Since 2009
Behind The Scenes
"When you help someone out, don’t think about how it looks. Just do it — quietly and unobtrusively. That is the way your God, who conceived you in love, working behind the scenes, helps you out." --Matthew 6:2-4
Yesterday, Eric sent me some behind-the-scenes footage from our DVD series; specifically, various things that went on the day we shot the "Prayfit Minutes" portion of the discs. Wow, I had never seen any of it. Great memories. (We've posted a quick 10 seconds from that day for you to see below.) But I spent the better part of yesterday afternoon watching what was going on before and after the cameras rolled. And you know, everything you saw on the DVD was the result of dozens of people doing their finest work. I couldn't tell you their names but countless people across the country have heard our message of health and praise all because of what these pros did off-camera.
In Matthew, we learn the importance of doing things for others without being seen; void of any credit and in the absence of praise. In fact, you and I are never to do good things so that others can see us. “Be especially careful when you are trying to be good so that you don’t make a performance out of it. It might be good theater, but the God who made you won’t be applauding." (Matthew 6:1 The Msg) The passage goes on to say that when we tell others what good we've done, we've lost the blessing in Heaven.
Giving, praying, doing. So much of who we are should happen when nobody sees it. That fires me up. The gospel done in secret. In fact, that's how God works. "When you help someone out, don’t think about how it looks. Just do it—quietly and unobtrusively. That is the way your God, who conceived you in love, working behind the scenes, helps you out." (Matthew 6:2-4)
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: When the offering plate comes around in church, you don't tell everyone what you give. That would not only be absurd, but you'd lose the blessing in Heaven. How can our health be a private offering to the Lord? Are you in the habit of showing off your physical gifts from God for the praise of others? Let's work this week to pray in private, give to the needy in private, do for the Lord just for the Lord, even when it comes to our health. And when we do, He knows it. And that's enough.
"THAT'S A WRAP!": What a great day this was. We are still so honored by the countless people from Lionsgate Entertainment who did such an amazing job on set. And while we won't show you too much of all the footage, we thought we'd show you the minute they told Jimmy we were wrapped. (He gets excited)...
Chase What Matters
"Seek first his kingdom and his righteousness. And all these things shall be given to you." --Matthew 6:33
Read: Matthew 6
Ironic that a credit card company would give such great advice: encouraging us to seek out only what we need. But credit is all about trust, isn't it? Because of our history, we're allowed only so much, and we're trusted to pay it back.
When God looks at our lives, He doesn't see us, He sees the blood of Jesus. His bloodline of credit extends to you and it extends to me. My mom will tell you it reminds her of the song, "He Paid a Debt."
He paid a debt, He did not owe. I owed a debt, I could not pay. I needed someone to wash my sins away.
And because of that, we do get to chase a life that matters...and the credit is His.
--Jimmy Peña
Question(s): How does your health help you chase the life the matters? What would you do if you lost your health? Would it be different than what you're doing with it now?
RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Mango Lime Chicken Salad
Pretty much every word in the title of this recipe by PrayFit contributor Kimberly Fuller says "health." But remember -- "health" doesn't have to mean "bland." This full-flavored lunch-or-dinner dish packs a punch heavy on vitamins and muscle-building protein.
Flying Without Wings
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." --Matthew 6:33
Read: Matthew 6
In Jonathan Pierce's song "Flying Without Wings", a great line always connects with me. He sings:
"So impossible as it may seem, you've got to fight for every dream. 'Cause who's to know, which one you let go, would've made you complete."
Last week, the space shuttle Discovery, sitting atop a 747 shuttle carrier aircraft, flew over the Washington Monument; its last flight. See, both the goal and the cost to get there are just too high. A bittersweet end to NASA's dream of boldly going where no man has gone before. But no matter where you stand on the politics of it, one thing is undisputed: We went as high as we could.
Friends, as we begin the week pursuing Jesus, let's be dreamers who fight for the things God put in our hearts. If He's called our souls to it, everything we have -- including our health -- is subject to that calling. And as believers, we're climbers, over-comers, and conquerors. So keep going, stay strong. Let's go as high as we can on earth, knowing Jesus paid the cost for the Heaven-seekers to someday go higher.
--Jimmy Peña
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Shoulders, Arms, Abs
Sure, it's still early spring but that means it's the perfect time to start getting ready for summer. This workout tackles shoulders, arms and abs. All you need is a set of dumbbells and a little bit of space, either at home or the gym.
