Since 2009
Say Something
"Therefore go and make disciples of all nations." --Matthew 28:19
Read: Matthew 28
A recent conference call took an interesting turn. See, I was blessed to be the link between my friend (the reason for the call) and a potential group of investors. Compared to the names on the line, I was definitely the little man.
Well, things seemed to be going just fine, but as the meeting was coming to a close, my friend did the unexpected. In his closing remarks to everyone he said, "Jimmy speaks for me." And then he hung up. (Cue the crickets) In one sentence, my role changed. Four little words converted me from little man to middle man. The reason for the call was gone, but I was his voice. Eyes wide, heart pumping. "Say something" I thought to myself. (Cue the life lesson)
Friends, you and I represent the Reason for our call; in how we speak, work, live...and move.
Say something.
--Jimmy Peña
47 Percentage reduction in symptoms of depression for those who walked 30 minutes, 3-5 times per week.
Source: MedicineNet.com