Since 2009
Step Into Delight
"Enter his gates with thanksgiving and enter his courts with praise; be thankful in your hearts to him and bless his holy name." --Psalm 100:4
During their years at Baylor University, Brooke and Mattie were like peas and carrots; always together. Not only were they roommates, they went to the same classes, same after-school activities. Together they volunteered, worked with charities, and counseled local school children. Suffice it to say, they were tight. Brooke, the musician of the two, loves to play the sax and she's played piano since she was four years old. She's so good at music, in fact, she has perfect pitch. In other words, she doesn't need to hear Middle C on the keyboard or need a guitar strum as a reference. She can identify between any two notes without help. Mattie on the other hand, although she never learned an instrument, was likely at every rehearsal and performance.
Being an old Baylor grad myself, their story caught my attention recently. See, after graduating in May, Brooke moved back home to pursue her Master's degree at Colorado State. And I'm guessing Mattie will be there too. I'm only guessing because Brooke was born blind, and Mattie is her 6-year old seeing-eye German Shepherd, who according to the story, slows down before steps, avoids obstacles and stops before drop-offs. That's some pedigree if you ask me.
It's Monday. Let's step into delight. No matter what your day or week has in store, let's turn our attention to the good Lord. Let's do like Brooke and find what's bright where there seems to be no light. Let's give thanks. And when it comes to health, please give me a show of hands for those thanking God for their health today. How about a show of hands of those asking God for health today. Curious, how 'bout a show of hands for those with both hands up. Oh friends. If you're raising yours, God can hear you. He hears your hurts and your joyous praise. He can hear both at the same time. And He has perfect pitch.
--Jimmy Peña
P.S. There might be one walk Brooke takes without Mattie, and that's when she marries her fiance Dean Bisogno, whom she met while at Baylor. But I like to think that Mattie won't be too far away.
>> Enjoy Brooke's story in the WacoTrib.com: CLICK HERE
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Mastering the Push-Up
The push-up is a tough but fantastic exercise that targets your chest, shoulders, triceps and to a lesser extent your core musculature. So mastering it, even through the initial road bumps, is a good idea. This workout will get you on your way to push-up mastery!
It's No Wonder
"Know that the Lord is our God. It is he who made us and we are his; we are his people, the sheep of his pasture." --Psalm 100:3
Read: Psalm 100
She should have been a carpenter. If it had been a priceless work of art, she wouldn't have put any more effort into it. Sitting on the kitchen floor, Loretta (who is the handyman in the family), measured, marked and re-measured to make sure the new kitchen hardware was going to be centered perfectly. Of course, I "eyeballed it" and knew everything would be even, but that wasn't good enough. No sir. She even made me hold the tools as she steadied the level. But you can't blame her. After all, these were her cabinets for a room where we spend the most time and have have so much fun.
Putting my arm around her, I kissed the side of her head as we surveyed her work. In that moment, I wondered if this is how we should be treating our time, resources and our health. Our gifts deserve more than an "eyeballing" but rather a genuine care and concern, amen? Of course, not to boast in our possessions or to gloat about how "fit" we are, but all because of the One who made us.
"Fearfully." "Wonderfully." "Knit together." "Formed." "Created". These are just a few of the ways the bible describes how God lovingly built us. Just imagine Him with a level as He designed our souls with integrity. Picture it as He wipes the dust from our rough edges, smoothing tempers and molding character. It's no wonder He chose to be a carpenter. We're a masterpiece that He signed with His blood and framed with a body; what a privilege He's given us to care for His work.
--Jimmy Peña
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Push-Ups & Planks If you’re short on time, but long on enthusiasm, today’s workout will meet both needs. No equipment required — all you need is some open space, your own bodyweight and 5-10 minutes. Even if you had other plans for the day’s workout, indulge us and give it a try anyway.
Flying Without Wings
"But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." --Matthew 6:33
Read: Matthew 6
In Jonathan Pierce's song "Flying Without Wings", a great line always connects with me. He sings:
"So impossible as it may seem, you've got to fight for every dream. 'Cause who's to know, which one you let go, would've made you complete."
Last week, the space shuttle Discovery, sitting atop a 747 shuttle carrier aircraft, flew over the Washington Monument; its last flight. See, both the goal and the cost to get there are just too high. A bittersweet end to NASA's dream of boldly going where no man has gone before. But no matter where you stand on the politics of it, one thing is undisputed: We went as high as we could.
