Since 2009
Great Pretenders
"His master replied, 'Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful with a few things; I will put you in charge of many things. Come and share your master's happiness.'" --Matthew 25:21
This last week marked the end of "awards season" here in Los Angeles, including the Golden Globes, the SAGs, People's Choice and of course the Oscars. Many of these special shows have their own version of a Lifetime Achievement Award, where a peer is recognized and celebrated for just what the title suggests -- a lifelong body of work and the ultimate achievement in show business. What's interesting is that this person is someone who has dedicated their lives to either pretending to be someone he or she isn't or helping others do the same. Great pretenders.
And when they make their way to the stage, they're greeted with a long embrace from a worthy peer and a standing ovation which seems to last forever. And while there are usually dozens of roles they've played, there's usually one for which they're most remembered.
As believers, we don't earn our reward, we follow Him. Fact is, if someone were to roll tape of our greatest hits and most celebrated performances, they'd all have one main character: Jesus. There's nothing good in us, but Him. And if we act as if there is, we're not only pretending for others but we're fooling ourselves. And make no mistake, when our life is through and He welcomes us home with a lifetime achievement embrace, there will be applause that lasts forever...from us.
--Jimmy Peña
TRUTH: When it comes to our lives as believers, we don't want to pretend. Authentic Christianity is one of our utmost objectives, amen? Sharing Christ, living abundantly, modestly and humbly, working to spread the Gospel each day. Let's have a good week. Be blessed.
If you're looking for additional inspiration, you can listen to PrayFit founder Jimmy Peña reading through an exclusive selection of devotionals right here on the site. So if you have a few additional moments, click here, open your ears and your heart and give a listen. Or, click below for one of our faves.
Marching Orders
Ready. Set...
"But I will sing of your strength, in the morning I will sing of your love; for you are my fortress, my refuge in times of trouble." --Psalm 59:16
Read: Psalm 59 In honor of Boston, the London Marathon demonstrated the most appropriate gesture on Sunday. Did you see it? Tens of thousands of runners lined the streets. Shoes laced, bibs pinned, gear on. Then, at the sound of the whistle, they didn't move. Though eager to tackle the course, they stood still. Pausing, they offered 30 seconds of silent prayer in honor of those whose lives were lost and for a city in pain. The most important 30 seconds of the race came before they took one step.
That picture is what we encourage you to do each day before you begin yours. We know you're eager to tackle the course but first spend a few moments talking to the Lord, reading His word, seeking His will, laying down burdens, and lifting up friends and family -- just be with Him. We believe it's the most important time of the day.
You know, countless runners wore shirts, hats or banners revealing they were running for the people of Boston. First they prayed for them, then they ran for them. The most appropriate gesture.
--Jimmy Peña
FALSE START Did you hear about that one runner who ignored the honor and just started running? Wanting to get a head start, he dashed. His actions said, "I'm running for myself. I'll rely on my own ability. My tenacity is enough. Maybe I'll pause later." (Ok, maybe that didn't really happen). But I actually saw his face in my mirror this morning. Maybe you saw him in yours. Did you start your day without a quiet time? If so, you can begin again. False starts don't disqualify us from the race. Ready, set...
While weight loss is a popular theme here at PrayFit and other fitness websites, there is a population on the other end of the scale that needs help achieving a healthy weight. Those who are underweight are subject to a different set of problems including suppressed immunity, athletic performance deficiency and osteoporosis. In women, it can be an even greater concern since being underweight can result in the absence of menstruation, infertility or complications during pregnancy. In fact, mortality rates in underweight individuals is similar to that seen in morbidly obese populations. PrayFit contributing nutritionist, Christie Menna, MS, RD, says that there are a few easy strategies for those who struggle to gain weight or maintain a healthy weight.
Falls and Fathers
"Was my arm too short to deliver you? Do I lack the strength to rescue you? By a mere rebuke I dry up the sea, I turn rivers into a desert." --Isaiah 50:2
Read: Isaiah 50
Nastia Liukin, the champion in the women's all-around of the 2008 Olympic Games, fell out of contention -- literally -- for a spot on this summer's gymnastics team on Sunday night. Her face plant from the uneven bars provided an unceremonious end to an otherwise brilliant career at this weekend's U.S. Olympic Trials. But the unsettling thud of her body hitting the canvas was perhaps most disconcerting to the one closest to her. Her father.
Valeri Liukin has trained and spotted his daughter for years and during her routine on the bars, he was uniquely positioned on the mat to come to her aid. When she missed the bar and landed on her chest, Valeri's fatherly inclination was surely to scoop his daughter up in his arms, hold her tight and let her cry as another shot at Olympic glory dissipated in a cloud of chalk. Instead, he did the unexpected -- he did nothing. After a brief pause, Nastia stood on her own and with her body battered and fighting back tears, she continued her routine to a dazzling finish.
Our Father spots us through every event of our lives. And when we fall, He is always right there, one divine arm's length away, ready to gather us up in His embrace. But He doesn't get so close because He fears He might miss us. He gets so close so that we won't miss Him. Even when we hit the canvas, He's caught us.
