Since 2009


Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Clive Said That

"Calling his disciples to him, Jesus said, "I tell you the truth, this poor widow has given more to the treasury than all the others." --Mark 12:43

Read: Mark 12

Like many of us, Clive Staples didn't really start living until he gave his heart to Jesus. Nine days after he and a writing buddy went for a long walk, Clive -- a known agnostic -- accepted God's grace and used the rest of his life as an offering to the Lord. Two thousand years earlier, Jesus watched a poor widow offer her life's savings -- two copper coins (worth about half a penny) -- into the church plate.

Two people that changed our world with one, single offering. But it was their offering of all.

Who's world would change if you asked God to help you give your all to your health? Maybe Your spouse? Your Kids? Maybe a friend who needs you to be all God intended you to be. Well, whoever comes to mind, just remember, it's not about perfection, but diligence. After all, "We don't have souls, we are souls. We have bodies." Clive Staples said that. But you know him better as C.S Lewis.

--Jimmy Peña



>> Soreness in a Sermon: Hard intervals yield eternal results when we know who we represent

>> Misfits Seldom Do: In a world that puts health last, you'll be in good company when you don't fit in

>> Work Backwards: Retrace your steps for a view of the cross to regain focus

>> Rattle Some Chains: Feeling captive? Maybe you're right where you should be


>> 28 Days: Want to get leaner, fitter, stronger and healthier in four weeks? This is your ticket

>> Accountability: 4 ways to start journaling for better, faster results

>> Protein: How this macronutrient rock star can help you build strength, lose fat

>> Fruits & Veggies: 2 ways to get more of 'em

LOOKING FOR CONVICTION?: Spend 3 minutes and 34 seconds finding it by clicking here.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

For Heaven's Sake

"You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." --1 Corinthians 6:20

Read: 1 Corinthians 6

C.S. Lewis once said, "Aim at Heaven, and you get earth thrown in. Aim at earth, and you get neither." Since we know God looks at the heart, what does that mean in terms of our physical health? Truth is, somewhere between vanity and gluttony lies abundant living. And ironically, the mirror exposes that dual reality; that our reflection doesn't matter for Heaven, but our precious care for it can point others there. Our balanced approach to physical fitness can be an indicator to others of not only our gratitude, but also of how serious we take God's commands.

So, whether you're too focused on what the mirror reveals, or you haven't given it enough thought, it's time to pursue abundant health.

For Heaven's sake, it's time.

--Jimmy Peña


>> PRICELESS: Take joy in working on something that the Lord gave you...

>> TO THE PRAYFIT FAITHFUL: Building a fitter, more faithful nation, one share at a time

>> A SEA OF OBSTACLES: No matter how you got to the water's edge, it is crossable

>> DAD IN THE STANDS: a perfect average isn’t possible, but He’s with us for every at-bat so let's make each day we swing count?


>> WORKOUT: Looking for a new challenge? Try this weight-based DVD from the PrayFit team

>> SHARING: Tools to get your friends and family healthier and stronger

>> HEALTH NEWS: How much weight do you have to lose to improve your blood sugar control?

>> COMMITMENT: How small changes can add up to big results

SPEAKING ENGAGEMENTS: Health as a means of praise. Do you think your church could benefit from this message? Write us today to find out how to bring PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena to your next Sunday service!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


October 13, 2011 Friends, PrayFit reached another milestone. What started as a daily blog being sent to a handful of friends, now reaches over 5,000 like-minded people every morning (over 5,500 to be more precise). And we can say with the utmost certainty, it's an honor we take seriously. Steeped in prayer, and surrounded by walls of perspective, our fitness devotions are meant solely to help all of us heighten our regard for health, and our ability to maintain it, as a means of praise. Many of you participate in various kinds of fitness activities, share meal plans and philosophies, all while giving Jesus the glory. By doing so, you energize the PrayFit philosophy: healthy in body, strong in spirit.

It's our sincere hope that you continue to read and share our site with loved ones. But most importantly, continue to pray for PrayFit. When we write our entries, you're on our minds and in our prayers. Thank you in advance for doing the same for us.

You know, when C.S. Lewis said, "You don't have souls, you are souls. You have bodies," little did he know he was weaving the very fabric of our purpose. Someday, I'll thank him for it. And today, let that be our mantra. In how we work, move, eat and play, let's take care of the body that carries the soul.

In Jesus' name , we train.

Team PrayFit

>> SIGN UP: Join the 5,500-plus who have already committed to receiving the PrayFit Daily by clicking here.

>> SHARE: Help us get others on board with this whole “faith and fitness” thing. Use the “Recommend,” “Tweet,” “E-Mail” and “Share” buttons at the top of each day’s entry to get your social network in the know about PrayFit. Also, you can “like” us, “follow” us or “watch” us by clicking the Facebook and Twitter icons at the bottom of each page.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


September 6, 2011Read: 1 Corinthians 6

" were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your bodies." --1 Corinthians 6:20

C.S. Lewis once said, "Aim at Heaven, and you get earth thrown in. Aim at earth, and you get neither." This week, our focus is our focus. Since we know God looks at the heart, what does that mean in terms of our physical health? Truth is, somewhere between vanity and gluttony lies abundant living. And ironically, the mirror exposes that dual reality; that our reflection doesn't matter for Heaven, but it can point to it. Our balanced approach to physical fitness can be an indicator to others of not only our gratitude, but also of how serious we take God's commands.

