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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

It Just Wouldn't Be Sunday...

"Why do you seek the living among the dead?" --Luke 24:5

Read Luke 24

Run away. Just run away. Prayfit contributing writer Allison Earnst can often be heard urging people to run away from bad food choices. Simply put, sometimes you have to just physically remove yourself from situations. Can anyone relate?

You know that reminds me, a few weeks ago, we celebrated Easter, and one of the stories of the Resurrection comes to mind today. When the women saw that the tomb was empty, what did they do? They ran to tell the others. They ran away from what was empty. In fact, what were they asked? "Why do you seek the living among the dead?"

Reminds me, on Saturday I wrote on Twitter:

"Donuts aren't the cause of the church's failing health, but whether we continue or discontinue, I'm afraid we'll lose members far too soon."

And wouldn't you know it, the next day the leader of the elder board at church said to the congregation, "It just wouldn't be Sunday without a donut." I turned and asked Loretta, "Did that really just happen?" To which she replied, "You're squeezing my hand." I'm chuckling as I type this sentence, because folks, I know donuts aren't the problem, but our heart toward food might be. Because of that, I think Allison is right when she urges people to do the unthinkable. And in many ways, we need to follow Mary's example and turn from what is empty. Plainly said, if believers are going to be the example in this country for a heart toward health, I think Sunday just might be the best day to start. Don't you?

--Jimmy Peña


When was the last time you checked in on the rising epidemic of obesity in this country? If it's been a while, here's a heavy, disheartening update. Earlier this year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) found that 35.7 percent of adults and 16.9 percent of children ages 2-19 are obese. And, if the trend continues, every state will see 44 percent of its population hit the obese category by 2030. Several states will hit 60 percent.

Despite the many causes of weight gain, the solutions are always simple: an increase an activity and changes to diet. A preponderance of resources on exercise and nutrition in the marketplace have failed to stem the rising tide of obesity and weight-related disease. Perhaps it's time for us to stop focusing so much on "the how" and start focusing more on "the why"?

By focusing on our health as a means of praise and seeing the need to be better stewards of our physical gifts, we can commit to serious, long-term change, honoring the One that created us.

"We don't strive to be healthy to be loved by God," says PrayFit founder Jimmy Peña. "We strive to be healthy because we are."

For Discussion: Are you struggling with your own weight? What are the roadblocks to a healthier lifestyle? Do you think the Lord is pleased with the care that you have shown the body He gave you? Why or why not? Have you ever thought of your body as a divine gift that requires better upkeep?

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Easy To Miss

"He asked them, 'What are you discussing together as you walk along?'"  --Luke 24:17

Read: Luke 24

I can just imagine those two disciples walking toward Emmaus together. It was late in the day, their heads hung low as they kicked up dust with each reminiscent step. After minutes of silence, one would remember something Jesus said, bringing a grin to both their faces. After all, these two heard and saw things not written in the bible.

After another quiet mile or so, the other would bring up "that time when," and the two would smile, shake their heads, laugh and cry. Who would blame them? They missed their friend. Not the miracle maker or the water-walker, but just Jesus. The same Jesus who would tell a good joke at night, sending all the guys to bed laughing. And the same Jesus that listened to their stories with the anticipation of one who didn't already know the ending. Jesus was easy to miss.

Even when He was walking right next to you.

--Jimmy Peña

Friday Discussion: Did you see Jesus this week? Maybe in the doctor that gave you the news of your blood sugar? Perhaps it was the homeless man who wanted nothing more than for you to look him in the eye? Friends, Jesus may not walk beside us like He did on the road to Emmaus, but He walks among us. Whether in school, work or the gym, let's remind each other not to miss Him, because it's easy to do.

From the editors: Thankful to all of you for your faithfulness to PrayFit. You bless us. In Jesus' name, we train. Have a good weekend.

PRAYFIT TV Check out and share this inspiring video about the transformative power physical stewardship

Jimmy Peña's message of "Life is not about the body, but health is a means of praise" is being well-received by congregations around the country. His story-telling approach to how a healthy body can strengthen the body of Christ and inspire abundant living is a message you don't want to miss.

>> For ministry assistance or to get Jimmy out to your church, write us at

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Easy To Miss

"He asked them, 'What are you discussing together as you walk along?'"  --Luke 24:17

Read: Luke 24

I can just imagine those two disciples walking toward Emmaus together. It was late in the day, their heads hung low as they kicked up dust with each reminiscent step. After minutes of silence, one would remember something Jesus said, bringing a grin to both their faces. After all, these two heard and saw things not written in the bible.

After another quiet mile or so, the other would bring up "that time when," and the two would smile, shake their heads, laugh and cry. Who would blame them? They missed their friend. Not the miracle maker or the water-walker, but just Jesus. The same Jesus who would tell a good joke at night, sending all the guys to bed laughing. And the same Jesus that listened to their stories with the anticipation of one who didn't already know the ending. Jesus was easy to miss.

Even when He was walking right next to you.

--Jimmy Peña

Question for Friday: Did you see Jesus this week? Maybe in the Doctor that gave you the news of your blood sugar? Perhaps it was the homeless man who wanted nothing more than for you to look him in the eye? Friends, Jesus may not walk beside us like He did on the road to Emmaus, but He walks among us. Whether in school, work or the gym, let's remind each other not to miss Him, because it's easy to do.

From the editors: Thankful to all of you for your faithfulness to Prayfit. You bless us. In Jesus' name, we train. Have a good weekend.


>> On Saturday morning at 9:00 and 10:00 am at PUSH Fitness & Athletic Training Center in El Paso, Jimmy Pena will be leading brief, live workout sessions and hosting Q&A's with fans at PUSH Fitness & Athletic Training Center in El Paso.