--Eric Velazquez
BREAKING NEWS: PrayFit founder Jimmy Peña has been named as the first member of the advisory board for The Daniel Plan, Pastor Rick Warren’s worldwide faith-and-fitness initiative that helped 15,000 members in 190 countries lose over 260,000 pounds in 2011 alone. For more on Jimmy's exciting partnership with Saddleback Church, click here. CEREAL SOLUTIONS What to look for in your breakfast bowl
We all love a good bowl of cereal, whether it's for breakfast or a late-night comfort snack. But not all cereals are created equal. PrayFit VP Eric Velazquez grew up with what he calls an "undiagnosed addiction to Cap'n Crunch," but is now wise to what makes a good, healthy cereal (hint: it's not a prize at the bottom of the box).
PrayFit contributing nutritionist Christie Menna, MS, RD, offers these following label readings to look for when selecting your next box of cereal to augment your healthy lifestyle.
>> 150-200 calories per serving (usually a serving is 1 cup) >> Less than 6 grams of sugar per serving >> At least 5 grams of fiber per serving >> Look for cereals made with whole grains and that contain less than 1.5g saturated fat
Christie's Top Picks: Kashi Go Lean®, Multi-Grain Cheerios®, Kashi Sunshine®, Shredded Wheat®, Honey Bunches of Oats®, Bran Flakes®, Wheaties®
Christie Menna, MS, RD, is a consumer safety officer with the Food and Drug Administration and personal nutrition coach based in Long Island, New York. For more on Christie, visit her at www.activeeatingnutrition.com.
September 14, 2011 Read: John 14
“Anyone who has seen me has seen the Father.” --John 14:9
When God the creator put the finishing touches on our unique souls, He knew. He knew we'd scrape our shins, disobey parents and upset friends. He knew our kids would reject us, enemies would haunt us and our memory would fail us; and all before losing life's final war with pain. He knew, but that didn't stop Him.
He proceeded to count hairs on heads then fingers and toes. He added color to eyes, dimples on chins and swivels to hips. Why didn't He stop? He knew that what life rejects, Christ accepts. Someday, you and I will see what became of us the day we believed...what the Maker knew.
July 27, 2011 Read: Matthew 19
"Jesus looked at them and said, "With man, this is impossible. with God, all things are possible." --Matthew 19:26
Yesterday, Eric and I were blessed to begin shooting a series of DVDs with Lionsgate Entertainment. To say we're humbled would be like saying that Mozart wrote music or that Monet dabbled in art. We'd both like to thank the community of PrayFit for your prayers and support, because today was not only for you, but it wouldn't be possible without you. Soon, countless more will be able to hear and "see" our fitness devotionals as a vehicle for abundant health.
Cool moment: When Eric and I were sharing how surreal the moment was to the make-up artist, she replied very matter-of-factly, "Oh, God's in control...even in Hollywood." Booyah. She was right. There's no reason to feel surreal in moments only He could have mastered. After all, one of the best ways for God to show us He's in control is to let us have it. And if our hands are full, surreal should be the least of our concerns.
Lord, may we be empty-handed in all we do. You're in control, and you get the praise. Help us be obedient in our walk, both physically and spiritually and leave the consequences to you.
While weight loss is a popular theme here at PrayFit and other fitness websites, there is a population on the other end of the scale that needs help achieving a healthy weight. Those who are underweight are subject to a different set of problems including suppressed immunity, athletic performance deficiency and osteoporosis. In women, it can be an even greater concern since being underweight can result in the absence of menstruation, infertility or complications during pregnancy. In fact, mortality rates in underweight individuals is similar to that seen in morbidly obese populations.
PrayFit contributing nutritionist, Christie Menna, MS, RD, says that there are a few easy strategies for those who struggle to gain weight or maintain a healthy weight.
"One thing about weight gain is you really have to be mindful about making eating a priority," says Menna. "I find often people think they are eating much more than they actually are when trying to gain weight. With that being said, it might be a good idea to keep a food log for a couple of weeks. You want to try to eat every 3-4 hours to allow for adequate calorie consumption without having to overdo it at any one meal. "
Menna adds that documenting your daily eating habits makes it easier to make minor, gradual adjustments rather than going on a hardcore, high-calorie weight-gain plan.
Here are three more tips for adding healthy weight:
1 EAT MORE PROTEIN: Strive to consume more protein each day. If you are very active, you can aim for 0.75-1.0 grams of protein per pound of bodyweight per day, getting at least 20 grams upon waking and post-workout.
2 REST MORE: If you burn calories quickly, take more time between workouts to allow for greater recuperation. During rest periods, focus on getting enough food and sleep to fuel muscle recovery.
3 LIFT HEAVY: Using heavy weight triggers a greater release of your natural growth hormone (GH) and increases protein synthesis, or uptake, which makes you more efficient and building and repairing muscle.
UNDERWEIGHT: If you have a body mass index (BMI) of 18.5 or less, you are considered to be underweight. To determine your BMI, click here.
Christie Menna, MS, RD, is a consumer safety officer with the Food and Drug Administration and personal nutrition coach based in Long Island, New York. For more on Christie, visit her at www.activeeatingnutrition.com.