Since 2009
Grace Puts Faith To Work
What a week. Anybody care to sigh with me? Do me a favor as you read this sentence and join me in a big, deep breath. Inhale......exhale-uhhhh. How's that? I can almost feel your collective participation. Thanks guys. Friday is always a good day for a recap, but if you're like me, recaps are tough to jot down. Especially when there's been any kind of loss, even in the midst of gain. But the fact that I'm typing and you're reading means we owe it all to grace. Step by graceful step. And I know...I could stop talking about grace as it relates to health, but nothing quite compares. The mirror fades, muscles atrophy, lungs weaken, bones break. But grace...grace does none of those things. Grace is the point of it all. It takes the credit for our highs and is the only way through the lows. It's the purpose, the means and the reason we humbly claw, climb, sweat and strive. Truth is, grace is more than what we say before we eat. It's the meal. And when you're full of grace, you have everything you need to put faith to work. This point of the recap would be a good spot for an "Amen."
So as we end the week, let me hope to be as much of an encouragement to you as you have been to me and mine. I'm praying for every reader, that your health affords you many more days' worth of steps to showcase His grace. And like I wrote to friends and family recently, may each step -- especially if it's our last hurrah -- sound an awful lot like "Hallelujah."
--Jimmy Peña
STRENGTH SESSION: Spend a few minutes strengthening up this morning with this quickie workout, led by Jimmy. Click play below to get started!
BOOKS & BONUSES: As you read here on Monday, we're excited to be rolling out our second book, "The PrayFit Diet," on April 8. But for those that pick up a copy early, spoils await. Order here before the official release date and receive a pair of bonus downloads:
Starter's Guide: Featuring a breakdown of the perfectly balanced 33-day PrayFit Diet, this guide also includes your first week's shopping list and seven days of detailed meal plans.
The PrayFit Prayer: One of the most widely shared posts in PrayFit history is now available as a downloadable, high-res PDF poster. The PrayFit Prayer, seen here, reminds us of our ultimate motivations for health.
Order your copy today and share the link with your social media networks!
I Run...
We needed a little good news in the Peña home and last night we got some. Loretta, the runner in the family, got a much-anticipated e-mail from the New York City Marathon Organizing Committee. They wrote simply, "Congratulations, Loretta! You're in." Indeed, come November, my wife will be running the five boroughs. And I, of course, will be perched at my usual spot, the finish line. Neat thing, along with her email, she was given the chance to claim her "I Run" badge. Some of the options are:
I Run...For Life. I Run...Because I can. I Run...For the love of it. I Run...For the race of a lifetime. I Run...For everyone who can't.
If there were a badge for all of the above, I think she'd wear it.
Well if you're like me, you may not be planning on running the NYC Marathon, but you walk your block, you lift weights, or maybe you swim laps, all in order to keep yourself in the race -- a race that Paul urged us to run with persistence and endurance. Guys, the Biblical truth is that you can do everything God wants you to do. I wonder if they could fit that on a badge.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: Whether you're an avid runner or not, what does your badge say? Talk to me. And if you can guess what my badge would say, I'll send you a complimentary signed copy of my new book.
BOOKS & BONUSES: As you read here on Monday, we're excited to be rolling out our second book, "The PrayFit Diet," on April 8. But for those that pick up a copy early, spoils await. Order here before the official release date and receive a pair of bonus downloads:
Starter's Guide: Featuring a breakdown of the perfectly balanced 33-day PrayFit Diet, this guide also includes your first week's shopping list and seven days of detailed meal plans.
The PrayFit Prayer: One of the most widely shared posts in PrayFit history is now available as a downloadable, high-res PDF poster. The PrayFit Prayer, seen here, reminds us of our ultimate motivations for health.
Order your copy today and share the link with your social media networks!
The Point Of It All
Hey everyone, As we're about to resume devotions after the long weekend, I wanted to help set the stage for those who are new (and there are a lot of you, so welcome and thank you). And to those who have been with us for weeks, months or years, you know how much I cherish you; not sure there's a word I can type that can best express it. But put plainly, Jesus is the point of our story. He's the point of our ministry. And the PrayFit veterans among you know that it's not simply a catch phrase. Amidst the waves of an out-of-balance fitness industry, we treat that truth like the life-preserver it is. We cling to it. Eyes closed and white-knuckled, we clutch it. He's the point of our health we can't miss.
As often as we can, we strive to help you see fitness through a biblical prism and allow God's word, characters, examples, stories and parables to guide, motivate, encourage, inspire, and transform our daily lives. You'll hear me say it often, but health is a faith battle. No matter where you are -- fit or unfit, healthy or ill -- the bible has something to say to you about your body.
No matter where you are -- fit or unfit, healthy or ill -- the bible has something to say to you about your body.
So as we begin a new chapter at PrayFit, let this simple prayer help. Some of you have read it before and for others it's brand new. Either way, let it be a reminder that the weight you hold in your hands means nothing if you let opportunities to witness slip through them. More muscle is not your mission. Fitness is not your frontier. And on the other hand, if you're not honoring Him with your body, may this be a reminder that you were wonderfully created for an abundant, healthy, vibrant life; a life designed to follow Him and recruit others to do the same.
Indeed, He's the point of your health I don't want you to miss. If you're looking for a life-preserver, you're in real good company. Grab hold. Welcome to PrayFit.
--Jimmy Peña
Details soon, but please be praying for His renown. PrayFit Rise will be a celebration of grace and health. A time where faith and fitness collide. We'll have speakers, experts, wonderful preachers and some very special guests. The venue for this unique and groundbreaking event is about to be unveiled and early-bird registration is soon to begin. Most importantly though, please pray for us as we plan and prepare to roll this inaugural event out. Thank you!
A PrayFit Prayer
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come." --1 Timothy 4:8
Read: 1 Timothy 4
Life is not about the body, but our health is a means of praise. So this week, before that first rep, regardless of what workout you are taking to the gym with you, take a few moments and whisper this prayer, quietly taking stock of the ultimate goal: to honor the One who created you.
Lord, please bless my workout. As I train my arms, let it remind me that I'm held tightly in Yours. As I work my legs, let it be only to follow you more closely. When I work my chest, may it be safely under a breastplate of righteousness. And when I hit my back, I'll recall that I'll never be attacked by surprise. And finally Lord, allow my beating heart to grow stronger, knowing that's exactly where You live. Yes Lord, please bless my workout. I'm a temple, here to worship.
In Jesus' name, I train, Amen.
--Jimmy Peña
This one's on you! No matter what you enjoy doing for exercise -- walking, running, lifting -- we want you to give us the scoop. Give other PrayFit faithfuls some ideas to try in their world.
If you're looking for something to train along to at home, something that incorporates a little more resistance, try our new DVD! Exclusively released by Thomas Nelson Publishers and produced by Lionsgate Entertainment comes The Prayfit 33-Day Body Toning System.