Since 2009
Monday Measures
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever."--Hebrews 13:8
Read: Hebrews 13
There's a great scene in the classic movie Hoosiers where the aging coach, portrayed by Gene Hackman, leads his young team onto an empty court hours before the state championship. The intimidating arena was something the young team from Hickory had never dreamed of, let alone seen.
As the team's collective jaw dropped at the enormity of the venue, Coach quietly took out a tape measure to determine the distance from the basket down to the floor. With the team huddled around him, Coach revealed that the measurements matched those of their humble court back home, and the kids quickly realized the lesson: No matter how daunting or unexpected the surroundings, the standards of the game remain the same.
As we wake up the dawn of Monday, let's measure it. When we evaluate our life and health against God's word, we're guided -- some toward better habits of stewardship and others toward less self-admiration. Dr. Charles Stanley says, "One of Satan's strategies is to get our minds so occupied with peripheral concerns that we compromise our reliance upon Christ." You know, some fitness-minded believers are so caught up in how they look that they never see the battlefield. And some believers have neglected their health so much that they can't reach it.
Well, it's Monday -- a perfect chance to measure out the day against life's only true standard. When we do, our collective jaw will drop because none of us measures up. God is too good, too big, and too incredible for us to either sit idle or to be full of ourselves. Let's determine today that we will play the game of life with absolute abundance and radical humility.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: What changes will you make this week to bring your life and health into alignment with God's word?
NUTRITION TIP: The Cost of Calories At PrayFit, while we like to focus on the quality of the calories you take in, there is still value in monitoring the quantity. Contributing nutritionist Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, explains the high cost of some dietary indulgences that may be appearing too frequently in your diet and the dangers of not ramping up your activity levels to match.
October 18, 2011Read: Hebrews 13
"So we say with confidence, 'The Lord is my helper; I will not be afraid. What can man do to me?'" --Hebrews 13:6
"On a scale of 1-10, it's probably a 9 (in difficulty)" said Bob Connor, the owner of a Massachusetts corn maze. Last week, his farm became the center of national attention when a couple and their newborn couldn't find their way out as darkness fell. The emergency 911 call recorded their fear, and when it came to pass, it was learned that the trio was only 25 feet from the exit when help arrived.
Sounds simple enough, and the farmer's 15 minutes of fame have come and gone, but the story stuck with me this weekend. When it comes to health, the day's maze gets tough to navigate when darkness falls. If we're not careful, we can easily get lost amid the tall statistics. Before you know it, we're turned around and confused while sickness and disease become real scarecrows in the cornfield of life.
So friends, if you're struggling, take courage. Whatever labyrinth you find yourself in, God is neither bewildered or astonished. He's never slept and knows the way. Although the enemy wants to puzzle you, God simultaneously has your hand and an aerial view. So, don't panic. Mercy is on the way. We're either almost out, or He's almost back. You're lost only in a maze of grace.
According to NBC News, a new survey from Gallup indicates... >> Only 1 in 7 American workers are at a normal weight without a chronic health issue; >> 86% of American workers are above normal weight or have chronic health issues; >> Health problems can be linked to 450 million missed work days; >> Abnormal weight costs the economy 153 billion in lost productivity.
How have weight-related issues affected your business, your productivity or the work of a colleague? Please leave your experiences in the comments section below.
June 13, 2011Read: Hebrews 13
"Jesus Christ is the same yesterday, today and forever." --Hebrews 13:8
There's a great scene in the classic movie, Hoosiers, where the aging coach (Gene Hackman) leads his young team onto an empty court hours before the state championship. The intimidating arena was something the young team from Hickory had never dreamed of, let alone seen.
As the team's collective jaw dropped at the enormity of the venue, Coach quietly took out a tape measure to determine the distance from the basket down to the floor. With the team huddled around him, Coach revealed that the measurements matched those of their humble court back home, and the kids quickly realized the lesson: No matter how daunting or unexpected the surroundings, the standards of the game remain the same.
Aren't we glad that no matter how much the world changes around us, God's word, the standard, never does.
Looking for a simple, effective, at-home cardio workout to help shed some unwanted weight? This week's 10-min blast is all about intense cardio. Take a 1-minute jog followed by a 1-minute sprint, then walk for one minute. Repeat that cycle as many times as possible, but no less than three cycles. Research shows that by doing interval cardio, you'll burn more fat, more calories and you'll actually save more muscle. In other words, the interval style cardio helps preserve muscle tone. As a rule, the higher the intensity of your workouts, the better/faster the results.
"High-intensity training can also significantly enhance your cardiovascular health and help prolong your lifespan," says Jim Stoppani, PhD, co-author of "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days."