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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Kid Stuff

"And he said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.'" --Matthew 18:3

Read: Matthew 18

What a memory. As a little boy, I was too afraid of what was underneath the bed, so to say my prayers I'd get on my knees on top of it. I remember it like it was yesterday. To say I was scared would be like saying Beethoven wrote some music -- an understatement to say the least. I even remember hoping I wouldn't hurt Jesus' feelings. Kid stuff. But all I knew at the time was 1) my biggest fear was underneath my bed and 2) Jesus wanted me to talk to Him; a tricky situation for a kid my age. (Oh, give me the faith of a child again, amen?)

Jimmy Peña (That little boy)You know, Jesus more than wants us to be like children, He commands it. Not sure why it happens, but as our childlike fear diminishes, so goes our childlike faith. And I'm not sure exactly when that little scenario of mine ended, but the truth is, even though my fears today aren't awaiting me under the bed, I should be no less desperate to talk to Him. So if I think about it, those were actually my best moments, because our best trait is our dependence on Him.

In the area of health, what is your childlike prayer today? Desperate to be healthy for your spouse or family? Are you or one of your loved ones suffering unimaginable pain? If so, let's go to Him. Let's be kids again. Despite what's under the bed of our hearts, let's clasp our hands and shut our eyes. Kid stuff. List your prayer request or simply say "unspoken" and I promise, that little boy will pray for you.

--Jimmy Peña

Final Prayfit Diet CoverWHAT IS "THE PRAYFIT DIET?"

Jimmy Peña, one of the nation’s most sought-after fitness experts, has been trusted by the most prominent names in the entertainment industry, including Tyler Perry, Mario Lopez, and LL Cool J, to help them look and feel their best. His highest calling, however, is transforming the bodies and souls of people all over the country through his powerful combination of faith and fitness called PrayFit.

In The PrayFit Diet, Peña offers an easy, effective program-including shopping lists, daily menus, and simple, delicious recipes. A healthy body, he explains, is not about restriction of either calories or food groups. Instead, it’s all about eating in equilibrium -- a perfect 33% macronutrient balance of carbs, protein, and fat every day, which will allow you to make dramatic changes to your health and your waistline. The balanced approach of The PrayFit Diet is not only inspired by biblical principles, but it’s also supported by today’s cutting-edge science, and Peña gives you a plan to shed weight and the motivation to keep it off for a lifetime.

In The PrayFit Diet, Peña shows us how faith is the most powerful tool we have to conquer all of life’s obstacles, and that includes our health. More importantly, God wants you to be at your best, physically and spiritually. By combining perfectly proportioned meals with biblically based motivation, The PrayFit Diet will give you all the tools you need to live a life that will both inspire you and honor the Lord.

>> The PrayFit Diet can help you lose up to 20 pounds in 33 days! Combine it with the workouts in our other book, DVDs or fitness page to see even greater results! Pick up your book by clicking here TODAY!

>> Click here to read what others are saying about The PrayFit Diet.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Fit Together

"For where two or more gather in my name, there I am with them." --Matthew 18:20

Read: Matthew 18

Among the things I miss most about playing sports in high school and college are those times when coach would huddle us up to give us words of motivation. We'd all take a knee and, at the end of his talk, he'd say, "Everybody in." He'd put out his hand, and we'd stand to put ours atop his. At that very moment, there was nothing more important. I learned then that powerful things happen when people come together with a common purpose and a serious plan.

Speaking of small groups, we don't know what all was said among the disciples in the upper room, on shorelines, or on hillsides, but something tells me they huddled. I don't know, but when it was time to get everyone's attention, I like to think they brought it in real close like teams do. Don't you? After all, if our faith had a team, they were the first string. Wow. That's neat, huh? To think, what they said to each other before that first huddle broke, eventually got to you and me. Common purpose, serious plan. Powerful.

--Jimmy Peña

Group_Study_91START YOUR OWN PRAYFIT "TEAM": All across the country, members of the PrayFit Nation are coming together for their own weekly "huddles" using our books and DVDs as their curriculum. To find out how to start your own PrayFit-themed small group or bible study -- one that focuses on being good stewards of health -- write us today at!

