Since 2009
November 4, 2011Read: Ephesians 1
"I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened." --Ephesians 1:18
As I prayed and waited to board my plane en route to the New York City Marathon yesterday, a scene from one of my all-time favorite shows, Friday Night Lights, came to mind. Before the big game, coach asked his young quarterback if his eyes were closed when he threw last week's touchdown pass. The kid's response: "No sir. My eyes were open. My eyes were wide open."
Well, I suppose that scene came to mind because that was my simple prayer -- that the Lord would open the eyes of my heart this weekend in New York. As a writer, not a runner, I know my purpose at the marathon isn't necessarily to have a fast start or even a strong finish, but rather to listen from start to finish. Indeed, after 26.2 miles, I want to be more focused on my walk than my run. May that be your prayer too. Whatever race lies before you today at work, school, or home, let's just try to see Him. All we want to do is see Him.
P.S. When they announced my flight, I turned and who was standing next to me? Pastor Rick Warren, author of The Purpose Driven Life. We chatted a few minutes, he asked about PrayFit, and I praised what he's doing at Saddleback Church in the area of health. Thank you, Lord. My eyes are open. My eyes are wide open.
PRAYFIT WEEK IN REVIEW Time to cherry-pick from a week's worth of faith and fitness
>> PURPOSE OVER PROCESS: Know the destination, savor the journey
>> ELLA'S GRIN: The Lord watches over us, pausing on moments too good to pass up
>> REASON FOR THE CALL: We represent Him in how we live, speak and move
>> ROAD WARRIOR: Because He traveled, we will get home
>> 3 MILES: How did you fare in this week's fitness challenge?
>> KID ACTIVITY: How much is enough?
>> DEPRESSION: Beat the blues with a few minutes of exercise
>> MARATHON FUN FACT: How close was the closest finish at the NYC Marathon?
PRAYER REQUEST: PrayFit Nation, we ask that you join us in praying for founder Jimmy Pena as he tackles the course at this weekend's New York City Marathon. Please pray that he is kept safe from injury and that with each footfall, he strides with his eyes (and heart) wide open. We're so proud of you for undertaking such a feat, brother!
--Team PrayFit