>> On Saturday evening, he'll meet with PrayFit small groups at Cielo Vista Church in El Paso. The groups, led by Catrina Vargas-Cormell, will be welcoming Pena for a short message, book and DVD signings and photos beginning at 6:00 pm. This will be the first time that Pena is meeting with these groups.

>> This Sunday, PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena will be speaking at two services at Destiny Family Christian Center in El Paso, Texas. Services take place at 9:00 and 11:00 am.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


September 30, 2011Read: Luke 24

"He asked them, 'What are you discussing together as you walk along?'"  --Luke 24:17

I can just imagine those two disciples walking toward Emmaus together.  It was late in the day, their heads hung low as they kicked up dust with each reminiscent step. After minutes of silence, one would remember something Jesus said, bringing a grin to both their faces. After all, these two heard and saw things not written in the bible.

After another quiet mile or so, the other would bring up "that time when," and the two would smile, shake their heads, laugh and cry. Who would blame them? They missed their friend. Not the miracle maker or the water-walker, but just Jesus. The same Jesus who would tell a good joke at night, sending all the guys to bed laughing. And the same Jesus that listened to their stories with the anticipation of one who didn't already know the ending. Jesus was easy to miss.

Even when He was walking right next to you.


Question for Friday: Did you see Jesus this week? Maybe in the Doctor that gave you the news of your blood sugar? Perhaps it was the homeless man who wanted nothing more than for you to look him in the eye? Friends, Jesus may not walk beside us like He did on the road to Emmaus, but He walks among us. Whether in school, work or the gym, let's remind each other not to miss Him, because it's easy to do.

Thankful to all of you for your faithfulness to Prayfit. You bless us. In Jesus' name, we train. Have a good weekend.

PRAYFIT TO RELEASE FIRST DVD New 33-day program available through Lionsgate Entertainment Dec. 6

On December 6, Lionsgate Entertainment will release PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge to a global audience.  The DVD will feature a 33-minute, bodyweight-only program that boosts strength, stamina and flexibility. The program's 33-day length is a nod to proven habit-forming behavior as well as the length of Jesus's life. "He gave us 33 years," says PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena, MS, CSCS. "Let's give him 33 minutes for 33 days, honoring the one who made us."

>> For the full story on the PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge, click here. Or, to preorder immediately, visit Amazon.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


June 16, 2011Read Luke 24 "Why do you seek the living among the dead?" --Luke 24:5

We can proudly say that PrayFit has a steadily growing Twitter account. Not sure if you've been on there, but for the more popular people on Twitter, a blue checkmark is placed beside their name to signify a "Verified Account" -- a sort of seal of approval that tells the world that all the others are fakes and phonies; mere look-alikes. The seal says you can trust who's behind it.

Well, today as I was updating "what's happening now," I saw people sharing all sorts of wisdom. I read a compelling quote from Ghandi, Confucius said not to chase two rabbits, and if I was born this month, my horoscope says I'm in for a big surprise. Awesome. But with all the different opinions, mantras and beliefs, who can we trust? Well, at PrayFit, we simply look to the empty tomb. The seal of approval? A rolled away stone -- a verified account that tells the world you can trust who's not behind it.



While I'm on the subject of online debates, I saw a long stream of comments talking about the notion that losing weight (or not gaining weight) can't be as simple as taking in less calories than you utilize. Well, folks, it's true. The simple science of our bodies says that if you use more calories than you take in, you won't gain weight and you may in fact lose weight. But here's the catch: the quality of calories is key when it comes to how you look, perform and function. To be, act and appear your best, you must choose quality protein, complex carbs and healthy fats. Sure, if you take in a total of 2000 calories in a day, and those 2000 calories are empty calories, if you utilize 2001, you won't gain a pound. But you won't be your best either.

Questions or comments? Share it in the comments section below or post in our forums.

>> LISTEN UP TV: PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena fielded questions on how to combat the obesity epidemic on Canada's Listen Up TV with Lorna Dueck. Watch the video here.

>> BOOKS & GEAR: Structured workouts, detailed meal plans and 56 daily devotionals highlight our book "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days." Order yours at our online store today, or pick up a hat, shirt or wristband for your faith-and-fitness minded loved ones.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


May 13, 2011Read: Luke 24

"He asked them, 'What are you discussing together as you walk along?'"  --Luke 24:17

I can just imagine those two disciples walking toward Emmaus together.  It was late in the day, their heads hung low as they kicked up dust with each reminiscent step. After minutes of silence, one would remember something Jesus said, bringing a grin to both their faces. After all, these two heard and saw things not written in the bible.

After another quiet mile or so, the other would bring up "that time when," and the two would smile, shake their heads, laugh and cry. Who would blame them? They missed their friend. Not the miracle maker or the water-walker, but just Jesus. The Jesus who would tell a good joke at bedtime, sending all the guys to bed laughing. And the same Jesus that listened to their stories with the anticipation of one who didn't already know the ending. Jesus was easy to miss.

Even when He was walking right next to you.



WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Work most major muscles with this dumbbells-only complex

SACRIFICE: In what areas is God calling you to be healthier?

VEGETARIANS REJOICE: Learn a healthy, meat-free recipe from PrayFit contributing nutritionist Dana Angelo White

RED OR WHITE? Research yields more exciting news on the benefits of resveratrol

>> PRAYFIT IN PRINT: Looking for a great way to get your faith and health back on track? “PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days” includes two 28-day, at-home workout programs, detailed meal plans and daily inspiration to nourish your faith. Find out what Tyler Perry, LL Cool J, Mario Lopez and so many more are talking about!

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