For each exercise listed, choose a weight that brings about failure at the rep range listed. By "failure," we simply mean the point at which you can no longer complete reps with good form. For example, if you complete 15 reps when you could have done 18, you should probably use a bit more weight on the next.
Spend about five minutes warming up -- jumping jacks, running in place, jumping rope and shadowboxing are all good ways to increase your heart rate and core temperature as well as prime your joints and muscles for the work ahead. This is preferable to static stretching ahead of exercise, which does not reduce your risk of injury or increase flexibility. Rest no longer that one minute between sets.
SHOULDERS Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3 Sets of 10-15 Standing Dumbbell Overheard Press: 3 Sets of 10-15 Standing Dumbbell Upright Row: 3 Sets of 10-15
ARMS Dumbbell Curl: 3 Sets of 10-15 Dumbbell Kickback: 3 Sets of 10-15
ABS Double Crunch: 3 Sets to failure
>> NEW!!! For a more comprehensive target training routine plus motivation and biblical encouragement, try the NEW PrayFit 33-Day Body Toning System DVD, exclusively through Thomas Nelson Publishing and its family of retailers. Find out more or place an order by clicking here.
Be Healthy, Quietly
“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.” --Matthew 6:1
Read: Matthew 6
We’ve been talking a lot lately about the importance of our physical health as a means of praise, and if that has reached your heart, we’re so blessed. If the mere prospect of a new day is reason enough to praise God with smarter choices at the dinner table, then great. Because you’re right…it’s not about the body.
With that said, perhaps the challenge is to be healthy, quietly. In truth, if our health is praise, there’s no need for a declaration of independence from a sedentary lifestyle, and no need to sound the alarm against a less-than-stellar diet. No speeches, no “look at what I’m doing for God” announcements. Practice modesty. We’re called to take care of the body that carries the soul, period. So let’s allow the byproducts of our obedience do the talking.
--Jimmy Peña
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Bolder Shoulders in 10
People’s motivations for exercise may vary but the desire for stronger, better looking or just plain healthier shoulders is pretty universal. This complex joint possesses of the most delicate and amazing musculature in the entire body, which is to our benefit because that allows for a variety of ways in which they can be trained. For this quickie shoulder routine, which will walks the line between strength and endurance, grab some light dumbbells or even a pair of soup cans. Trust us, this won’t take much weight. If you need a shoulder smash — a new challenge to set the foundation for a remade set of deltoids — then this week’s 10-minute workout is just for you.
A good warm-up is always important but it could be argued that it is most important on shoulder day. The wide range of motion with you shoulders is maintained by several small muscles that can injure easily if not properly prepared for the work ahead. For this, or any other shoulder routine, follow the prescribed warm-up as the bare minimum of your training prep.
Warm-up | Raise your arms out to your sides until they’re parallel with the floor. Make small circles with your arms for 1-2 minutes. Without rest, go right to into this routine. Rest as little as possible as you go from one exercise to the next.
Using your soup cans or light dumbbells: Lateral raises for 1 minute Alternating straight punches for 1 minute Front raises for 1 minute Alternating straight punches for 1 minute Bent-over lateral raises for 1 minutes Alternating straight punches for 1 minute Overhead presses for 1 minute Alternating straight punches for 1 minute
–To keep your alternating straight punches effective, simply focus on punching to full extension at eye level or just above.
>> DVD: have you committed to taking the 33-Day Total Body Challenge? Learn more by clicking here.
Baggage Handler
"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." --Matthew 6:34
Read: Matthew 6
We sure do like our baggage. Ever notice the reluctancy of airline passengers to part with their carry-ons? My chocolate lab Josey is more likely to give up a fresh t-bone. When it comes to personal property, we growl "mine", no matter how short the flight. Separate us from what's rightfully ours and somehow the sky is falling (even at 30,000 feet).
When you think about it, the purpose of the flight is not the flight, but a safe landing. The pilot doesn't need anything we lug on board to get us where we need to go. (You know where I'm going with this.)
If you're like me, you'd be better off to check some of life's luggage. Worry weighs us down and fear fogs our vision; good thing God doesn't need a co-pilot. In fact, I think I'll take my plastic pilot wings back to my seat. We still have a ways to go.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: Isn't it amazing that the only One who is capable of handling our baggage is the one who navigates our destiny? What carry-ons do you need to leave behind this week? Could be in the area of finances, relationships, and of course, health.
