Since 2009
A Captive Audience
"They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings as eagles." --Isaiah 40:31
Read: Isaiah 40
A couple of years ago, we reported that the Orange County Zoo had a special guest come to visit. Well...he's back. Every day, a wild bald eagle has been seen perched on a tree overlooking the zoo's eagle exhibit. And each time he draws near the enclosure, he can be heard vocalizing with the birds below. Imagine, a majestic bald eagle, free and able to go anywhere in the world, is most content near the captive. Why? Simple. He's in love. Experts say the wild eagle has an infatuation with a female eagle inside the enclosure and, even though the two will likely never meet, he never leaves her side.
Makes me think...In all His majesty and freedom, nothing captures God's attention like you and me. He shows up in our days, loves to talk with us, and He never leaves our sides. Why? Simple. He's in love. The object of His affection? Us. And like it says in Isaiah, although at times we feel trapped, He's with us everyday. And if we wait on Him, we'll do just like that eagle...and fly.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: In what areas are you waiting on the Lord? You're praying diligently, perhaps for the job to come through, the house to sell, the prognosis to improve? What can we help you pray for?
HEALTH, ON THE SIDE Side dishes are supposed to be an accompaniment, but many favorites can jam in more calories than you want for an entire meal. Lighten up your plate with these healthy (but still delicious) substitutions.
Instead of: French fries Choose: Oven-baked fries The Payoff: At least 30 percent less fat
Instead of: Mac and Cheese Choose: Rice Pilaf or 5-Ingredient Cheesy Rice The Payoff: A healthy reduction in fat, cholesterol and calories.
(If it’s mac and cheese or bust, try our tips for lightening up your favorite recipe.)
Instead of: Mashed potatoes Choose: A baked sweet potato or sweet potato oven fries The Payoff: Half the calories and piles of vitamin A
Instead of: Butter-drenched vegetables Choose: Roasted seasonal veggies The Payoff: Big flavor for a fraction of the fat and calories
Instead of: Creamy salad dressing Choose: Vinaigrette The Payoff: Healthier fats and 40 calories less per tablespoon
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.
Nearly 10,000 people have chosen to receive the PrayFit Daily in their inboxes each morning. If you haven't signed up for this free service already, simply go to our homepage and look for the box pictured here. Click, type, send -- it could be the most rewarding 30 seconds you spend on the computer this morning! And if you want to help us go viral with this sign-up drive, you can do so by sending friends this link:
SUBSCRIBE: http://bit.ly/cSd8tp
There Goes My Hero
"Lift up your eyes on high and see: who created these?" --Isaiah 40:26
Read: Isaiah 40
With the recent Avengers craze, I have to ask: What would your super power be? I know, it's kid's stuff, but somehow that question still makes it to the grown-up table. So let's pretend. Would you travel through time? Gain super strength? Or maybe my favorite -- you'd fly. C'mon, how many of us have ever wanted to swoop down and save the day?
But we can't. We can't find the car keys let alone leap tall buildings. Saving the day will just have to wait. But we should remember that while we're not caped, we are crusaders -- crusaders flanked by angels, sent to protect the only thing that will eventually fight gravity and win: our souls.
So if you're feeling grounded and restless, that's okay. This isn't home. You and I were meant for a land far, far away. All we need to do is wait for our Hero to save the day. And guess what? We'll rise up with renewed strength and fly.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: Who is your hero of the faith? Share your testimony in the comments section below.
NUTRITION TIP: A Little White Lie? By Emily Ann Miller, MPH, RD
A number of people I have counseled in nutrition are confused about the differences between brown sugar and white sugar. Some believe that brown sugar is healthier, using the logic that brown (whole grain) bread, rice, and pasta is better than the white (refined) versions of those products.
Actually, brown sugar is virtually equal to white sugar in calories and nutrient content. The only difference is that molasses has been added to brown sugar, which gives it its color and distinct taste. They key to maintaining a healthy weight is to use both types of sugar in moderation.
Emily Ann Miller, MPH, RD is a registered dietitian and works at a Washington, DC-based independent, nonprofit science organization, where her work is currently focused on environmental and policy solutions to obesity prevention. She also speaks to groups about health and nutrition and provides nutrition education to patients at a free medical clinic that serves low-income, uninsured adults in the Washington, DC area. You can view more of Emily’s nutrition tips and updates by following her on Twitter, @EmilyAMillerRD.
PRAYFIT 33: Have you committed to take the PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge? Order your DVD today to start this home-based, body-and-soul makeover, led by PrayFit founder Jimmy Peña. Then, keep up with the rest of the community, or just share your daily progress, at the PrayFit forums. "In just 33 minutes a day for 33 days, we can honor the one who gave us 33 years," Jimmy says.
