Since 2009
He's My Brother
"Then I sent Moses and Aaron..." --Joshua 24:5
Read: Joshua 24
A great friend and mogul said to me yesterday, "I believe God puts people in your life to help show you where you're going." His statement couldn't have been more true about the day nearly seven years ago when I met then writer extraordinaire and future PrayFit VP Eric Velazquez. Little did I know that when I shook Eric's hand in the offices of Muscle & Fitness Magazine, God was showing me where I was going.
In the context of PrayFit, if I could humbly assign Eric a biblical counterpart, it would probably be Aaron. If you're thinking, "Aaron! Yes, of course! Aaron...wait...who's Aaron?" well, that helps my point. Aaron was Moses' brother. Often overlooked, but when Moses was in need, God sent Aaron. Moses stuttered, so God delivered. Aaron 'spoke well' and they became a team.
So please allow me to use the comparison to publicly acknowledge Eric and his selfless, often invisible, critical and fantastic work he does day in and out. If it weren't for Eric, there would be no daily message. If he's not writing amazing articles for the biggest fitness magazines in the country, or inspiring people to grow closer to the Lord and healthier in the process, he's smoothing out my stutter. He's my brother, and we're a team.
If you've been following PrayFit for any length of time, please help me in publicly thanking Eric for who he is and what he means to us all.
--Jimmy Peña
HEALTH FACTS, BY THE NUMBERS The AHA's most recent report on obesity and its ties to heart disease
149,300,000 - Number of U.S. adults (age 20 and older) that are overweight or obese
33.7 - Percentage of U.S. adults (age 20 and older) that are obese
23,600,000 - Number of U.S. children (age 2 to 19) that are overweight or obese
16.9 - Percentage of U.S. children (age 2 to 19) that are obese
33 - Percentage of U.S. adults that report doing no aerobic leisure-time activity
71 - Percentage of U.S. adults with cardiovascular disease that were overweight or obese
1 in 3- Deaths attributable to cardiovascular disease in the U.S.
Source: American Heart Association Statistical Update on Heart Disease and Strokes (2012)
July 15, 2011Read: Joshua 24
"Then I sent Moses and Aaron..." --Joshua 24:5
This week, Prayfit VP Eric Velazquez has been out on assignment. The assignment? Vacation with family. Time away from being the glue for everything we do at PrayFit. If I could humbly assign Eric a biblical counterpart, it would probably be Aaron. If you're thinking, "Aaron! Of course! Aaron...who's Aaron?" Well, that helps my point.
Aaron was Moses' brother. Often overlooked, but when Moses was in need, God sent Aaron. Moses stuttered, so God delivered. Aaron 'spoke well' and they became a team.
So please allow me to use the comparison to publicly acknowledge Eric and his selfless, invisible, critical and fantastic work he does day in and out. If it weren't for Eric, there would be no message. If he's not writing amazing entries and inspiring people to grow closer to the Lord and healthier in the process, he's smoothing my stutter. He's my brother, and we're a team.
WEEK IN REVIEW Your weekly, one-stop shop for healthy living tips
>> HOW TO: Learn the basics of effective journaling for faster, more noticeable results
>> CHALLENGE: Are you up for making one small change each night in a single week?
>> DISCUSSION: How important is it to care for the bodies that He so carefully built?
>> STRATEGY: 6 ways to get more out of meals without expanding your waistline
HEARD: “Peace Officers for Christ, International is committed to improving the mental, physical and spiritual health of police officers everywhere. PrayFit helps us do just that. If the police are to serve honorably we must be able to withstand spiritual attack every bit as much as physical assaults. This is more than a ‘pump you up’ book. It certainly does that but more importantly, it will pump up your spiritual fitness level as well. I look forward to sharing it with my colleagues across America and the world. But whatever your calling, this book is for you.”
–Rick Hicks, Chief of Police (retired) and Board Member, Peace Officers for Christ, International