Since 2009
Jeremiah 1:5 says, "Before you were born, I set you apart for a special work." What a powerful verse, don't you think? Good for us all on a Monday. I want you to keep this verse close to your heart this week, because everything we talk about is going to point us back to a pretty unique idea. What is it? That nobody else on earth was given your unique dreams, abilities, disabilities, faults, pitfalls, troubles, successes, weaknesses, fears (and the list goes on and on.) God>you>mold>broken. Speaking of special, this Friday I meet with PrayFit's production partner to put some finishing touches on an idea I've been thinking and praying about for a few years. This meeting will be merely the end of the beginning of the process, and yet, everything I'm about -- my nerve, heart and sinew -- will be poured into those few hours. Why? It's what I was made to do. God>me>mold>broken.
Yes indeed. Keep the verse close this week, because the unique idea? It's you. It's me. We're originals. Classics. Rare sightings. Precious findings. And you and I have a special work to do. That work guys -- no matter what it is -- has a purpose; to make a very huge deal out of the God who gave us the life to fulfill it.
Jimmy Peña
Homework: Be thinking of some of your unique qualities. Start your list. Are you....organized? Have the gift of singing? Writing? Are you a leader that people follow? Are you a listener that people pour into? Jot some things down. You'll need them this week.
PRAYFIT SUMMER GEAR: Please be sure to check out our Summer tanks and t-shirts!
Thank you so much for your constant support of our little ministry and for wearing the PrayFit gear to the gym, on the road, beach, bike ride or wherever you health takes you. You're a blessing to us and to those around you for doing so. >> Click here to browse all the new merchandise offerings from PrayFit!