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Walking Joshua To Class
"So Joshua ordered the officers of the people." --Joshua 1:10
I used to dread 5th period math. Oh, I was fine with numbers, but it was the getting to my math class that had me shaking in my little boots. Each day that semester, a small group of bullies would hang out by my locker, calculating ways to torment me until one day, I got smart and asked my Bubba to walk me to class. Little did they know that the skinniest kid in school was the younger brother of the toughest. They -- uhh -- they did the math.
In our passage today, Moses has just died and the responsibility fell on Joshua. In preparing Joshua to address the people, you notice God say things like, "Nobody will be able to stand against you," (v. 5) "Be strong and courageous," (v. 6) "Be strong and very courageous," (v. 7) and then again God finishes his holy encouragement with, "Have I not commanded you, be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid, do not be discouraged for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." (v. 9)
God walked Joshua to class.
You know, I don't remember ever being scared again on the way to math. Not because of who I was, but because of who walked with me that day. If you notice, God didn't tell Joshua, "Chin up, you have the power, trust your instincts, believe in yourself." No, God knew Joshua could stand tall because he wouldn't be alone. And what was Joshua's response? After nine verses of God's assurance, we learn Joshua didn't hesitate. That's right. He ordered. He commanded. He pushed forward in faith and trust.
Folks, faith says that there aren't enough problems waiting around today's corner that can add up or stand up to the One you bring with you. Life hits hard. Life can bully. And if we rely on our "selves," we do have reason to fear. But like Joshua and that skinny fifth grader, you and I don't walk to class alone.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: Hope you've enjoyed taking a look at Joshua and Caleb this week. Such dreamers and fighters. What are you facing that needs your absolute faith and trust that God is with you? Health, financial, relationships, hardships? What can we be praying with you about?
Additional Reading: Hey everyone, the grandson of Billy Graham writes a wonderful blog on The Gospel Coalition. His name is William Graham Tullian Tchividjian. Oh guys, the Gospel Coalition, specifically Pastor Scotty and Pastor Tullian have been an enormous source of strength for me over the last month or two. Tough times have really compelled me to dig deep into grace and trust. These giants of the faith have really helped. I post this particular entry from Pastor Tullian because it speaks about how it's not our strength. It's a must-read. If you take the few extra minutes, enjoy. I want to be just like these guys.
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The Purpose Fulfilled Life
Hope you're enjoying the week looking at some of life's closers. First Mariano Rivera, and then of course Joseph. And while Joseph was unavoidable, the next two, I argue, are undeniable. If you've been with us for any stretch of time, you know they're a couple of my favorites.
"See the suit I'm wearing? It's a brand new suit. My children and my grandchildren are telling me I've gotten a little slovenly in my old age. So I went out and bought a new suit for this luncheon and one more occasion. You know what that occasion is? This is the suit in which I'll be buried. But when you hear I'm dead, I don't want you to immediately remember this suit I'm wearing. I want you to remember that I know where I'm going."
The man who said that is none other than Billy Graham. What a way to live and finish, amen? Sure sets the bar high, doesn't he? So does this next one.
There he was. Tied up. Who knows how long he'd been waiting? The most insignificant of animals with a seemingly inconsequential life. No thoroughbred blood running through his veins. His next meal was his only solace between chores. A helpless laborer, a meaningless creature. When, all of a sudden, Jesus asked for him specifically. In that day, donkeys were known to protect sheep, but that day he carried The Lamb. God chose him. Uniquely qualified, his purpose was to carry Jesus to His. He delivered. I suppose you could say he was born for this moment.
You may have heard me say it before, but I like to think that a donkey nobody had ever ridden knew exactly who he carried. And I bet he did his best to make Jesus proud. Of course, we don't know what the Lord said to him as He got off and walked away, maybe nothing. But this writer likes to think that as the crowd took Jesus the rest of the way, that little donkey stood taller than ever. The only one who noticed him and needed him was the One he just carried.
