Since 2009
Life's Greatest Pleasure
"People will be lovers of themselves." --2 Timothy 3:2
Read: 2 Timothy 3
I happened to run across one of those motivational posters this weekend. You know, the kind with those powerful statements meant to inspire you to be all you can be. Well, even though it wasn't exactly new to me, this one caught my attention nonetheless. It said, "The greatest pleasure in life is doing what people say you can't." Evidently, people agreed because it had about a million "likes" underneath it. And why not? Who doesn't want to show the world? But then it dawned on me: How many times someone has actually said to me, "Jimmy, I don't think you can do that." How 'bout you?
You know, if there's one thing I've noticed about the fitness industry it's that there's a self-placed chip on its shoulder and the delusion that someone is daring to knock it off. For whatever reason, Godly confidence has been replaced with a harsh, in-your-face tone, backed up with visuals. That topic demands a week's worth of devotions on its own but let me take it further. Even if it was true -- even if the world placed bets against one's "ability" to be do something, in fitness or otherwise -- is proving the world wrong really life's greatest pleasure?
"If man says I can't, and God says I shouldn't, I'd rather show Him than show them."
The correct answer brings me a long way to this point, and one that we try and get across at PrayFit: Let's not take so much pleasure in doing what others say we can't. Let's instead take pleasure in doing what God says we can. If they intersect, great. If they don't, even better. Besides, if man says I can't, and God says I shouldn't, I'd rather show Him than show them. But God runs this body. If you're jumping through hoops of comparison or climbing mountains of ego, stop. Drench your day in the gospel. The taunts and dares around you are subject to Jesus.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: Can you spend so much time in the gym or counting calories trying to "prove" the world wrong (whoever that is) that you actually miss what God is calling you to do with the health you're building? What if the world said, "Believer, I bet you can't invite a perfect stranger to church. I bet you can't give to the homeless person on the corner. I bet you can't be modest." If that's what the world said we couldn't do, I wonder if we'd try to prove it wrong. Would it help us if we realized those things are God's will already? Share your thoughts below.
ONE-MINUTE LESSON: CRUNCH Build abdominal strength by mastering this do-anywhere exercise
In 2014, many of us will be trying to get in better shape. We'll be training our bodies to lift more, run farther, swim faster, jump higher. But no matter the demand we are placing on these bodies, a strong set of abdominal muscles is of paramount importance but maybe for a different reason than you're thinking. Infusing your abs with strength and endurance helps you to do all of those other things that you were counting on doing better this year because all roads pass through your core. A fitter middle means greater success, literally, in everything else. The crunch is a great move to get you started. Here's how to get it right.
Crunch | Focus: Upper abs
Lie face-up on the floor with your hands cupped gently behind your head (do not pull on your neck). Keeping your knees bent and with your feet flat on the floor, crunch your upper body up until your shoulder blades are off the floor. Squeeze your abs then lower yourself back to the start and repeat.
TIP: New to crunches? Try performing 15 slow, controlled repetitions for 3-4 total sets. Rest 30 seconds between sets. If you're more advanced, try setting a clock by your work, starting at one minute of continuous crunches and adding 10 seconds every workout.
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Just Before the Call
"Simon answered, 'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets." --Luke 5:5
Read: Luke 5
Smelly, dirty, grimy -- these are just a few of the ways to describe Peter and his buddies. After all, they spent their days baiting hooks and cleaning fish. I'm smiling as I picture Jesus 'the Recruiter' walking up to this motley crew. Did He pause and grin, crouching down to watch and listen to them work? Maybe after a few minutes, He looked skyward with a smile as if to say, "I found them."
I'm not sure, but I like to wonder what happened in that moment just before the call. What we do know is that of all the fishermen that came off the water, this bunch caught God's attention. And not long after Christ borrowed Peter's boat, the two were catching fish in water too deep for the nets to reach; Peter's preview to the depths of His love.
Friends, remember. You have God's attention. So as we start our cars this week, open our offices, enter our cubicles or prepare for housework, let's do what Peter did and abandon control. Let's just imagine Him saying with a grin, "I found them," and this is that moment just before the call.
--Jimmy Peña
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Abs Alas, the quest for "six-minute abs" continues. While we won't tell you that great abdominals are a six-minute pursuit, we can tell you that it's possible to get a great workout without spending all day in the gym. The following routine is short but intense and can be added to any existing training program, 2-3 times per week. No prescription for sets -- simply perform as many segments of work as it takes to reach the number listed, resting as little as possible, then move on to the next exercise. The key, as ever, is insisting on progression. Each week for 6-8 weeks, add 10 reps to each abdominal exercise (add 10 seconds to the plank).
Double Crunch - 50 Reverse Crunch - 50 Crunch - 50 Plank - 50 seconds
>> For video demonstrations, click here. BONUS TIPS 1 Never train abs before performing weight training. This can reduce core stability, reduce strength and put you at risk for injury. Save abs for after weights, or do them in a single, dedicated session. 2 Follow this routine with a good cardio session to maximize your body's ability to burn fat locally from that area. Studies have shown that higher-rep abs training followed by cardio can lend itself to "spot reducing," which was previously thought to be a myth. 3 Add in two consecutive low-carb days each week. Recent research has shown this to be more effective for burning fat than extended low-carb dieting or not going low-carb at all. 4 Try tapering your carb consumption in the evening. Your body's metabolism slows as the day wears on, making carbs consumed later in the day more likely (although not certain) to be stored as bodyfat. (Note: If you train in the evening, this is not as important.)
"...weeping, she began to wet his feet with her tears and wiped them with the hair of her head..." -Luke 7:38
Back in graduate school, we had our share of underwater weighing assignments. Underwater weighing is regarded as the most valuable tool at determining body composition. However, in order for the subject to be seen accurately, it takes an extreme amount of effort and courage on the part of the person being tested. See, as you're lowered into the water, you have to empty your lungs, breathing out every drop of air possible.
The woman in Luke 7 defied ridicule and disregarded the rules to do one thing: to pour everything she had at His feet. Broken, she just had to break free and nothing was going to stop her from seeing her Lord. After her tears cleaned His feet and her hair dried them, she courageously emptied her alabaster bottle of valuable perfume for Jesus to breathe in.
Friends, don't miss it today. When we're empty, we allow Him to see us. When we breathe it all out, He breathes it all in. If only for today, let's pour our health at His feet like perfume and tears. Lord, here is all our praise, expressed from the top of our lungs.
—Jimmy Peña
Appropriate for today is our exercise of choice: the plank. This exercise, which is a part of our Workout of the Week, has no movement whatsoever but has plenty going on. The plank primarily works the muscle called the transverse abdominis -- the muscle most responsible when we breathe out air. Try it, as you read this sentence, take a deep breath and then blow out as much as possible. Keep going....keep breathing out....feel that? Well, that muscle ache deep in your gut is exactly that, deep in your gut. In fact, the transverse abdominis is highly responsible for the strength of your spine and helps prevent low back pain. The stronger the transverse abdominis, the better your posture and the more likely you're going to enjoy low back health. Try it. Each day, shoot for a longer plank time. Here's how to get it right:
Plank | Focus: Core, abs, lower back Lie facedown on the floor with your body straight and forearms resting on the floor. Slowly press your body up off the floor onto your forearms and toes. Keep your abs pulled in tight and your back flat while holding this position.