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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

A Healthy Conscience

"But we must hold on to the progress we have already made." --Philippians 3:16

Read: Philippians 3

With Thanksgiving in the rear-view -- deep breath -- it's time to gear up for Christmas. School activities, shopping lists, travel arrangements. Add to that a genuine desire to be healthy and as fit as possible, and the days get pretty packed, right? If it takes an hour in the gym or on the track to get my workout in, sparing even 10 minutes to read and pray is, well, tough to spare. A show of hands of those who can relate. Who has time to get quiet? Doesn't God know how busy I am?

But folks, if there's ever a time to create new habits or fortify old ones, it's now. At PrayFit, we believe it's more important to have a healthy conscience that it is to be health conscious. For the fitness-minded, shame on us if we train and eat "perfectly" this week but never crack open our bibles or hit our knees. Sure, it's great to plan your workout, but more important to work your heart out.

So let's enjoy the season; shop till we drop, pull out the Christmas sweaters and hang the lights. But as you set the week's schedule including your workouts and meal plans, bless the Lord and your life by adding in those precious few minutes of reading, praying and listening. Start with today's chapter. Find out the context of the verse. God knows time is precious, and He misses His with you.

--Jimmy Peña

Did You Know? >> The average person spends 18 hours a month on Facebook (checking the news feed just 7 times a day.) How many verses could you read in 18 hours a month? Will you lay down social media to get closer to the Lord?


Don't wait until the turn of the calendar to renew your commitment to health and fitness. The PrayFit 33-Day Body-Toning System, the sequel to the team's first workout DVD, is a highly-effective blend of resistance training and cardio that can help you reshape your body for good.

For more information or to order, click here!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Made In Heaven

"He will take our weak mortal bodies and change them into glorious bodies like his own, using the same power with which he will bring everything under his control." --Philippians 3:21

Read: Philippians 3

Before your very first day of school, or prior to getting your driver's license, and even before you began the family with which you spend your days...came your body. Not only did God inspire your soul's dream, but He gave you the body necessary to pursue the job. Since God will always equip us with what we need to accomplish His will, we know our bodies were His choice. Can you imagine the moment?

It was as if God said:

"Sweet soul, here is your body. I've carefully woven it together. It has what it takes for you to pursue me and tell others about me. And oh precious body, this is your soul. Of all the matter in the universe, this is what matters most. Carry it where it needs to go. Protect it. Honor it. Now, I want you two to be good to each other. Be friends, not enemies."

So, do me a favor and take a quick glance at your arm or hands. Think for a second that God himself has touched that skin. He was first. In fact, talk to your body. It's okay, go ahead. Maybe you need to thank it? Assure it? Or like me recently, maybe during your dark hour, you need to apologize. Could be for something you've knowingly done or for something out of your control -- an ailment, an accident maybe, or even a disease. But much like any friend going through a tough time, just tell it you're so very sorry. After all, it was God who knitted it and then breathed life into it. Miraculously, He gave your heart a knowledge that there is something more to this life than life. And like it says in our verse, in order to pursue Him and then share Him, He gave you a weak and fragile body. Oh, it may not last this earth, but you can rest assured it was indeed a match made in Heaven.

--Jimmy Peña

NEW MERCH!!! >> Faithfully taking care of the body the Lord made for you is a daily pursuit. So why not dress the part? Visit our redesigned online store to browse our newest offerings and get a jump on your Christmas shopping! Our new, comfort-first apparel choices include thermals, tees and a selection of gym-ready, lightweight running/training hats. While you're there, you can also check out our print and DVD products, complete with workouts and meal plans, all designed to help you bolster your faith and fitness in 2013 and beyond.

Your gracious purchase will help us continue the mission of We are very much in your debt and thankful for all you do for us.


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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Healthy Conscience

"But we must hold on to the progress we have already made." --Philippians 3:16

Read: Philippians 3

With Thanksgiving in the rearview -- deep breath -- it's time to gear up for Christmas. School activities, shopping lists, travel arrangements. Add to that a genuine desire to be healthy and as fit as possible, and the days get pretty packed, right? If it takes an hour in the gym or on the track to get my workout in, sparing even 10 minutes to read and pray is, well, tough to spare. A show of hands of those who can relate. Who has time to get quiet? Doesn't God know how busy I am?

But folks, if there's ever a time to create new habits or fortify old ones, it's now. At PrayFit, we believe it's more important to have a healthy conscience that it is to be health conscious. For the fitness-minded, shame on us if we train and eat "perfectly" this week but never crack open our bibles or hit our knees. Sure, it's great to plan your workout, but more important to work your heart out.

