the foods you eat? Take that walk with your spouse? Spend more time alone in Bible study? Be less prideful? Witness to strangers? Give without credit? All of the above? (This is me with my hand up.) What about you? Let your words be anything but empty.
P.S. Thank you everyone for all of the PrayFit birthday wishes yesterday. Means the world to us. More than you know.
Still Time To Dance
I will be your God throughout your lifetime -- until your hair is white with age." --Isaiah 46:4
Read: Isaiah 46
You remember 8th grade dances, right? I sure do. I was the king of holding up the wall. Turn down the lights on a basketball court, add some streamers, some 80's music, and you had yourself a dance. Just...without the dancing. (No way I was crossing the outer marker.)
I thought of those dances while on a recent television interview. Referring to the senior citizens watching her show, the host asked me if it was ever too late to start an exercise program or to improve your health. Instantly I was transported to those last ten minutes of my 8th grade dance. Knowing my dad would be pulling up any minute to get me, I knew I didn't have another minute to spare. So I took a deep breath, swallowed any last drop of moisture left in my throat (gulp), and I defied 8th grade logic. I walked across the three-point line and asked the first girl I saw to dance. Best 10 minutes of the year for me.
And that's my answer to the host's question. Our life and our health are precious at any age. So if it's been a while since you've exercised or even if you've never crossed the outer marker, consider each sunrise the upbeat He's playing for you. So get crazy. Defy logic and move those arms and legs. Even if Daddy (Abba) says it's almost time to go, it's not too late to ask, "Can I have this dance, for the rest of my life?"
--Jimmy Peña
Regardless of how long you've been exercising you have probably heard about the concept of "empty-stomach cardio." But it's not just lip service. Training while hungry -- ideally before breakfast -- can help you lose more fat when training. Researchers at Kansas State University found that exercisers who fasted before a low-intensity workout oxidized 94.3 more calories from fat, on average, than groups who had a meal 30, 60 or 90 minutes before exercise.
As you sleep, your body uses stored carbs (glycogen) to run your brain's motor, so in the morning, your body is in a carb-deprived state. This means that fat will be burned for fuel sooner during a workout.
As the study suggests, this approach is best done before low-intensity training because high-intensity training, such as sprinting, requires more carbohydrate for performance. What's "low" intensity? The most universal and leisurely low-intensity exercise is walking. So if losing bodyfat is one of your training goals, try putting your feet to the pavement before you put fork to mouth each morning.
BONUS TIP: The same logic applies to doing cardio after weights. Since weight training uses stored carbs for fuel, doing cardio after will help decrease the time it takes to start burning calories from fat.
DVD: Click here to get started on the PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge.
DVD "PLUS": Looking for a more advanced home routine? Try the PrayFit 33-Day Body Toning System.
Our Daddy Rocks
“God will take away all their tears. There will be no more death or sorrow or crying or pain. All the old things have passed away.” --Revelation 21:4
Read: Revelation 21
Recent business took my husband half way around the world to Hong Kong and Singapore, and after two weeks, my three young children missed their daddy. While he was gone, it was business as usual -- homework, projects, bath times and bedtimes -- but there was a huge part that felt empty. Though we were doing our best, I knew the kids missed those special moments that only a father can provide and I missed the comfort and security I feel when I lay in bed with him at my side. We had a few incidents including, but not limited to, rain storms, tornado warnings, power outages, falling from a tree and crashing a bicycle. Part of our well-oiled machine was missing, and we felt it.
The day finally came to pick up dad at the airport. Two full weeks of stumbles and bumbles and he was finally home to put us back together. The kids made signs saying, “Our Dad Rocks” to make sure anyone and everyone knew that our dad, in fact, rocks. My daughter even had her favorite stuffed animals to help greet him as he arrived. I told them before we left, “Now, when you see your father, don’t drop everything and run. Give him a minute to get through the doors.” But as we looked down the corridor and finally spied his blonde hair walking swiftly toward us, all three kids dropped everything and took off at lightening speed to tackle him. Home at last. Hugs, kisses and tears of celebration. In a moment, all was right again.