Let's make it our life's purpose to close-out life -- like Billy and the donkey -- and be remembered for where we're going, and who we carried along the way.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: What a contrast in closers, don't you agree? Bill Graham and the donkey. One life spent evangelizing the world, filling years with special moments. The other called to be ready for just one. Man oh man. That's tough to type. You and I are no Billy Grahams, but I would have proudly been the donkey.
Carry Your Purpose
"'Go into that village over there,'" he told them. 'As you enter it, you will see a young donkey tied there that no one has ever ridden. Untie it and bring it here.'" --Luke 19:30
Read: Luke 19
Earlier this week, in my message about Billy Graham, I happened to mention the donkey that Jesus rode on Palm Sunday. I know for certain I'm not the first person to teach this, but I may be the latest to find this story so amazing.
There he was. Tied up. Who knows how long he'd been waiting? The most insignificant of animals with an inconsequential life. No thoroughbred blood running through his veins. His next meal was his only solace between chores. A helpless laborer, a meaningless creature. When all of a sudden...
If you're like me, you've questioned your significance. Is this really what I was meant to do? Well, the next time you ponder your purpose, think of that donkey. Jesus asked for him specifically. Sure, the Lord could have chosen any method of transportation, but He chose him. Uniquely qualified, his purpose was to carry Jesus to His.
Forgive my imagination, but I like to think that a donkey nobody had ever ridden knew exactly who he carried. I figure he did his best to make Jesus proud. We don't know what Jesus said to him as He got off and walked away, maybe nothing. But this writer likes to think that as the crowd took Jesus the rest of the way, that little donkey stood taller than ever. After all, Jesus, the Maker, needed a ride.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: Have you ever pondered your purpose? Ever wondered what Jesus could use you for? No matter what your life's calling or trade, there is someone you know or someone you don't who is empty and lost. You're hand-picked. You may be the carrier of their only hope. So, deliver.
PRAYFIT NUTRITION: MILK There’s a good alternative for those sensitive to cow’s milk
If you’re sensitive to cow’s milk, you might try the goat variety. Did you know that goat’s milk has more essential amino acids and more omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium than cow’s milk? With all that said, its protein is easier to digest than cow’s milk and has less lactose. Wondering about the taste? It’s a bit on the sweeter side.
Suit for the Soul
"See, your king comes to you, gentle and riding on a donkey." --Matthew 21:5
Read: Matthew 21
A few years ago, Billy Graham said to an eager audience:
"See the suit I'm wearing? It's a brand new suit. My children and my grandchildren are telling me I've gotten a little slovenly in my old age. So I went out and bought a new suit for this luncheon and one more occasion. You know what that occasion is? This is the suit in which I'll be buried. But when you hear I'm dead, I don't want you to immediately remember this suit I'm wearing. I want you to remember that I know where I'm going."
Friends, this holy week, let's renew our perspective of these bodies. These suits for the soul have a purpose in life. They aren't the purpose of life. Let's not be remembered for them.
Funny, it makes me think of the donkey on Palm Sunday. In that day, donkeys were known to protect sheep. Well, that day he carried The Lamb; an unspeakable honor. I don't doubt for a second he knew it. And neither should we.
Let's make it our life's purpose -- like Billy and the donkey -- to be remembered for where we're going, and who we carried along the way.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: Are you focusing too much on your physical appearance that you've neglected your true purpose? Who do you know that needs you to deliver Jesus to them? You too have an eager audience. What does it mean to you when you realize your health is not about your body?
Please share you thoughts here with us in the comments section or email us at info@prayfit.com, and have a blessed and renewed Easter week.
"We don't strive to be healthy in order to be loved by God. We strive to be healthy because we are." --Jimmy Peña
The Closer
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." --Matthew 24:36
Read: Matthew 24
With baseball season approaching, we thought we'd warm everyone up for our favorite time of year by talking about...the closer. For those who don't know, the closer is someone who specializes in sealing the deal. See, in baseball you play until the game is over. Not the case in other sports. Take basketball for instance. There's a minute left, you're up five points and rather than drive to the basket, you run out the clock. In football, you take a knee. Soccer, hockey -- you name it. Most major sports have a way to play it safe.