So let's enjoy the season; shop till we drop, pull out the Christmas sweaters and hang the lights. But as you set the week's schedule including your workouts and meal plans, bless the Lord and your life by adding in those precious few minutes of reading, praying and listening. Start with today's chapter. Find out the context of the verse. God knows time is precious, and He misses His with you.

--Jimmy Peña

Did You Know? >> The average person spends 18 hours a month on Facebook (checking the news feed just 7 times a day.) How many verses could you read in 18 hours a month? Will you lay down social media to get closer to the Lord?


Don't wait until the turn of the calendar to renew your commitment to health and fitness. The PrayFit 33-Day Body-Toning System, the sequel to the team's first workout DVD, is a highly-effective blend of resistance training and cardio that can help you reshape your body for good.

For more information or to order, click here!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Soreness in a Sermon

"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." --Philippians 3:14

Read: Philippians 3

Yesterday's sermon reminded me of Saturday's workout. The guest speaker said to us, "I know who I am, and I know what I must do." He was referring to his thoughts the moment he came to know Christ 15 years ago. He then listed a handful of biblical examples who met that same conclusion once they met Jesus.

Saturday, I took my training outdoors. Over the last few months, I've had to modify my workouts and I decided to hit the local high school football field for some shuttle runs, snake intervals, and bear crawls. I won't bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that my 40-year-old body is reminding me today why I'm not in high school anymore. I even had to use my cap as a yard marker. I'd place it just ahead of the next goal line to help me keep track of where it was I was running on each interval.

Soreness, in a sermon. Seems it's a good reminder of Paul's urgency in Philippians. Our daily objectives of better health, stronger families and daily excellence are all yard markers to help us keep track of where it is we're running. And here we are at an interval -- an up and back sprint through yet another day. Off to work, school, the gym. Line, by line, by line; to and fro we go. But if we remember who we are in Christ, then we know what we must do for Him. Everything we strive for should point toward the goal that lies just ahead. Kinda neat, but each time I reached for my cap, I read what describes our prize of heaven--"Glory."

--Jimmy Peña

HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO THE PRAYFIT 33 One year ago today (August 27), we filmed our first DVD, the PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge with Lionsgate Entertainment in order to provide you with a fabulous, in-home resource to getting healthier for all the right reasons.

With 33 days of bodyweight-driven workouts and inspiring messages from founder Jimmy Peña, this DVD has been the bedrock of change for many who have chosen to believe one fundamental truth: that it is important to care for the body that carries the soul.

>> To view the trailer or to order, click here.

Have a PrayFit 33 success story? Send it to us today at!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


November 15, 2011 Read: Philippians 3

"I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus." --Philippians 3:14

Marathons by sheer necessity have a way of taking over a city. Streets transform into running lanes; sidewalks into grandstands. And with no cars on the road, signals and signs can be completely ignored. Or so I thought. See, in the days before the race, a friend and avid runner named Juancho Fuentes shook his head as he said to me, "Whatever you do, don't stop." I nodded in obvious agreement, as if I had just been told to keep my elbows off the table.

Well, with Queensboro Bridge about four miles behind me, I did it. Cover your ears Juancho, but I stopped to adjust the wrap around my injury. As I did, both legs simultaneously locked up. Fortunately, I was in the middle of a water station area, where the road was slick, enabling me to shuffle for nearly 100 feet until I could bend my knees.

I winced as I turned the next corner into a business district. And wouldn't you know it, having just survived concrete quicksand, lining the street as far as I could see were the signs: "NO STOPPING ANYTIME." It was too painful for me to enjoy the irony. Visit that avenue today and those signs serve their primary purpose for parked cars and delivery trucks. But for a mile or so, they stood as a constant reminder of the harsh reality that I had to keep moving. If I stopped, I was done.

QUESTION: School getting rough? Keep studying. Unbearable boss? Be thankful for work. Struggling with your weight or failing at the dinner table? The extra mile will be worth your while. Whatever you do, don't stop.

--Jimmy Peña


Think the only way to become a better distance runner is to run for distance? Think again. While the importance of event-specific training can not be marginalized, there is a growing body of research to suggest that interval training may have value as well.

Scientists at the University of Western Ontario (London) found that subjects who performed 4-6, 30-second sprints three times per week burned twice as much fat as those who jogged for 30-60 minutes at a steady pace. Both groups gained an average of 1% lean mass. But what’s even more interesting is that the endurance markers — time trials in 2000-meter run and VO2 max performance — were similar with both groups.

So while intervals are highly touted for their ability to burn fat, they are also a solid option for decreasing your times on your long runs. Intervals boost your heart's stroke volume, or total blood pumped per beat. That means longer times to fatigue, which is critical for distance runners. So don't feel guilty if you can't make it out for your five-miler today -- 15 minutes worth of high-intensity intervals will provide you with plenty of benefits to take on your next run.


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