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January 28, 2011Read: Hebrews 12

"No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Therefore strengthen your feeble arms and weak knees." --Hebrews 12:11-12

We thought it only appropriate to end the week with a word about one of the pioneers of fitness, Jack Lalanne. Truly, we doubt we'll say anything that hasn't already been said or written about what Jack did for the world of health and wellness. And if Jack taught us anything, it's the simple fact that you can lead a long, healthy, vibrant life through regular exercise and good food. But alas, his passing teaches us that life is not about the body.

You know, today at a traffic light, as I was thinking about Jack's life and tonight's entry, I watched a young lady in a wheelchair actually pulling the wheelchair of a blind person along the crosswalk. A timely reminder that from the strongest and fittest, to the weak and blind, we're all in dire need of a Savior.

Jack swam pulling boats. Others pull a friend's wheelchair to the next bus stop. From my vantage point, both required an equal dose of uncommon strength. Thankfully, it's God's grace that pulls us to safety.


PRAYFIT: WEEK IN REVIEW A look back at a week of healthy living tips

>> WORKOUT: Master the push-up in minutes a day

>> NUTRITION: Three eggs a day -- doctor's orders

>> OUTREACH: Interested in having Team PrayFit help you start your own fitness ministry? Write us at

>> NUTRITION: A closer look at the health-packed, unsung hero of the citrus family -- the lemon

PRAYFIT IN PRINT: Don't delay your fitness goals any longer. End your week by setting up success for the next by picking up a copy of "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days." Authored by some of the best minds in faith and fitness around, "PrayFit" provides daily devotionals that are accompanied by a bodyweight-based exercise program that you can do in the comfort of your own home. The book also includes meal plans, healthy living tips and additional resources to help you tie it all together. To pick up a copy for yourself or a friend, visit Barnes & Noble or Amazon today!

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