One popular bodybuilder once quipped that the only people who train calves are people who already have them. However exaggerated the claim, there is some truth to the fact that calves are an oft-neglected bodypart in our training schedules. While so many are unlikely to skip workouts for their arms, you're not likely to find anyone rearranging their social schedules for calf day. We understand. Calves are a frustrating bodypart to train and even tougher to grow. These muscles are worked exhaustively over the course of a day and can become highly resistant to traditional training (unless you already have calves, that is!). And while there is no one routine to achieve stronger-looking calves, this basic, once-per-week, five-week cycle can provide just the type of challenging stimulus that can set you on the right path.
After these five weeks, you can move your calf training into the gym where machines and additional equipment can provide a new spark for progress. We'll take your before and after pics at info@prayfit.com but you're on your own for finding a reliable masseuse!
Week 1: Standing calf raise No fancy physiology. From a standing position anywhere, simply press up onto the balls of your feet and return your heels to the floor. Repeat this for 5 sets of 20 reps.
Week 2: Standing calf raise Same as week one, only change the pace slightly. "Power" up onto the balls of your feet, hold the contraction for two seconds, and take 2-3 seconds to lower your heels back to the floor. Repeat for 5 sets of 12-15 reps.
Week 3: Single-leg calf raise Repeat your Week 1 protocols, only doing one leg at a time.
Week 4: Single-leg calf raise Repeat your Week 2 protocols, only doing one leg at a time.
Week 5: Single-leg calf raise (on step) Place the ball of one foot on the edge of an elevated surface like a step or the curb. This allows your heel to fall below the level of your toes, placing an additional stretch on the calves. Perform five sets on each leg to failure, or the point at which you can no longer complete reps without bouncing.
--Perform these workouts on "off" days or on your regularly scheduled leg day, after your other exercises. More advanced trainers can try doing these routines twice per week. >> FITNESS: Click here for more workouts, fitness tips and exercise descriptions!
September 9, 2011Read: Matthew 6
“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven.” –Matthew 6:1
We’ve been talking a lot lately about perspective, of balance, and the importance of our physical health as a means of praise. If the messages this week have reached your heart, we’re so blessed. If the mere prospect of a new day is reason enough to praise God with smarter choices at the dinner table or through exercise, then great. Because you’re right…it’s not about the body.
With that said, perhaps the challenge is to be healthy, quietly. In truth, if our health is praise, there’s no need for a declaration of independence from a sedentary lifestyle, and no need to sound the alarm against a less-than-stellar diet. No speeches, no “look at what I’m doing for God” announcements. We’re called to take care of the body that carries the soul, period; no need to add an exclamation point. Let's simply allow the byproducts of our obedience do the talking. Remember, a humble heart toward abundant health can be a high note of praise. Today, let your love for life alone be loud.
>> Tuesday Somewhere between vanity and gluttony lies abundant health ALSO: 8 ways to eat better...forever
September 8, 2011Read: Matthew 6
“But store up for yourselves treasures in Heaven.” – Matthew 6:20
Have you ever chased the wind? I know I have. Kind of leaves you empty-handed doesn't it? Funny, we pursue a lot of things that won’t satisfy or sustain, yet we hunt them down as if our life depended on them. Appropriately, coming back from vacation, we promised that we'd focus on our focus. Therefore, yesterday we reached out to those in dire need of a reminder of why the hills we have to climb are worth the effort, regardless of whether or not it comes naturally.
Today our sights shift to those who have those habits of training and eating down pat. Perhaps that's you? Maybe being health conscious comes as naturally as breathing in and out. After all, you wouldn't dare think about eating that, and as far as me suggesting you not go to the gym? Bite my tongue, right? But perhaps if you're like me, at times what's missing in your mirror is the one you're meant to mirror. Perhaps you've been so caught up in the process of being healthy, that you forgot about the purpose of it.
If so, let's remind each other that chasing healthy dreams is fine, but only if we're running after God along the way. That keeps everything we need in front of us. You know, I've referenced it before, but last night the song “Meaningless” by Anthony Evans happened to be playing as I sat at my computer. I’ve attached a YouTube version of it, and I hope you’ll take a listen. Such a great visual message for our week of perspective. It blessed me, and I hope it helps you see your reflection in a brand new way.
