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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

A Gentle Tug

“Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed.” –-Proverbs 16:3

Read: Proverbs 16

Well, here we are. Friday. For some, it's the end of a glorious week. Each route you ran made sense, and each plan proved you're a genius. But for others, today marks the end of a not-so-glorious streak of five lost days tied together with a thick band of disappointment. You didn't begin the week feeling this way. You had different plans...much different.

For thousands of passengers aboard Carnival Cruise Triumph, the week was anything but triumphant. Drifting powerless, they too had different plans. Their hopes of food, fun and relaxation, were replaced with hunger, boredom and stress. Adding insult to injury, their ship had to be pulled to safety by tug boats at a blazing 7 mph. Misery took its time.

Friends, God knows our weeks. He knows our weak weeks. Your plans fail, my plans fail, and we drift. We're a group of wide-eyed strangers who boarded the big boat of life on Monday only wanting to jump ship by Wednesday. And even though we're "saved," seeing land on Friday took way too long. But we can take today's sunrise as a reminder that the tug -- His gentle tug -- is enough. It really is enough.

--Jimmy Peña

Question: Concerning your health, are you drifting? Does your shore seem so far away that you're losing hope? Whether self inflicted or out of your control completely, we want to help you with either practical advice or practical prayer. You choose, but we're here.

>> INVITE US: We are so glad that you're reading this. The fact that you are means that you feel God's gentle tug on your heart strings about better physical stewardship. And we want to help you tow the rest of your congregation into port. This video (click the player below) offers a glimpse of the message your church needs to hear. Contact us today at for details on how you can bring Jimmy Peña to your next Sunday service!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


October 17, 2011Read: Matthew 4

"Come, follow me." -- Matthew 4:18-20 Last Friday night we glanced back. For those who didn't see it, here's the thought we posted on Facebook: "Whew, Friday. Looking back down the week's mountain, some of us wonder how and why we made it. I know I do. That Monday meeting, Tuesday's test, Wednesday's wreck...well, you get the point. But it's ok to look back. Moses looked back at the sea he crossed. Daniel looked back at his bed in a lion's den. And Jesus? He looked back too. Of all the memories He had on Friday, our future was one of them. So go ahead. Look back in awe, in wonder. And while we do, let's remember that Jesus finished His week to give us purpose in ours. Whew, Friday. That's how. He's why..."

And so...whew! Monday. That was quick. The foot of yet another mountain. Head craned, eyes's steep. But before you start your climb, look down. Notice? Somebody's been here. Go ahead, kneel to get a closer look. Seems our 'how' and 'why' has cleared a path. Are you shaking your head in wonder? Yeah, me too. The one who delivered us on Friday is leading us on Monday. Let's look up the hill in awe as we put one foot in front of the other, shall we? We'll see you at the top.


Workout of the Week: Legs in 10

You may not have heard it here first but you've certainly heard it here often: Training your legs regularly is one of the best things you can do to enhance your body composition. The quadriceps, hamstrings, glutes and calves represent a large portion of your body's musculature so, by working them hard you burn more calories. This, of course, on top of the more direct benefits such as increased strength, stamina and power production. This lower-body routine allows you to train for multiple goals at once, without equipment and in just a few minutes.

Warm-up: Jog in place for 1 min. High-knee running Jumping jacks Squat jumps Split jump lunge Speed skaters Wall squat hold

--Perform each exercise for one minute, resting 15-30 seconds between each. Then, repeat the entire sequence as many times as possible.

SHARE: GOALS What is one goal you hope to crush this week? List it here in the comments section. Is it consistent prayer time? Bible study? Perhaps you want to walk a certain number of laps or run a particular number of miles. Whatever it is, make it known. Let us and others help hold you accountable. We're on this side of the hill together.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


August 2, 2010Read: Psalm 23 "Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." --Psalm 23: 4

I used to dread 5th period math. Oh, I was fine with the subject matter, but it was the getting to class that had me shaking in my little boots. Each day that semester, a small group of bullies would hang out by my locker, calculating ways to torment me. Until one day, I got smart and asked Bubba to walk me to class.  Little did they know that the skinniest kid in school was the younger brother of the toughest. They did the math.

Mondays can push us around sometimes. The mere thought brings a collective sigh at my house -- a show of hands for those who had the Sunday night blues -- but there aren't enough problems waiting around today's corner that can add up or stand up to the One you bring with you. And when you think of it that way, the day doesn't seem so tough after all. So, Monday...we meet again.



The shoulder is a pretty dynamic bodypart. It is a ball and socket joint, similar to the hip, though not nearly as stable. It's important to warm-up extremely well, working your shoulder in all sorts of directions with very light weight before moving on to anything heavy. And remember, stretching does not warm-up your shoulders. The best warm-up is a light mock of the exercises to come.

Today's workout is what we call a pre-exhaust routine, where you work the shoulder using isolation (single joint) exercises (lateral raises, front raises and rear delt raises) to exhaustion, before moving onto an overhead press (a compound exercise involving more than one joint). The overhead press allows more than just the shoulder joint to participate in the move after the shoulders have been pre-fatigued by the isolation moves. It's a simple routine, but tried and true.

Exercise                                             Sets     Reps* Dumbbell bent-over lateral raise    3          12-15 Dumbbell lateral raise                      3           12-15 Dumbbell front raise                          3           12-15 Dumbbell Overhead Press               4           10 * Be sure to reach failure or close to failure at the rep range listed.

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