Friends, as we begin the week pursuing Jesus, let's be dreamers who fight for the things God put in our hearts. If He's called our souls to it, everything we have -- including our health -- is subject to that calling. And as believers, we're climbers, over-comers, and conquerors. So keep going, stay strong. Let's go as high as we can on earth, knowing Jesus paid the cost for the Heaven-seekers to someday go higher.
--Jimmy Peña
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Shoulders, Arms, Abs
Sure, it's still early spring but that means it's the perfect time to start getting ready for summer. This workout tackles shoulders, arms and abs. All you need is a set of dumbbells and a little bit of space, either at home or the gym.
For each exercise listed, choose a weight that brings about failure at the rep range listed. By "failure," we simply mean the point at which you can no longer complete reps with good form. For example, if you complete 15 reps when you could have done 18, you should probably use a bit more weight on the next.
Spend about five minutes warming up -- jumping jacks, running in place, jumping rope and shadowboxing are all good ways to increase your heart rate and core temperature as well as prime your joints and muscles for the work ahead. This is preferable to static stretching ahead of exercise, which does not reduce your risk of injury or increase flexibility. Rest no longer that one minute between sets.
SHOULDERS Standing Dumbbell Lateral Raise: 3 Sets of 10-15 Standing Dumbbell Overheard Press: 3 Sets of 10-15 Standing Dumbbell Upright Row: 3 Sets of 10-15
ARMS Dumbbell Curl: 3 Sets of 10-15 Dumbbell Kickback: 3 Sets of 10-15
ABS Double Crunch: 3 Sets to failure
>> NEW!!! For a more comprehensive target training routine plus motivation and biblical encouragement, try the NEW PrayFit 33-Day Body Toning System DVD, exclusively through Thomas Nelson Publishing and its family of retailers. Find out more or place an order by clicking here.
Moved to Move
"You turned my wailing into dancing; you removed my sackcloth and clothed me with joy, that my heart may sing your praises and not be silent. Lord my God, I will praise you forever." --Psalm 30:10-12
Read: Psalm 30
This morning, during worship service at church, I fell victim to the rhythm. Without making a conscious decision to do so, I found myself air-drumming the bench in front of me, tapping my foot to the beat and gently bobbing my head as I sang along with the choir. Sometimes, a song -- whether by melody, message or miracle -- just takes hold of your body and compels you to move. Isn't it as amazing that something as simple as a song can inspire you to the point where God's love within you is left with no choice but to expressed through movement?
But long after we're dismissed from service, our bodies are still crying out to move for the Lord -- to run, jump, lift, climb and ride in perfect step to a song that He so meticulously composed on our hearts so long ago. All we have to do is tune in and listen and let the music do its work. This Master's magnum opus was written to evoke a particular response -- to move you to move.
--Eric Velazquez
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Arms This week's workout focuses on your biceps and triceps. Contrary to what some may think, training your arms is not simply a matter of vanity. Strong bi's aid on all pulling activities and well-trained triceps generate more force on all your pushes. Though smaller by comparison, these muscles play a crucial role in how much weight you can lift on other exercises such as bench presses and rows. So training them regularly does more than just help you look better in sleeveless tees. This routine requires the use of dumbbells and can be done at home or the gym.
This is a form of training known as German Volume Training, or GVT, and simply calls you on you to perform 10 sets of a single exercise in order to fully and effectively target the muscles. The quick-training wrinkle? You'll be supersetting, or alternating between biceps and triceps exercises. And because you'll be targeting arms, you can keep rest periods short -- biceps and triceps recover fairly quickly -- to keep the intensity level high. Choose a weight that you can safely complete 20 reps with but perform only 10. Continue alternating exercises until you have performed 10 sets of each exercise.
Exercise Sets/Reps Dumbbell Curl 10/10 -superset with- Lying Dumbbell Extension --Rest only 30-60 seconds between supersets. --Perform this routine at least once per week and no more than twice. If you train arms twice, allow at least 3-4 days between sessions for recovery. --Perform a few light sets of curls and extensions before beginning your 10 working sets.
October 14, 2011Read Proverbs 31
“She girds herself with strength, and strengthens her arms.” --Proverbs 31:17
For many women in the church today, reading about the woman in Proverbs 31 can be a little intimidating. If you’re anything like me, you’re thinking one of two things. One, Wow, now that is an amazing woman and two, I hope my husband never sees this chapter! I mean, goodnight, is she human? This is quite a list: she’s a credit to her husband, she’s wise, she cooks, she sews, she shops, she’s a business woman, she’s charitable, she stays very busy, she works out, she—wait, she works out? Really?
