Since 2009
A Prayer for Lent
For the first day of Lent, I wanted to share with you a portion of a prayer from one of my favorite writing Pastors, Rev. Scotty Smith. Dear Lord Jesus...Ash Wednesday, the beginning of the season of Lent. For the next forty days we’ll have the privilege of surveying your all-sufficient cross and acknowledging our present need, as we worship our way towards Easter Sunday — Resurrection Day, the foundation of our hope and the fountain of eternal joy.
For your glory and our growth, we ask you to inundate us with fresh grace in the coming weeks. We don’t want an ordinary Lenten season, Lord Jesus. Saturate it with the gospel. It’s all about you, Jesus. It is all about you, what you’ve done for us, not what we’ll promise to do for you.
Over these next forty days intensify our hunger, our assurance, and our longing for the day of your return—the Day of consummate joy—the wedding feast of the Lamb. Fill our hearts with your beauty and bounty, that we might freely confess and gladly repent of the ways we contradict the gospel — with our thoughts, words and deeds. So very Amen we pray, in your holy and loving name.
--Rev. Scotty Smith
Prayer Requests: Friends, as we begin the season, we're here for you for all the ways you'll celebrate, whether by fasting and abstaining or renewing and recalibrating. With that in mind, let's start out right. If anyone has prayer requests, let's list them and go to the cross together. As always, if you'd rather say "Unspoken" we promise to lift your name in prayer. From all of us at PrayFit, be blessed this first day of the greatest season God ever gave man to enjoy.
Oxygen Debt
As athletes, you know the feeling; hands on your knees, trying to catch your breath after a grueling set of wind sprints. You try and stand tall, putting your hands on your head, desperately gasping for air. Before you know it, coach blows the whistle for the team to get back on the line to do it all over again.
In exercise physiology there are all sorts of wonderful phenomena going on inside your body immediately following an intense bout of exercise. One of the more traditional terms tossed around, and one that was hammered into my head during graduate school, was the term "oxygen debt." And for the sake of the conversation, you can think of oxygen debt as recovery time, or the amount of oxygen required during recovery to get your body back to a steady, normal state. The thing of it is, while it's called oxygen debt, it's not something you can actually pay back.
You know, Rev. Scotty Smith says, "Breathe in God's grace like you breath in air. It's just as vital, actually, more so." Reading that makes me think back to those old days of training. If you're a swimmer, maybe the gasp just above the water is a better picture. Either way, air is vital for our survival. But even more so is the grace that God offers us through Jesus. And the sin debt He paid in full on the cross of Calvary is a debt we can't repay. Good works -- when performed to try and keep us in good standing -- will only leave us gasping; think of a fish out of water. That's us without grace.
So with the wonderful Lent season fast approaching, keep that in mind. Grace allows us to breathe easy while we work. Because no matter your success or failure at whatever commitment the beautiful Holy season inspires in you, God can't love you any more than He does right now. So don't try and repay Him. Simply accept His grace, take a deep breath and sigh.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: I like what Louie Giglio says: "For Lent, I'm giving up." For some of you, Lent represents an amazing time of renewal and commitment. Perhaps you're making commitments to read your Bible daily, or give up sweets, or television. Some of you will use this time to realign yourself with healthier foods and choices to exercise. Others will take what Louie said and simply give up trying to be perfect. Well, whoever you are and whatever your needs, we're here with you. God bless you and all of us as we're mindful of the coming season where God conquered death and the grave so we wouldn't have to.
CARDIO CORNER: If you participate in athletics, or any kind of intense activity, you're well aware of the feeling right after a bout of exercise. And EPOC -- excess post-exercise oxygen consumption (often used interchangeably with the term oxygen debt) -- is the number of calories expended (above resting values) after an exercise bout.
EPOC represents the oxygen consumption the body uses to return to its pre-exercise state. The physiological mechanisms responsible for increased metabolism following exercise include oxygen replenishment; phosphagen (ATP-PC) resynthesis; lactate removal; and increased ventilation, blood circulation and body temperature. The body generally takes anywhere from 15 minutes to 48 hours to fully recover to a resting state. Studies have found that the magnitude and duration of EPOC depend on the intensity and duration of exercise. Other influencing factors include training status and gender. (Source: American College of Sports Medicine)
March 17, 2011Read: Ephesians 2
"For by grace you have been saved through faith, and that not of yourselves: it is a gift of God." --Ephesians 2:8
As you'll soon see, we love this time of year. Longer days and better weather help put a spring in our step. Maybe you're the same? It's just a good time of the year for fresh starts, new beginnings and to make things right! But I read something today that gave me pause. Author Louie Giglio said, "For Lent, I'm giving up."
Naturally, we think there's something missing from his sentence. Um, Louie? You forgot something buddy. When in truth, "period" is exactly what should come next. You see, things like doing good, being kind or trying to live healthy shouldn't be done in order to be loved. They should be done because we are. Besides, we can't earn salvation today any more than we can lose it tomorrow. Should we do our best? Yes. But is our best good enough? No. (I'm with Louie.)
What's the best post-workout meal?
a. Egg whites and Cream of Wheat b. Whey protein and white rice c. Egg whites and oatmeal d. Whey protein and brown Rice
The person with the first correct answer gets a complimentary PrayFit shirt! Post your responses in the comments section below.
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Smerge: PrayFit newbie going hard
Bugs: Day 1 of 28 in the books