>> MEANINGLESS – by Anthony Evans
EXERCISE CENTRAL: Learn how to do basic moves right to start building a stronger, healthier body.
March 8, 2011Read: Matthew 6
“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven." --Matthew 6:1
We've been talking a lot lately about the importance of our physical health as a means of praise, and if that has reached your heart, we're so blessed. If the mere prospect of a new day is reason enough to praise God with smarter choices at the dinner table, then great. Because you're right...it's not about the body.
With that said, perhaps the challenge is to be healthy, quietly. In truth, if our health is praise, there's no need for a declaration of independence from a sedentary lifestyle, and no need to sound the alarm against a less-than-stellar diet. No speeches, no"look at what I'm doing for God" announcements. We're called to take care of the body that carries the soul, period. So let's allow the byproducts of our obedience do the talking.
Push away from the table sooner, quietly. Turn the TV off earlier to go outside, quietly. Praise God with your health, quietly.
One of the most common obstacles that people cite in their quest for healthier living is an inability to shake their soda habit. While it's pretty widely known that having these sugar-laden drinks on a regular basis can lead to excess calorie consumption, huge swings in energy and cavities, new research is suggesting that such beverages can also be a danger to your heart health.
Professor Paul Elliott, senior author of the study, from the School of Public Health at Imperial College London, said: "It's widely known that if you have too much salt in your diet, you're more likely to develop high blood pressure. The results of this study suggest that people should be careful about how much sugar they consume as well."
His study, published in the journal Hypertension, did not examine the mechanism that might link sugary drinks with blood pressure. However, the researchers suggest that raised uric acid, which has been linked to sugar-sweetened beverage consumption, might raise blood pressure by reducing the levels of nitric oxide, a chemical that relaxes the lining of the blood vessels.
Want an easier way to reduce your risk of hypertension and to keep your waistline in check? Drink more water and limit your soda consumption to special occasions.
Source: Imperial College London
Related Story: High blood pressure linked to high-sugar diets
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December 13, 2010Read: Matthew 6
“Be careful not to practice your righteousness in front of others to be seen by them. If you do, you will have no reward from your Father in heaven." --Matthew 6:1
We've been talking a lot lately about the importance of our physical health as a means of praise, and if that has reached your heart, we're so blessed. If the mere prospect of a new day is reason enough to praise God with smarter choices at the dinner table, then great. Because you're right...it's not about the body.
With that said, perhaps the challenge is to be healthy, quietly. In truth, if our health is praise, there's no need for a declaration of independence from a sedentary lifestyle, and no need to sound the alarm against a less-than-stellar diet. No speeches, no "look at what I'm doing for God" announcements. We're called to take care of the body that carries the soul, period. So let's allow the byproducts of our obedience do the talking.
Push away from the table sooner, quietly. Turn the TV off earlier to go outside, quietly. Praise God with your health, quietly.
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Bolder Shoulders in 10
People's motivations for exercise may vary but the desire for stronger, better looking or just plain healthier shoulders is pretty universal. This complex joint possesses of the most delicate and amazing musculature in the entire body, which is to our benefit because that allows for a variety of ways in which they can be trained. For this quickie shoulder routine, which will walks the line between strength and endurance, grab some light dumbbells or even a pair of soup cans. Trust us, this won't take much weight. If you need a shoulder smash -- a new challenge to set the foundation for a remade set of deltoids -- then this week's 10-minute workout is just for you.
A good warm-up is always important but it could be argued that it is most important on shoulder day. The wide range of motion with you shoulders is maintained by several small muscles that can injure easily if not properly prepared for the work ahead. For this, or any other shoulder routine, follow the prescribed warm-up as the bare minimum of your training prep.
Warm-up | Raise your arms out to your sides until they're parallel with the floor. Make small circles with your arms for 1-2 minutes. Without rest, go right to into this routine. Rest as little as possible as you go from one exercise to the next.
Using your soup cans or light dumbbells: Lateral raises for 1 minute Alternating straight punches for 1 minute Front raises for 1 minute Alternating straight punches for 1 minute Bent-over lateral raises for 1 minutes Alternating straight punches for 1 minute Overhead presses for 1 minute Alternating straight punches for 1 minute
--To keep your alternating straight punches effective, simply focus on punching to full extension at eye level or just above.