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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Through Your Life

"For who in the skies above can compare with the Lord?" --Psalm 89:6

Read: Psalm 89

Yesterday I got the most humbling invitation. The Director of Alumni Relations e-mailed me and said that the Regional Alumni Selection Committee selected me as one of four Distinguished Alumni of The University of Texas at Tyler where I attended graduate school. Not only that but I've been invited to accept the award at the Alumni Awards Gala in March being held in our honor. Friends, family and former professors will be there to celebrate and reminisce with me. Part of their correspondence said, "Thank you for your talent, your accomplishments and for bringing attention and value to your alma mater through your life."

Now, I'm sure we'll be sharing details as it comes closer, and we're already praying for the opportunity to speak at a church while we're there, but let's go back to the end of that sentence. "Through your life." Not throughout my life, but through it -- within it, inside it. Reading it the first time was rough, but re-typing it was even tougher; talk about humbling and undeserved. In that moment, I wished I had been a better student.

It's easy to think of Heaven on days like this. We've accepted an invitation we don't deserve, to celebrate a reward we didn't earn. You know, if we're allowed to reminisce about earth as we sit at Heaven's table, I know for certain that I'll wish I had been a better Christian, a stronger witness, and a closer follower. What could I have done with my life, my words, my thoughts, and my health for the Lord? Oh, but grace. Thankfully like the old hymn says, we'll "turn our eyes upon Jesus and look full in His wonderful face. And the things on earth will grow strangely dim, in the light of His glory and grace."

--Jimmy Peña

Question: Someday, we may just find out what more we could have done with our lives and health for the cause of Christ. I want my list to be short. What changes will you make today to ensure that you are as able and capable physically to fulfill your purpose? Let us know in the comment section below.


When you get in from a run, do your back, arches and everything else hurt? We share your pain, but hopefully not for long. With these easy tips to correct your stride, your runs may quickly become more enjoyable. And in delight, there is consistency.

>> Click here for three ways you can improve your stride today.

>> The Word is out...PrayFit's new, challenging at-home workout DVD is helping people build physical and spiritual muscle! Still one of Amazon's top new releases in faith, this workout is the perfect way to reclaim your health. Share the link below with others, or order yours today!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


October 25, 2010Read: Philippians 4:8

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things- Philippians 4:8

What does "fit" look like?

That was the question that came to mind as I delivered a message to Tyler's Fit City Challenge back in Texas this weekend. The great people of Tyler are reaching deep within themselves and are hitting the obesity epidemic head on. Their mission statement says it all: Making Tyler a "Fit City" one step, one bite and one health-conscious decision at a time. Someday, the city of Tyler will be the standard against which the surrounding communities will be judged. Amen, Tyler?

On my way back to the airport, we passed by Bergfeld Park where the challenge was held. And while all the booths, vendors and guest speakers were long gone, there were a couple of families enjoying the park. One family was throwing a ball around, and the other was on the swings. I wondered if it was part of their weekly routine or a brand new tradition; either would be fine with me.

Tyler...may God help us follow your lead in our homes and communities. You're the answer to my question.


WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: 10-Minute Abs & Core

Like we've said before, it's impossible to completely isolate any one portion of the abs or core musculature, but you can emphasize a section over another depending on the exercise. Today's 10-minute workout will hit your upper and lower abs, your obliques as well as your deep transverse abdominis with accuracy. We'll begin by hitting a common weakness, the lower abs. Then we'll move to the obliques and upper abs and close-out today's workout with the plank.

Exercise (emphasis)

Reverse Crunch (lower abs) Crossover Crunch (obliques) Standard Crunch (upper abs) Plank (transverse abdominis/core)

--Do a set to failure of each exercise, moving through the circuit without rest. Repeat the sequence for 10 minutes. Log the number of reps you get on each exercise as well as the number of times you are able to complete the sequence. Try this workout twice per week, aiming to beat the number of reps and total trips through the circuit each time. Remember that consistently challenging yourself to do better than you did last time is the only way to ensure progress -- something to think about if a stronger-looking midsection is your goal.

>> FIT CITY CHALLENGE: Check out the post-event coverage of the Fit City Challenge on the Tyler Paper.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


October 4, 2010Read: Luke 5

"And he withdrew himself into the wilderness and prayed." --Luke 5:16

The understatement of the year would be to say that we at PrayFit have been blessed. Your faithfulness, encouragement and prayers have overwhelmed us. We're humbled by your response to our automatic e-mail feed and we want to publicly give the Lord all the glory. We thank Him for who He is, for what He's done, for what He's doing right now, and for what He will do in the weeks and months ahead.

With that promise, we are going to follow His lead into our own wilderness for time of prayer, rejuvenation and renovation! Over the next few weeks, we will be doing some traveling, speaking at churches and conferences beginning in Tyler, Texas at the Fit City Challenge where we will be delivering the keynote speech. Not only will we be sharing the PrayFit message, but we will be pre-selling our first book, helping parents, kids and teens live healthier, fuller lives. If you haven’t pre-ordered the book on Amazon for yourself or as a gift, please do so by clicking here.

If you want to book the PrayFit team to visit your church, community center or sports team over the next few months, please e-mail us at for more information!

In the meantime, please keep us in your prayers -- as always, you'll be in ours.

In Jesus’ name, we train.

Team PrayFit

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