Since 2009
I Wanna See You Be Brave
Sure do hope you've had a good first week back and an excellent fresh beginning to 2014. Monday we reminded each other that a new year is only new when we allow God to turn yesterday's shadows into shade. Tuesday we took that very heart and realized that while we often hail from rock bottom, grace says we can begin again. And of course on Wednesday, we all took inventory of the #oneword that captures what God is pressing into our lives for the year.
Speaking of, yesterday Loretta introduced me to a neat song called "Brave." I'd heard it on various commercials, but never really listened to the words. It actually reminds me that as a little boy, whenever I was attempting something physical outside, I'd say, "Dad, watch! Daddy, watch me!" And whatever it was I was trying, knowing he was looking gave me that little something extra. And of course, he genuinely watched, knowing his attention meant the world to me and say, "Good, my boy!"
Frankly, the idea that our little lives are being watched by a great and mighty God is too massive of a concept for my puny mind to comprehend. But when I imagine Him believing in me, encouraging my every situation, it's too critical of a truth for my little heart to ignore. Here are some of the words of "Brave" that feel like daggers as they go from my ears to the center of my heart and hopefully to yours:
Say what you want to say. Let the words fall out. Honestly, I want to see you be brave. Say what you want to say. Let the words fall out. Let your words be anything but empty. Why don't you tell them the truth? I want to see you be brave.
Truth is, He's the only thing brave in us. That's right. On our own we're nothing. We're scared. And what's more, He's the most important thing to be brave about! If you and I disagree with that, it only means the truth is invading our pride. But when we act, speak, witness, and work because He's watching, we show the world how big our brave is. Watch me, Abba. Watch me, Daddy. I'll be brave.
–Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: What are some of the ways He's called you to be brave? Be more mindful of the foods you eat? Take that walk with your spouse? Spend more time alone in Bible study? Be less prideful? Witness to strangers? Give without credit? All of the above? (This is me with my hand up.) What about you? Let your words be anything but empty.
P.S. Thank you everyone for all of the PrayFit birthday wishes yesterday. Means the world to us. More than you know.