Since 2009
And the Grammy Goes "Too"
"We left the Grammys early. I've many thoughts about the show tonight, most of which are probably better left inside my head. But I'll say this: I've never been more honored to sing about Jesus and for Jesus. And I've never been more sure of the path I've chosen." --Natalie Grant on leaving the Grammys early My wife and I didn't watch the Grammys but I was asked about them on Monday. Thankfully, I had no reply. And I don't plan on spending time discussing the things that happened on stage that night. But with that said, let the uproar from the Christian community about the Grammys be a lightning rod for the Christian in the fitness industry.
Now, I realize that if hard work is paired with modesty and humility rather than pride and narcissism, the industry would crumble. But then again, honoring God with our health has absolutely nothing to do with what the fitness industry says. And I realize I could do more teaching in the area of fitness via protocols, techniques, schemes, intensity techniques, and so on. But after all my years, degrees and book projects, I am more sure than ever that grace is the most important reason to be as healthy as God wants us to be. It's the greatest motivator, perspective-giver, heart-pumping, blood-flowing, mind-blowing catalyst the world has ever known. We'll remove grace from the fabric of "fitness" when a cat swims the Atlantic. And I'll stop talking about grace as it relates to our health when grace ceases to be the only reason we have it.
I'll stop talking about grace as it relates to our health when grace ceases to be the only reason we have it.
Truthfully, I'm not suggesting we need blinders. We need a shield. We don't need Christians blending in with the rest of the crowd. We need a perplexed world noticing and simultaneously wondering what makes the Christian so different in whatever the sport or activity and then given the answer with love. In Monday's post, I wrote that "God runs this body." Friends, that declaration creates for us a wonderful, amazing, divine dilemma. It compels us to be the hardest workers in the pool, on the track, in the studio and in the gym. And while it demands that Olympic-style dedication, it cloaks us in character, harnesses us to humility and grounds us to grace. What a powerful place to be.
That's where we'll find Paul, disciplining himself like an athlete to turn hearts, not heads. That's where we find a battered and beaten Job, proclaiming -- unlike the world boasts -- that health is surely given. And it's where we find the Proverbs woman -- strong arms from her work but too invested in value to show them off in vain. What a powerful, divine dilemma. We only practice what's in our hearts. I think that's why Natalie Grant did what she did and said what she said following her Grammy experience. May we all have her kind of heart when we stand up and walk out.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: In what ways can we share Christ in love to those in our respective sports? How can we show the world that we love it and still not be "in" it? Do you make it a practice to share Jesus with those you train with? Do they know you're a Christian? Share any thoughts with those who may need your encouragement and wisdom.
It's going around here. What about where you are? The flu has a firm foothold across many parts of the country and amid the aches and pains, the coughs and sleepless nights, one thing that gets lost is your focus on healthy, body-fortifying food. This recipe, from our contributor and friend Kimberly Fuller, provides a tasty recipe packed with protein and vitamins to get you back on your feet. Who says comfort food has to be bad for you?