Verse 17 says: “She girds herself with strength, and strengthens her arms.” To “gird” means to surround, equip or to prepare oneself for action.
In all my years of being in church and hearing about the ‘virtuous woman,’ I can’t remember this verse ever being highlighted. We hear about her honor, her selflessness and her business savvy, and these are all great qualities but why have we skipped over what is clearly a key to how and why she can accomplish so much?
I don’t know about you, but when I work out consistently I have more energy to tackle everything that’s on my plate. I’m less stressed, I’m even tempered (read: less cranky) and I’m better prepared for life’s challenges. I don’t have time to be lethargic, moody or ‘out of it.’ Does anyone? So, I’m thinking, if this woman had time to work out, surely we can fit it in. Now, I’m not suggesting she was doing push-ups on the side of a well and doing walking lunges to and from, but she was doing something, right?
One of the great benefits of working out (along with a sensible diet) is being healthy, strong and available for service when God calls us onto the field. Being sidelined by health-related issues was never part of God’s plan of an abundant life for us. So, we need not be intimidated by our Proverbs 31 woman. After all, we’ve found her secret. Now it’s time to see her as a whole, understand that she was indeed human and in the midst of her busy life, still found time to “gird herself with strength.”
--Catrina Vargas-Cormell
An entrepreneur, Catrina Vargas-Cormell was one of the first members of the PrayFit community. Catrina is now a PrayFit executive committee member and PrayFit Group leader in El Paso, Texas. For more from Catrina, join her group, “Hungry!,” on Facebook or visit her PrayFit workout journal.
P-31: THE BOOK If today's entry piqued your interest on the Proverbs woman, read "P-31: Proverbs Women in Rush Hour Traffic, Navigating Serenity in a World of Chaos," by one of our best friends and most faithful PrayFit supporters, Sandie Powell. For more information on her book and its must-know concepts, e-mail Sandie at p31book@yahoo.com. All of the proceeds will be invested in the support and training of national pastors, bible and Christian literature distribution, church planting, and other support ministries in Southeast Asia.
PRAYFIT TO RELEASE FIRST DVD New 33-day program available through Lionsgate Entertainment Dec. 6
On December 6, Lionsgate Entertainment will release PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge to a global audience. The DVD will feature a 33-minute, bodyweight-only program that boosts strength, stamina and flexibility. The program’s 33-day length is a nod to proven habit-forming behavior as well as the length of Jesus’s life. “He gave us 33 years,” says PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena, MS, CSCS. “Let’s give him 33 minutes for 33 days, honoring the one who made us.”
>> For the full story on the PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge, click here. Or, to preorder immediately, visit Amazon.
March 7, 2011 Quote of the Week:
"Some leaders say, 'Don't bring me problems, bring me solutions.' God says, 'Bring me your problems, I AM your solution."
Workout of the Week: Build & Burn
This start-of-the-week workout will have you building strength and burning fat in only a few intense minutes per session. Grab some open space and some dumbbells or heavy soup cans if you have them. After a 5-minute warm-up, you'll get to work with this total-body blast, starting with legs. You then move to back, shoulders and arms and finish the circuit on the floor with push-ups and planks to failure. If you have time or the energy, take a couple minutes to rest and repeat the cycle. The jump squats will be brutal but you should expect to achieve around 15-20 reps each round. Rest only as long as necessary before beginning the next exercise.
Welcome to Monday!
Bodyweight squats for 1 min Jump Squats to failure Dumbbell Deadlifts for 1 min Jump Squats to failure Dumbbell Bent-Over Row for 1 min Jump Squats to failure Dumbbell Overhead Press for 1 min Jump Squats to failure Biceps Curl for 1 min Jump Squats to failure Triceps Kickbacks for 1 min Jump Squats to failure Bodyweight Push-Up to failure Jump Squats to failure Plank to failure Repeat the cycle Between exercises, rest only as long as necessary.
January 31, 2011 Quote of the Week
"If our health is a means of praise, and if praise demands a sacrifice, what will it cost you?"
Don't wait until springtime to start working on your summertime arms. In just 10 minutes, you can start building arms worthy of the sleveless summer days to come. Try this time-efficient, biceps and triceps combo. All you need is the end of a couch or bench and a pair of light dumbbells.
Biceps curl -superset with- Overhead extensions
Bench dips -superset with- Preacher curl*
*To perform this move without a preacher bench, simply hang your arm (or arms) over the couch, with your armpits flush to the top of the cushion.