February 2, 2011Read: Isaiah 40
"They that wait upon the Lord will renew their strength. They shall mount up on wings as eagles." --Isaiah 40:31
For a couple weeks now, the Orange County Zoo has had a special guest come to visit. Every day, a wild bald eagle has been seen perched on a tree overlooking the eagle exhibit. And each time he draws near the enclosure, he can be heard vocalizing with the birds below. Imagine, a majestic bald eagle, free and able to go anywhere in the world, is most content near the captive. Why? Simple. He's in love. Experts say the wild eagle has an infatuation with a female eagle inside the enclosure, even though the two will likely never meet.
Makes me think...In all His majesty and freedom, nothing captures God's attention like you and me. He shows up in our days, loves to talk with us, and He never leaves our sides. Why? Simple. He's in love. The object of His affection? Us. And like it says in Isaiah, although at times we feel trapped, if we wait on Him, we'll do just like that eagle...and fly.
HEALTH, ON THE SIDE Side dishes are supposed to be an accompaniment, but many favorites can jam in more calories than you want for an entire meal. Lighten up your plate with these healthy (but still delicious) substitutions.
Instead of: French fries Choose: Oven-baked fries The Payoff: At least 30 percent less fat
Instead of: Mac and Cheese Choose: Rice Pilaf or 5-Ingredient Cheesy Rice The Payoff: A healthy reduction in fat, cholesterol and calories.
(If it’s mac and cheese or bust, try our tips for lightening up your favorite recipe.)
Instead of: Mashed potatoes Choose: A baked sweet potato or sweet potato oven fries The Payoff: Half the calories and piles of vitamin A
Instead of: Butter-drenched vegetables Choose: Roasted seasonal veggies The Payoff: Big flavor for a fraction of the fat and calories
Instead of: Creamy salad dressing Choose: Vinaigrette The Payoff: Healthier fats and 40 calories less per tablespoon
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.
November 2, 2010Read: Isaiah 40
"He gives strength to the weary and increases the power of the weak." --Isaiah 40:29
I recently received some incredible shirts from my friend Alex who owns FUERZA, a San Diego-based clothing company. I think I've worn something with FUERZA on it every day this week. But to me, even better than the logo and the quality of clothing is their motto: "What gives you strength?" I've thought of that question for days.
Years ago, a younger and much stronger version of this balding writer would lay down on the bench or step into the squat rack like a warrior looking for a fight. With chalk flying, the belt so tight I couldn't breath, and spotters yelling all sorts of "encouragement", I'd whisper to myself these very words: "I'm saved. I'm loved. I can conquer this weight. Up and down, let's go. Let it build."
Some guys got mad when they trained, others tried to remember bad times to get motivated. But I just seemed strongest whenever I was able to blend faith with fear. That combination lit a fire inside my heart so hot that no amount of weight was too heavy for me (at least not too heavy to try).
Years later, I might not see the chalk fly anymore, but I do feel the weight of the world at times. The only thing missing is a warrior's attitude. So if I'm not whispering, "I'm saved. I'm loved, I can conquer this day", what am I thinking? When was the last time you asked yourself the same?
PRAYFIT RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Cheesy rice In need of some healthy fat and carbs? This week's recipe is just for you
Cheesy Rice Serves 6
Ingredients: 1 cup brown rice, dry 2 cups water 2 tablespoons canola oil 2 packets Latin spice mix seasoning (Goya Sazon recommended) 1 tablespoon freshly squeezed lemon juice 1 teaspoon red chili sauce (such as Sriracha Chili Sauce) ¼ teaspoon kosher salt 1 ½ cups frozen green peas ½ cup low fat shredded cheddar cheese 2 tablespoons chopped green onion 2 tablespoons chopped cilantro
Directions: In a 3-quart saucepan or dutch oven, combine rice and water. Bring to a boil, cover and reduce heat and simmer until rice is tender (about 30-35 minutes). In a small bowl combine canola oil, spice mix, lemon juice, chili sauce and salt; stir to combine and set aside. When the rice is cooked, add peas, canola oil mixture and cheese. Stir well to combine. Add green onion and cilantro, toss gently and serve.
Nutrition Info (per 2/3 cup serving): Calories: 189 Fat: 6 grams Saturated Fat: 1 gram Protein: 6 grams Carbohydrate: 27 grams Sodium: 95 milligrams Cholesterol: 2 milligrams Fiber: 2 grams
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer, and nutrition and fitness consultant for international food companies, restaurants and marketing firm. Dana is also the nutrition advisor to The Food Network.