Since 2009
Friday Recap
Neat week. Monday we reminded ourselves that it's more important to have a healthy conscience than it is to be health conscious. Tuesday, Siri gave a glorious answer to an impossible question. Wednesday, we learned that when it comes to chains of life, the load is lightest the closer you get to the floor. And yesterday, amid many of your praises, we celebrated the truth that God makes all things new.
We're so glad that PrayFit is a part of your day. It's an honor we take seriously. And get this: We're nearing our 1,000th devotion. Six years and yes, almost a thousand devotions! We'll do something fun like some giveaways to celebrate soon.
Have a great and healthy weekend. Dig into your Bibles and books, get active, spend time with family, then do some resting and renewal. See you Monday.
--Team PrayFit
Soreness in a Sermon
"I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." --Philippians 3:14
Read: Philippians 3
Yesterday's sermon reminded me of Saturday's workout. The guest speaker said to us, "I know who I am, and I know what I must do." He was referring to his thoughts the moment he came to know Christ 15 years ago. He then listed a handful of biblical examples who met that same conclusion once they met Jesus.
Saturday, I took my training outdoors. Over the last few months, I've had to modify my workouts and I decided to hit the local high school football field for some shuttle runs, snake intervals, and bear crawls. I won't bore you with the details, but suffice it to say that my 40-year-old body is reminding me today why I'm not in high school anymore. I even had to use my cap as a yard marker. I'd place it just ahead of the next goal line to help me keep track of where it was I was running on each interval.
Soreness, in a sermon. Seems it's a good reminder of Paul's urgency in Philippians. Our daily objectives of better health, stronger families and daily excellence are all yard markers to help us keep track of where it is we're running. And here we are at an interval -- an up and back sprint through yet another day. Off to work, school, the gym. Line, by line, by line; to and fro we go. But if we remember who we are in Christ, then we know what we must do for Him. Everything we strive for should point toward the goal that lies just ahead. Kinda neat, but each time I reached for my cap, I read what describes our prize of heaven--"Glory."
--Jimmy Peña
HAPPY ANNIVERSARY TO THE PRAYFIT 33 One year ago today (August 27), we filmed our first DVD, the PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge with Lionsgate Entertainment in order to provide you with a fabulous, in-home resource to getting healthier for all the right reasons.
With 33 days of bodyweight-driven workouts and inspiring messages from founder Jimmy Peña, this DVD has been the bedrock of change for many who have chosen to believe one fundamental truth: that it is important to care for the body that carries the soul.
>> To view the trailer or to order, click here.
Have a PrayFit 33 success story? Send it to us today at info@prayfit.com!
August 19, 2011Read: John 13
"Love one another." -- John 13:34
If you can't seem to find me today, chances are good that I'm still at the Hallmark store. Like many a husband, I waited till the last minute to find the one thing that matters most to my wife: a card. (See, today is our anniversary).
Sure, I could come home tonight with chocolate, flowers and diamonds, but if I were to forget the card -- I may as well have forgotten her name. If I've learned anything after 16 years it's that jewelry may reach her hand, but words find her heart. Her reaction says it all.
Friends, God gave us the world, but He didn't stop there. No, He didn't want the world to be the closest we get to Heaven, so He put His love in writing. And what matters most to Him - our reaction - says it all.
WEEK IN REVIEW A short stroll down Memory Lane for the fit and faithful
>> NETWORK: Single clicks to PrayFit's online communities
>> RECIPE: Get quick protein with tuna or chicken salad pockets
>> VITAMINS: What is the most overlooked vitamin in the fight against obesity?