>> For each exercise, perform as many reps as you can with the selected weight. Perform your reps quickly, but cleanly, and to failure. Go through the listed routine once, or twice if you want an even tougher workout. The next time you do this quick workout, begin with the opposite muscle group.
[fit terms]
SUPERSET: A superset is two exercises performed back to back with little to no rest between moves. Superset means go from one exercise to the next, resting only as long as it takes to get set up for the next move. This increase in intensity helps you to burn more calories during your workout. Performed as they are here, using opposing muscle groups, supersets allow one muscle group to recover while the other is working and can result in greater strength, muscle quality and density.
November 29, 2010Read: 1 Samuel 16
“Man looks at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart.” –1 Samuel 16:7
Earlier this year, I had the honor of spending some time with the leaders of the Boys and Girls Clubs of El Paso – an amazing group of people that I promise you’ll hear more about in the months ahead. And while touring one of the facilities, a teenager’s t-shirt caught my attention. It read, “Hay Que Tener Ganas.” As I read it out loud, I was given a shrug and a head tilt, “Ya gotta have heart.” (And mine stopped). To say the moment motivated me would be like saying Picasso painted or Mozart made music; an understatement to say the least. And as it turns out, it’s their motto.
So because of those kids, that’s our focus today. How we take care of the bodies God gave us is a heart issue, is it not? At PrayFit, we believe how the body responds in weight loss is merely a byproduct of obedience. It’s the daily diligence to eat right and exercise that takes true desire and guts. The kind of guts Omar, David and Clutch showed me this year. “They’re the true dreamers” — something I think their director, Mrs. Maldonado, would be the first to point out.
PRAYFIT IN EL PASO DEC. 2: If you’re in the El Paso area on December 2, please visit us at the El Paso Museum of Art for their 3rd Annual Fund Raising Gala. PrayFit will be on hand to support their efforts and also to begin the PrayFit book tour. If you’re unable to attend, please visit the El Paso Boys and Girls Clubs to donate to a great cause.
PRAYFIT WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: Push-Ups & Sit-Ups Herschel Walker, the famed NFL running back, would be proud of today's workout. He was notorious for training using just his bodyweight to craft his strong, lean physique. This week's workout is an upper body-and-abs thrasher. Just 10 minutes of work is all you'll need for this one. Perform one minute of each exercise then move to the next one, resting only as long as it takes to get into position. Try to get as many reps of each move as you can each minute, logging your total reps and striving to beat that number in each workout this week. Newbies should try two workouts, 3-4 days apart. Intermediates can try an every-other-day approach for three or four workouts total and advanced trainers can perform this mini routine five days straight.
Decline Push-Up (feet elevated on a chair, sofa or bench) Reverse Crunch Standard Push-Up Standard Crunch Incline Push-Up (hands on a bench, chair, sofa or wall) Double Crunch Decline Push-Up Double Crunch Standard Push-Up Reverse Crunch
November 18, 2010Read: Matthew 18
"Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, 'Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me? Up to seven times?' Jesus answered, 'I tell you, not seven times, but seventy times seven.'" --Matthew 18:21-22
Our sense of smell is pretty remarkable. Did you know that we can recall something we smell with 65% accuracy after one full year? Even more impressive when you consider that after merely three months, we can only recall 50% of what we see. From the sweet to the foul, one whiff and we might as well be time travelers. Let's face it, the nose knows.
Our hearts have similar olfactory characteristics. Maybe not for grandma's kitchen cupboard, but each heart has a nose for remembering the good, bad and the rotten. And at times, the ugly scent can linger longer than the others. After all, it stinks to get hurt. Especially if it's by those we love. And even though we try to forgive, something can trigger a memory and the aroma of the old moment fills the air.
Aren't we glad that when we go to Jesus, our past doesn't leave a stench? Oh Lord, thank you for completely forgiving and completely forgetting. Please help us do the same.
FITNESS TIP: Better Arms
Looking for better arms? Then take a seat...literally.
Typically during a barbell biceps curl, you seldom exhaust the upper portion of the curl simply because you failed to move the bar past the parallel point. However, the strongest portion of the curl is the top half. Reason being, the first half of a curl is predominantly brachioradialis, not the stronger biceps brachii. So why not spend some time up high where the biceps brachii can be fully activated? Therefore, practice seated barbell curls at the end of a bench, allowing the bar to touch the tops of your thighs. This will emphasize the upper portion of the biceps curl.