FIT FACT: Research shows that one-limb (unilateral) training allows you to recruit more total muscle fibers, making you approximately 20% stronger on each rep. For example, if you were able to curl a 50-pound barbell for 10 reps, you could reasonably expect to curl 30-pound dumbbells (or 60 pounds total) for as many reps.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

To Be That Little Boy

"And he said, 'Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like children, you will never enter the kingdom of Heaven.'" --Matthew 18:3

Read: Matthew 18

What a memory. As a little boy, I was too afraid of what was underneath the bed, so to say my prayers I'd get on my knees on top of it. I remember it like it was yesterday. To say I was scared would be like saying Beethoven wrote some music -- an understatement to say the least. I even remember hoping I wouldn't hurt Jesus' feelings. Kid stuff. But all I knew at the time was 1) my biggest fear was underneath my bed and 2) Jesus wanted me to talk to him; a tricky situation for a kid my age. (Oh, give me the faith of a child again, amen?)

You know, Jesus more than wants us to be like children, He commands it. Not sure why it happens, but as our childlike fear diminishes, so goes our childlike faith. And I'm not sure exactly when that little scenario of mine ended, but the truth is, even though my fears today aren't awaiting me under the bed, I should be no less desperate to talk to Him. So if I think about it, those were actually my best moments, because our best trait is our dependence on Him.

I bring this little story up because my first day back from the hospital last week I realized -- I'm afraid -- that I can't kneel. The only difference is, I'm not worried it will hurt His feelings. But you know -- if it makes sense -- I kind of wish I worried about things like that.

In the area of health, what is your childlike prayer today? Desperate to be healthy for your spouse or family? Are you or one of your loved ones suffering unimaginable pain? If so, let's go to Him. Let's be kids again. List your prayer request or simply say "unspoken" and I promise, he may not be kneeling at his bedside, but that little boy will pray for you.

--Jimmy Peña

RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Spicy Oven "Fried" Chicken On our long list of cultural comfort foods in America, fried chicken holds a special place near the top. Unfortunately, your local bird fry isn't exactly conducive to the whole "abundant health" thing. Luckily, Kimberly Fuller is offering us all a healthier alternative. Click the link below for the recipe!

>> Healthier fried chicken - click here

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


August 18, 2011Read: Matthew 18

"For where two or three come together in my name, there am I with them." -- Matthew 18:20

Yesterday, my friend Allison King Earnst -- in just a few words -- wrote a novel's worth of wisdom. She alluded to the fact that God will often plot a course for believers to meet and team-up for the cause of Christ. She called it a "spiritual collision." The expression (appropriately) knocked me back on my heels.

Friends, in the area of health, we need each other. If we're gonna to live abundantly like God intended, we need moms and dads, brothers, sisters, spouses and friends, to help us hit life head on. And when we do, God is more than near, He's here. So let's do more than just meet. Let's collide! With a running start, let's push our faith into the battle. God Himself designed these bodies of ours and the world won't take them without a fight. So...I'll see you in the middle? Remember, it's not the battles we lose that should bother us, it's the ones we don't suit-up for. Thankfully, in the times we break through, and when we ultimately break down, God promises grace for impact.


DID YOU KNOW? High blood sugar can sour your mood. In a recent study, researchers found that people who drink two and a half cans of soda daily are three times more likely to be depressed and anxious than those drinking less pop. What's more, the depressed have a heightened risk for Type II diabetes. The reverse also holds true: Diabetics are twice as likely as others to suffer depression.

Source: Jeff O'Connell's "Sugar Nation"

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


July 7, 2011Read: Matthew 18

"For where two or more gather in my name, there I am with them." --Matthew 18:20

Among the things I miss most about playing sports in high school and college, would be those times when coach would huddle us up to give us words of motivation. We'd all take a knee, and at the end of speech he'd say, "Everybody in." He'd put out his hand, and we'd stand to put ours atop his. At that very moment, there was nothing that could stop us. I learned way back then that powerful things happen when people come together with a common purpose and a serious plan.

Speaking of small groups, we don't know what all was said among the disciples in the upper room, on shorelines, or on hillsides, but something tells me they huddled. When it was time to get everyone's attention, I like to think they brought it in real close like teams do. After all, if our faith had a team, they were the first string. And to think, what they said to each other before that first huddle broke, eventually got to you and me. Common purpose, serious plan.