So, whether you're too focused on what the mirror reveals, or you haven't given it enough thought, it's time to pursue abundant health. For Heaven's sake, it's time.


Do you need prayer for physical needs? Let us know in the comments section below so we, and the PrayFit community, can lift you up.

>> WELCOME BACK: How did you do eating- and exercise-wise over the long weekend? Need a workout to get you back on track? Visit our fitness page to get plenty of workouts, exercise tips, descriptions and more to head into your week supercharged.

>> EATING, BUT BETTER: Looking for a few ways to start eating better without depriving yourself? Click here for eight simple strategies.

>> READ: To order PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days, click here.

>> WEAR: To set yourself or a friend up with some cool PrayFit gear, click here.

>> PRAY: To pray with other members of the PrayFit community, click here.

Please also be sure to use our social networking features — Recommend, Tweet, Share and E-Mail — at the top of each page if you see something you like or want to share with others.


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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


June 30, 2011 Yesterday, Prayfit reached a milestone. What started as a daily blog being sent to a handful of friends, now reaches over 3,000 like-minded people every morning. And we can say with the utmost certainty, it's an honor we take seriously. Steeped in prayer, and surrounded by walls of perspective, our fitness devotions are meant solely to help all of us heighten our regard for health as a means of praise. Many of you participate in various kinds of fitness activities, share meal plans and philosophies, all while giving Jesus the glory. By doing so, you energize the Prayfit philosophy: healthy in body, strong in spirit.

It's our sincere hope that you continue to read and share our site with loved ones. But most importantly, continue to pray for PrayFit. When we write our entries, you're on our minds and in our prayers. Thank you in advance for doing the same for us.

You know, when C.S. Lewis said, "You don't have souls, you are souls. You have bodies," little did he know he was weaving the very fabric of our purpose. Today, let that be our mantra. In how we work, move, eat and play, let's take care of the body that carries the soul.

In Jesus' name , we train.

Team PrayFit

>> MEET THE FOUNDER: Get a welcome message from PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena and learn five ways you can get started on a healthier lifestyle today!

>> SHARE: Help us get others on board with this whole “faith and fitness” thing. Use the “Recommend,” “Tweet,” “E-Mail” and “Share” buttons at the top of each day’s entry to get your social network in the know about PrayFit. Also, you can “like” us, “follow” us or “watch” us by clicking the FacebookTwitterand YouTube icons at the bottom of each page.

>> EXERCISE CENTRAL: Learn how to correctly perform many of the core exercises we use in our weekly workouts by clicking here.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


April 15, 2011 "I believe in Christianity as I believe the sun has risen; not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else."

--C.S Lewis

PRAYFIT: WEEK IN REVIEW Absorb a week's worth of healthy living tips in just three clicks

>> WORKOUT: A 10-minute solution for lagging legs, triceps and abs

>> NEWS: What does it mean, exactly, to be "Army Strong?"

>> RECIPE: Looking for a no-guilt way to enjoy banana bread? Check Dana Angelo White's recipe.

TRIVIA ANSWERS from yesterday's trivia question... 1. The safest time to eat a cheat meal is actually right after a blistering workout. You are more likely to utilize the cheat meal for fuel and not store it as bodyfat right after a training session. The second best time for such a meal is first thing in the morning after an overnight fast.

2. The wide-grip seated row is a fantastic back exercises, and because of the wide grip which forces your elbows to raise  and arms to become parallel with the floor, it is an excellent way to target the upper lats, rhomboids and middle traps.

So, Phil...congratulations. You are this week's trivia winner. Let us know where to send your PrayFit gear by emailing us at

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


February 22, 2011

Quote of the Week: "Aim at heaven, and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth, and you get neither."- C.S Lewis

WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Lunge for Better Legs

Walking is a fantastic exercise that can provide a strong base of cardiovascular fitness, particularly when you push yourself to walk faster and farther each time. But those who can do more should in order to achieve higher levels of fitness and to force the body to continue changing. So this week, we're adding a tougher twist to your normally casual stroll through the neighborhood.

Lunge walking is a great activity that puts a huge demand on all the major muscle groups in your legs, especially two areas that women prefer to target -- butt and thighs. To do a walking lunge properly, you simply take a longer-than-normal stride, then lower yourself by bending at both knees until your back knee almost touches the ground. Then, power yourself up and take another long stride and repeat. When you take that forward step, make sure not to allow your front knee to travel over or past your toes – if they do, you are putting your knee under too much stress.  You can prevent that by simply taking longer steps.

Lunge This Way

Take today's workout outdoors, if possible. If you can't simply apply these principles to the traditional lunge.

Traditional Lunge | VIDEO

After about five minutes of walking at a brisk pace, take 25 lunge steps with each leg, then walk at a brisk pace for 1-2 minutes. After that walk, repeat the process and take 25 more lunge steps. Repeat this 2-3 times total on your walk today.

If you have knee or hip problems, don’t worry about taking deep lunges – simply lower your body as far as is comfortable. You’ll still get the benefits of a more advanced workout today.

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