Since 2009
What the Maker Knew
"I praise you for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Your works are wonderful, I know that full well." --Psalm 139:14
Read: Psalm 139
When God the Creator put the finishing touches on our unique souls, He knew. He knew we'd scrape our shins, disobey parents and upset friends. He knew our kids would reject us, enemies would haunt us and our memory would fail us; and all before losing life's final war with pain. He knew, but that didn't stop Him.
He proceeded to count hairs on heads then fingers and toes. He added color to eyes, dimples on chins and swivels to hips. Why didn't He stop? He knew that what life rejects, Christ accepts. Someday in Heaven, you and I will see just what became of us the day we finally believed what the Maker already knew.
--Jimmy Peña
In Matthew West's song, "Wonderfully Made" he sings: "You don't have to wonder, you are wonderfully made. Perfectly beautiful in every way. Wonderfully, wonderfully, made. You're anything but typical, it's true. They ain't seen anybody quite like you. God never makes a mistake. You are wonderfully, wonderfully made."
How should the fact that God -- The Maker -- says we're wonderful help us through our day? How should that mold and shape our health and fitness?
GREEN POWER: Kale & Cilantro
Harness the power (and flavor) of kale and cilantro
It's time to get your greens -- or more of 'em, as it were. By finding new ways to get kale and cilantro into your nutrition plan, either by adding them to salads and casseroles, you can get much needed immune help and vital nutrients.
Safe and Sound
"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." --Psalm 23:4
Read: Psalm 23
Late last night, the sleepy, ambient hum of our household was disturbed by the distinctive sound of frightened whimpering. Before the light taps at the door could disturb Wendy, I sprung from my sheets and entered the dimly-lit hallway. It was my daughter, Mya. She'd had a nightmare -- one that had set her into the type of frantics that can only be calmed by the embrace of her daddy.
I carried Mya back to her bed and set about getting her wound down again. Yawning but still fearful of what lurked just on the other side of her slumber, Mya was reluctant to let me leave her side. Battling the sting of my still-dry contact lenses, I reached into my old bag of tricks. Tenderly, if amelodically, I launched into Matthew West's "Safe and Sound." Almost without fail, this song would soothe my girls back to sleep when they were babies -- and last night, it proved effective once more.
Perhaps it was Matthew West's fatherly, reassuring lyrics that did the trick. But more likely it was just the proximity of my voice that eased her fears. Knowing that the Father is just a heartbeat's distance away and resting in the breath of His words is sometimes all that's needed to set our minds at rest. Under His protection, we -- like Mya -- can sleep well knowing that we are safe and sound.
--Eric Velazquez
EGGS PROMOTE SATIETY New research lending to credence to eggs' "superfood" billing
Eggs are a fantastic protein source and have been proven to help curb overeating. A new study is revealing even more about how eggs can fit into a healthy lifestyle. Research presented at the European Congress on Obesity showed that those who ate eggs, which contain all 10 essential amino acids, for breakfast ended up consuming less calories later in the day.
>> Get the full story at Nutraingredients-USA here.
RELATED: Eggs and Cholesterol Eggs: Muscle Food