I wonder if that's how we'll be when we finally get to meet our Heavenly Father. I'm not sure, but I have a feeling that we will drop all of the things we carry -- all the stuff that seemed so important -- in a millisecond and run with wild abandon to embrace Him. In that moment, all will be right (for good). After all, He not only keeps us from falling apart, but He's the only one who can put us back together. So, while we await His return, may our lives be a sign that says to anyone and everyone, "Our Dad (our Abba) Rocks."
--Allison King Earnst
PrayFit contributor Allison King Earnst is a fitness expert, motivator, competitor and mother of three. She's been featured in numerous magazines including FitParent, Natural Muscle and Oxygen magazine. She has shared her fitness story on Good Morning America, Extra TV and Lifetime's "The Balancing Act." You can follow Allison on Facebook, Twitter or follow her blog here.
A salad before dinner is a great way to fit one or more servings of vegetables into your day. Try using bagged coleslaw mix (it usually contains shredded green and red cabbage and carrots) or broccoli slaw as an alternative to bagged lettuces. Cabbage and broccoli are packed with nutrients, provide a satisfying crunchy texture and are almost always cheaper than the bagged lettuce mixes -- you can often get the same amount of coleslaw mix or broccoli slaw for half the price of the bagged lettuces! Some of my favorite add-ins are chopped tomatoes, a sprinkle of sunflower seeds, and 1-2 tablespoons of balsamic vinaigrette, which contains plenty of healthy fats.
Emily Ann Miller, MPH, RD is a registered dietitian and works at a Washington, D.C.-based independent, nonprofit science organization, where her work is currently focused on environmental and policy solutions to obesity prevention. She also speaks to groups about health and nutrition and provides nutrition education to patients at a free medical clinic that serves low-income, uninsured adults in the D.C. area. You can view more of Emily’s nutrition tips and updates by following her on Twitter, @EmilyAMillerRD.
Still Time To Dance
I will be your God throughout your lifetime -- until your hair is white with age." --Isaiah 46:4
Read: Isaiah 46
You remember 8th grade dances, right? I sure do. I was the king of holding up the wall. Turn down the lights on a basketball court, add some streamers, some 80's music, and you had yourself a dance. Just...without the dancing. (No way I was crossing the outer marker.)
I thought of those dances this week while on a television interview in the Midwest. Referring to the senior citizens watching her show, the host asked me if it was ever too late to start an exercise program or to improve your health. Instantly I was transported to those last ten minutes of my 8th grade dance. Knowing my dad would be pulling up any minute to get me, I knew I didn't have another minute to spare. So I took a deep breath, swallowed any last drop of moisture left in my throat (gulp), and I defied 8th grade logic. I walked across the three-point line and asked the first girl I saw to dance. Best 10 minutes of the year for me.
And that's my answer to the host's question. Our life and our health are precious at any age. So if it's been a while since you've exercised or even if you've never crossed the outer marker, consider each sunrise the upbeat He's playing for you. So get crazy. Defy logic and move those arms and legs. Even if Daddy (Abba) says it's almost time to go, it's not too late to ask, "Can I have this dance, for the rest of my life?"
--Jimmy Peña
Regardless of how long you've been exercising you have probably heard about the concept of "empty-stomach cardio." But it's not just lip service. Training while hungry -- ideally before breakfast -- can help you lose more fat when training. Researchers at Kansas State University found that exercisers who fasted before a low-intensity workout oxidized 94.3 more calories from fat, on average, than groups who had a meal 30, 60 or 90 minutes before exercise.
As you sleep, your body uses stored carbs (glycogen) to run your brain's motor, so in the morning, your body is in a carb-deprived state. This means that fat will be burned for fuel sooner during a workout.
As the study suggests, this approach is best done before low-intensity training because high-intensity training, such as sprinting, requires more carbohydrate for performance. What's "low" intensity? The most universal and leisurely low-intensity exercise is walking. So if losing bodyfat is one of your training goals, try putting your feet to the pavement before you put fork to mouth each morning.
BONUS TIP: The same logic applies to doing cardio after weights. Since weight training uses stored carbs for fuel, doing cardio after will help decrease the time it takes to start burning calories from fat.
DVD: Click here to get started on the PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge.