Since 2009
His Name Is John
"How can I be sure this will happen? I am an old man, and my wife is well advanced in years." --Luke 1:18
Read: Luke 1
Not his best moment. If you read today's chapter, you know that Zacharias has just been given really great news; news of eternal significance. He's been told that Elizabeth will bear him a son. And his son will go before the Lord with the spirit and power of Elijah no doubt. He'll be the frontrunner! And not only that, the courier of this miracle message wasn't a neighbor. It wasn't a trusted uncle or even the High Priest. No, Zacharias heard this first-hand from -- wait for it -- none other than Angel Gabriel himself.
Now, all things being equal, you'd think it would prompt Zacharias to simply rejoice, trust and obey. But as you read in today's verse, Zacharias chose to respond like you and I often do.
Who me? I'm not qualified for that job, have you seen my resume? Who me? A missionary? Have you read my laundry list of weaknesses? Who me? Regain my health after years of negligence? What good can this body accomplish?
There's no telling how effective we would be for the Lord if we trusted the things God lays on our hearts. You know, the little faith of Zacharias spoke volumes, so Gabriel made him mute. Months later, on the very day of his son's birth, those standing around Elizabeth objected to his given name. But Zacharias -- still mute -- boldly wrote on his tablet: HIS NAME IS JOHN.
In that instant, the Bible says he got his voice back.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: When you and I let fear and doubt cloud our hearts and minds, we too become mute. Isn't it interesting that Zacharias was only allowed to speak after he changed his heart and trusted? What has God put on your heart that you need courage for? What roadblocks and barriers are rearing their heads? What is your God-given plan? Let's clear our throats and speak.
TRAVEL UPDATE: Speaking of getting voices back, today I head to Florida. I'll be speaking tomorrow night at First Baptist Church in Bartow! So very grateful to be invited to this wonderful church and venue. Please pray for me as I prepare to share my heart with the nice people of Bartow. We'll be back to entries on Monday, September 23rd. Be blessed everyone.
>> JIMMY ON THE MIC: Thousands across the country have had the opportunity to hear Jimmy deliver his message in person, with a great many of them telling us -- and others -- how they were impacted. This message, by the author of the blog She Does Justice, is a great example of what folks are taking away from these events. To find out how you can bring Jimmy to your next event, e-mail us for more info! Click the video below for a sneak preview of what you can expect!