Are you in a huddle for a stronger faith and better health? Maybe you have a group from church or your neighborhood? A couple of friends who hold each other accountable? Maybe it's you and your spouse. Whoever you are and however you meet, we take a knee with you and yours. We applaud your common purpose and serious plan. And when you stand, our hand reaches to the middle with yours. When teams huddle, nothing is impossible. Everybody in?



In this country, there are just as many people who exercise regularly as those that don't. In a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2009, 35% of adults 18 years and older were found to engage in regular physical activity. The same study showed that a full 33% engaged in zero leisure time activity at all.

So if you're part of the 35%, then bravo. But this shows that some 65% of Americans do not exercise regularly.

Care for another stat? According to the CDC, 34% of Americans 20 and over are obese.

The message is clear: it's time for us to get moving.

Source: CDC

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


January 18, 2011Read: Matthew 18

"For where two or more gather in my name, there I am with them." --Matthew 18:20

Among the things I miss most about playing sports in high school and college, would be those times when coach would huddle us up to give us words of motivation. We'd all take a knee, and at the end, he'd say, "Everybody in." He'd put out his hand, and we'd stand to put ours atop his. At that very moment, there was nothing more important. I learned then that powerful things happen when people come together with a common purpose and a serious plan.

I thought of those old memories today because a small group from El Paso formed a new PrayFit huddle this week. They're teaming together to share faith, fitness and accountability because they know our health is an obligation as well as a means of praise.

Speaking of small groups, we don't know what all was said among the disciples in the upper room, on shorelines, or on hillsides, but something tells me they huddled. When it was time to get everyone's attention, I like to think they brought it in real close like teams do. After all, if our faith had a team, they were the first string. And to think, what they said to each other before that first huddle broke, eventually got to you and me. Common purpose, serious plan. Powerful.



In this country, there are just as many people who exercise regularly as those that don't. In a study conducted by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in 2009, 35% of adults 18 years and older were found to engage in regular physical activity. The same study showed that a full 33% engaged in zero leisure time activity at all.

So if you're part of the 35%, then bravo. But this shows that some 65% of Americans do not exercise regularly.

Care for another stat? According to the CDC, 34% of Americans 20 and over are obese.

The message is clear: it's time for us to get moving.

Source: CDC

>> SHOP: Looking for PrayFit in print? Read more on "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days" by clicking here, or visit Barnes & Noble or Amazon today!

>> CALLING ALL KENTUCKIANS: If you're from the Louisville, Kentucky area and are following us here on, reading our book or have rededicated yourself to faith and fitness in 2011, we want to hear from you! Contact us at for more details on an opportunity to share your story.

>> SUCCESS STORIES: Whether it's completing your first 5K, doing your first pull-up or getting your cholesterol down, we want to hear your success story. Share with the PrayFit community by clicking here.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


November 18, 2010Read: Matthew 18

"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?' Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven.'" --Matthew 18:21-22

Our sense of smell is pretty remarkable. Did you know that we can recall something we smell with 65% accuracy after one full year? Even more impressive when you consider that after merely three months, we can only recall 50% of what we see. From the sweet to the foul, one whiff and we might as well be time travelers. Let's face it, the nose knows.

Our hearts have similar olfactory characteristics. Maybe not for grandma's kitchen cupboard, but each heart has a nose for remembering the good, bad and the rotten. And at times, the ugly scent can linger longer than the others.  After all, it stinks to get hurt. Especially if it's by those we love. And even though we try to forgive, something can trigger a memory and the aroma of the old moment fills the air.

Aren't we glad that when we go to Jesus, our past doesn't leave a stench? Oh Lord, thank you for completely forgiving and completely forgetting. Please help us do the same.


FITNESS TIP: Better Arms

Looking for better arms? Then take a seat...literally.

Typically during a barbell biceps curl, you seldom exhaust the upper portion of the curl simply because you failed to move the bar past the parallel point. However, the strongest portion of the curl is the top half. Reason being, the first half of a curl is predominantly brachioradialis, not the stronger biceps brachii. So why not spend some time up high where the biceps brachii can be fully activated? Therefore, practice seated barbell curls at the end of a bench, allowing the bar to touch the tops of your thighs. This will emphasize the upper portion of the biceps curl.

>> ARCHIVES: Visit the new PrayFit Daily archives here.

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