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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

No Strings Attached

4:00pm (Yesterday). I'm polishing my shoes, straightening my tie and Loretta is making some last minute decisions on earrings. We're dressing up. And soon my beautiful bride and I will likely be the most unrecognizable pair at the party. My name is not in lights or surrounded by a star on Hollywood's Walk of Fame, so I know full well that our presence won't be because of anything I've done, but only because of who I know (and who knows me).

As we close up the week, it's been a tough one for many of us. But one single thing has helped us put one foot in front of the other: grace. (A show of hands of anyone with me.) One of my favorite new writers, Pastor Tullian Tchividjian (grandson of Billy Graham) said this week, "Grace is the gift with no strings attached." Like my presence at the party tonight, nothing I've done merits the invitation, but because the host wanted me there, my acceptance is enough. (I wonder how many entry ideas I'll get tonight.)

And oh, remember a few weeks back when I talked about my truck being a gift? Same friend. And I spent the better part of the day making sure every nook and cranny of it was immaculate. Sure, I doubt he'll see it or inspect it, but I just appreciate the gift that'll get me to the party.

--Jimmy Peña

PRAYER OF SALVATION What other party can you think of that we've been invited to? What great, grace celebration is awaiting our arrival? Accepting the invitation is the most important decision we will ever make.

If you've never asked Jesus into your heart, today could be the day you do that. Dr. Stanley often helps people accept Christ as Savior with this simple prayer. I urge you if you've never taken this step to do so right now and mean it with all your heart. And if you want us to celebrate this decision with you, let us know in the comments below!

Heavenly Father, I confess that I have sinned against you; that I am a sinner. I’m asking you to forgive me for all my sin. Not on the basis of my good works or what I will do, but what Jesus Christ has already done for me at the cross. I hear and now, receive Jesus Christ as my personal savior. And choose to live for Him the rest of my life, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

For Daily Encouragement:

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

It Was A Gift

I've never shared this story before, but Christmas seems to be the perfect time for it. A few years ago, traveling with a friend and client, I was working, writing the first PrayFit book, doing my thing. Well, one busy day he called me over and asked me to take a walk with him. I wasn't sure what he needed, so as always I simply said, "Yes sir." When we turned the corner, he stopped, put his arm around me, pointed and said, "It's yours. Enjoy."

My TruckSitting on a lawn was this beautiful truck. I couldn't believe it. I can still remember the feeling, the moment, my jaw-dropping reaction, and the look on his face when the jolt of recognition hit mine. The most undeserved and unexpected gift. What's more, it was paid in full and being shipped home for me. By the time my work on the road was done, it was waiting for me at my front door. And now that you know the story, I have one question. How much do you think I want to take care of that truck, inside and out? Truth is, to this day I don't climb up in it without thinking of it as a gift from him.

Isn't that how we should think about our bodies? The vehicles, if you will, that God gave us to get our dear souls from one stretch of this life to the next, as gifts? My genuine care and concern for my truck is simply a reflection of respect for the giver. It won't always be new. Like our bodies, it'll have wear and tear, and the miles will someday show (as they already do.) But even though it loses value each day, that truck is no less valuable to me than the day I got it. Why? Because of the one who gave it to me. It's funny, my wife will attest that while I get compliments for it all the time, I never miss a chance to smile and say, "Thank you. It was a gift." I don't tell them who it was from of course, but it just brings me joy to give him the praise, even in his absence.

Please be encouraged, dear friends. Someone asks you about training and food, show them how. Someone wonders why you don't boast or show-off, remind them where your strength comes from. And if there's ever a doubt as to the importance of honoring God with a body designed to ultimately fail, take it as a compliment, because you know why. It was gift.

–Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: Neat huh? I'm sure you could see different themes of the story; from grace and our sin debt being paid in full; the free, undeserved gift of salvation; even the thought of us someday being shipped home. (Yeah, I know. Too easy.) Amazing, but if we get this way when we give each other gifts, imagine how much the Lord enjoys watching us realize it's all from Him. Thanks for letting me share a great memory. I hope it becomes a good one for you too.

"If there's ever a doubt as to the importance of honoring God with a body designed to ultimately fail, take it as a compliment, because you know why. It was gift." –Jimmy Peña


2014 is booking up! We are so excited that more and more churches are welcoming our unchanging message; one of stewardship, of faith, of humility, of endurance. The team is actively booking April and May events! Reach out to us at [email protected] for more details. As always, for churches and other non-profit events there is never a speaking fee. Talk to your pastors and leaders. Reach out to us and let's see health as a means of praise, together.

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