Since 2009
Meeting His Eyes
"The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter." --Luke 22:61
Read: Luke 22
Have you ever stopped to think about all the great and odd ways that God gets the attention of His people? Lazarus woke up and Jonah saw the inside of a whale. Just run through the bible and we find countless examples of jaw-dropping, head-swiveling surrender to God's presence and authority.
And though you and I don't cheat tombs or choke whales, we can all identify with Peter at the fire pit. Heard any roosters lately? How many opportunities to witness for Jesus have we allowed to go up in smoke? Perhaps around the fire pit of jobs, school or the gym? Like Peter, we all know how it feels to disappoint Christ, and though we'd like to turn back time, Christ turns back our attention. (Notice today's verse.) Just like Peter, it's when our eyes meet those of Jesus that we're broken -- in heart and in spirit -- and His work through us truly begins.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: Have you had "that moment" with Jesus, when you realized that you were broken? When you finally grasped just how much you've let Him down? We have. What freedom did you find in that moment and what has He done with you since?
IN THE CLUB: For those of you who are early readers, be sure to tune in to see Jimmy The 700 Club, talking about our new book, The PrayFit Diet. For air times with your provider, click here. If you miss it, you can catch it later on by visiting The 700 Club homepage.
Peter and the Fire Pit
"The Lord turned and looked straight at Peter." --Luke 22:61
Read: Luke 22
Have you ever stopped to think about all the great and odd ways that God gets the attention of His people? Lazarus woke up and Jonah saw the inside of a whale. Just run through the bible and we find countless examples of jaw-dropping, head-swiveling surrender to God's presence and authority.
And though you and I don't cheat tombs or choke whales, we can all identify with Peter at the fire pit. Heard any roosters lately? How many opportunities to witness for Jesus have we allowed to go up in smoke? Perhaps around the fire pit of jobs, school or the gym? Like Peter, we all know how it feels to disappoint Christ, and though we'd like to turn back time, Christ turns back our attention. (Notice today's verse.) Just like Peter, it's when our eyes meet those of Jesus that we're broken -- in heart and in spirit -- and His work through us truly begins.
Take Away Question for Easter Week: What does it say to you that amidst the chaos, the trial, and the death sentence, Jesus' attention was on Peter and his darkest hour?
--Jimmy Peña
RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Roasted Butternut Squash Risotto
Serves: 6
1 butternut squash (peeled, seeds removed and chopped into small cubes) 1 tablespoon olive oil
Kosher salt and black pepper to taste 1 teaspoon fresh thyme 6 cups chicken stock 1 tablespoon olive oil 3 tablespoons unsalted butter ¾ cup chopped red onion 1 ½ cups Arborio rice ½ cup white wine 1 teaspoon saffron 1 teaspoon kosher salt ½ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper ¼ cup chopped fresh basil 4 cups baby spinach ¾ cup grated Parmesan cheese
Directions: Preheat oven to 400-degrees F. Place squash on a large sheet pan and season with olive oil, salt, pepper and fresh thyme. Roast for 20 to 30 minutes, until tender and edges begin to brown. Set aside.
In a large Dutch oven, heat olive oil and butter over medium heat. Add onion and sauté for 4-5 minutes. Add the rice and stir well to coat with oil and butter. Add wine and cook for 2 minutes. Add a ladle of stock, salt, pepper and saffron; stir and simmer until stock is absorbed. Continue to add stock (a ladle at a time) stirring every few minutes. Continue until all the stock has been absorbed and the rice is tender (about 30 minutes). Stir in the basil and spinach, followed by the cheese and butternut squash. Serve immediately.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: Calories: 360 Total Fat: 15.5 grams Saturated Fat: 7 grams Carbohydrate: 44 grams Protein: 13 gram Cholesterol: 24 milligrams Sodium: 815 milligrams Fiber: 4 grams
This week's recipe is courtesy of Dana Angelo White, contributing dietitian to PrayFit and adviser to The Food Network. Find more of Dana's delicious recipes at www.danawhitenutrition.com