Since 2009
If You're Thirsty
"But those who drink the water I give will never be thirsty again." --John 4:14
Read: John 4
Over the long weekend, Loretta and I had the chance to explore some new trails. Just minutes from our condo are some of the most amazing hills in the country. One path in particular is an awesome nine-mile trek to the ocean. So with a new lease on life and health, I set out to lead my wife and our chocolate lab Ms. Josey along this vast expanse. Backpack? Check. Map? Sort of. Clue? Um...no.
Seven miles later, Josey was limping, I was hungry and Loretta was worried. How much farther? Must those birds fly in circles? Fortunately however, in the distance I could see a guy who looked like he knew where I was going. As he approached us on his all-terrain bike, I asked him how long until we reached the water. Turns out the trail I was on would only get me so far. So I thanked him, and he rode off. Wouldn't you know it? Two minutes later he rode up beside us again and asked, "I have water if you're thirsty." I looked at Loretta with a grin as I declined his kind gesture. (She knew I had just mentally written this entry.)
The story surrounding our verse is about a woman who met Jesus at the well. She was looking for one kind of water but her Savior knew she needed another. Her life was in shambles and she was thirsty. Had she continued along the path she was on, she'd be lost forever. But the bible says Jesus told her of her sin, and that if she drank living water, she'd never thirst again.
Folks, just like water is critical for our physical thirst, the thirst of the spirit is unquenchable without Jesus. We can't lift enough weights, run enough miles or drop enough pounds to fulfill our direst need. That's why we never place too much emphasis on the physical. Like her well, the mirror will never quench you of anything, no matter how many times you look. So today, go to the well. If it's the first time -- or the first time in a long time -- He has water if you're thirsty.
--Jimmy Peña
Speaking of water, how much water did you drink yesterday? For most of you, the answer will fall under the category "not enough." Don't underestimate the wet stuff? It's not just good for keeping you hydrated. Water may be the most powerful, affordable fat-fighting ally you have.
>> Click here for the full story!
ALSO: PrayFit: 33-Day Body Toning System continues to do well on Amazon's list of hot new releases in faith! We're so humbled at your support and overjoyed at the reviews and reports we are getting on how this at-home workout is blessing you, your friends and your family! Haven't gotten yours yet? Click here to pick one up!
February 4, 2011Read: John 4
"A woman from Samaria came to draw water. Jesus said to her, 'Give me a drink.'" -- John 4:7
Call me sentimental, but today marks a year to the day of my neck surgery. Today's check-up gave me assurance of a successful operation and my physician sent me away with a clean bill of health. To celebrate, I wanted to train. But on my way to the gym, I first walked to the edge of the rehab pool. Corny, sure. But I gave my life to that water, and it returned the favor. So I guess I went back to say goodbye.
You know, I wonder if the woman ever made her way back to that well, or if Peter ever wandered off alone to dip his toe in the sea of Galilee, remembering his stroll on the water. But whether it's to remember where you've been, or what you were given, going back does a body (and soul) good. Do you need to go back? If so, go ahead. Find your well, your shore, or your pool...and just thank God for living water.
Yesterday, we dished you five "true or false" questions on fitness and nutrition. Still wondering how you did? Here's the answer key:
1. You burn more calories warming the body than cooling it. TRUE 2. You cause more muscle damage walking downhill than struggling to walk uphill. TRUE 3. The longest muscle in the body is the sartorius. TRUE 4. Stretching doesn’t prevent injury. TRUE 5. The safest time of day to have a cheat meal is immediately following a workout. TRUE
PRAYFIT: A WEEK IN REVIEW Revisiting a handful of healthy-living tips
WORKOUT: A simple superset can do wonders for your arms
NUTRITION: Is it possible to have sides that are slammed with flavor and health?
November 30, 2010Read: John 4
"Jesus answered her, 'If you knew the gift of God and who it is that asks you for a drink, you would have asked him and he would have given you living water.'" --John 4:10
Earlier this year, I was asked to participate as a fitness consultant on a very popular television show. Along with their invitation came paperwork, questionnaires and a background check. Even though an offer was on the table, and I'd been on this show before, I still had to prove I had the chops. And while I was so honored with the invite, I declined due to several scheduling conflicts and commitments.
What if our relationship with Jesus was dependent on our past? What if our ability to approach God was based on a background check of biblical proportions? If it was, the woman at the well might have sought a different source of water. Paul, Jacob, Peter, me, you...all checkered pasts and spotty resumes; the fallen need not apply.
But we serve an approachable Savior. So don't get held up on the blemishes of your resume. His scars are proof He has all the background on us He'll ever need.
According to a new study, over 600,000 people die each year from secondhand smoke; the majority of them children.
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