I think we all have the tendency to play it safe on occasion. As Christians, we can get into a mindset of "I'm saved, I can coast, I think I'll run out the clock today." But days can turn into weeks and weeks, years. Which reminds me, in baseball, there is no clock. You don't know how long a life -- I mean -- a game can last. Thus, the need for a closer. Someone who does his best work at the end.
Recently I read that Billy Graham hopes to preach one more time before the Lord takes him home. Even though he struggles to stand, Billy still wants the ball. Talk about a closer.
Now, granted, we're no Billy Grahams, you or I. Nobody's waiting to hear our last words. Or are they? The fact that we're reading this sentence means we're still in the game and the ball is in our hands. So stay warm. We just never know when we'll be needed to take the hill.
--Jimmy Peña
Tired of chicken breasts? Add some heart-healthy salmon into your weeknight meal plan. Here are five easy ways to prepare this healthy and sustainable, omega-3-packed fish.
Smoked Prepared smoked salmon is a great alternative when you don’t have time to cook. Wrap around asparagus stalks for a fancy but effortless appetizer or along with a salad for a light meal.
Poached Cooking salmon in a bath of wine, water and spices infuses it with flavor while keeping it tender and flaky. It keeps the calories low, too!
Grilled Thread chunks of skinless salmon onto skewers and grill for dinner in minutes. Sprinkle with a spice rub to add big flavor without marinating.
Wrapped Wrap salmon fillets in foil packets with lemon and fresh herbs for quick cooking and easy clean up.
Seared Finely chop fresh salmon in the food processor for a tasty burger. Flavor it up with sweet pineapple and spicy chili pepper then give a quick sear in a nonstick skillet.
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.
March 23, 2011Read: Matthew 24
"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." -- Matthew 24:36
With baseball season approaching, we thought we'd warm everyone up for our favorite time of year by talking about the closer. For those who don't know, the closer is someone who specializes in sealing the deal. See, in baseball you play until the game is over. Not the case in other sports. Take basketball for instance. There's a minute left, you're up five points and rather than drive to the basket, you run out the clock. In football, you take a knee. Soccer, hockey -- you name it. Most major sports have a way to play it safe.
I think we all have the tendency to play it safe on occasion. As Christians, we can get into a mindset of "I'm saved, I can coast, I think I'll run out the clock today." But days can turn into weeks and weeks, years. Which reminds me, in baseball, there is no clock. You don't know how long a life -- I mean -- a game can last. Thus, the need for a closer. Someone who does his best work at the end.
Recently I read that Billy Graham hopes to preach one more time before the Lord takes him home. Even though he struggles to stand, Billy still wants the ball. Talk about a closer.
Now, granted, we're no Billy Grahams, you or I. Nobody's waiting to hear our last words. Or are they? The fact that we're reading this sentence means we're still in the game and the ball is in our hands. So stay warm. We just never know when we'll be needed to take the hill.
Tired of chicken breasts? Add some heart-healthy salmon into your weeknight meal plan. Here are five easy ways to prepare this healthy and sustainable, omega-3-packed fish.
Smoked Prepared smoked salmon is a great alternative when you don’t have time to cook. Wrap around asparagus stalks for a fancy but effortless appetizer or along with a salad for a light meal.
Poached Cooking salmon in a bath of wine, water and spices infuses it with flavor while keeping it tender and flaky. It keeps the calories low, too!
Grilled Thread chunks of skinless salmon onto skewers and grill for dinner in minutes. Sprinkle with a spice rub to add big flavor without marinating.
Wrapped Wrap salmon fillets in foil packets with lemon and fresh herbs for quick cooking and easy clean up.
Seared Finely chop fresh salmon in the food processor for a tasty burger. Flavor it up with sweet pineapple and spicy chili pepper then give a quick sear in a nonstick skillet.
Tell us your favorite recipe and it just might make our next book, PrayFit Family, due out this fall. Leave your recipe in the comments section below.
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.