Since 2009
November 12, 2010Read: Proverbs 16
"Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and your plans will succeed." --Proverbs 16:3
Well, here we are. Friday. For some, it's the end of a glorious week. Each route you ran was a touchdown and each plan proved you're a genius. But for others, today marks the end of a not-so-glorious streak of five lost days tied together with a thick band of disappointment. You didn't begin the week feeling this way. You had different plans...much different.
For thousands of Carnival Cruise Splendor passengers, the week was anything but splendid. Drifting powerless, they too had different plans. Their hopes of food, fun and relaxation, were replaced with hunger, boredom and stress. Adding insult to injury, their ship had to be pulled to safety by tug boats at a blazing 4 mph. Misery took its time.
Friends, God knows our weeks. He knows our weak weeks. Your plans fail, my plans fail, and we drift. We're a group of wide-eyed strangers who boarded the big boat of life on Monday only wanting to jump ship by Wednesday. And even though we're saved, seeing land on Friday took way too long. But we can take today's sunrise as a reminder that the tug -- His gentle tug -- is enough. It really is enough.
WEEK AT A GLANCE Whether your week was adrift or at full throttle, here's a look back at a week of healthy living tips
>> WORKOUT: Blast your legs in 15 minutes or less!
>> NEWS: Guess who is coming after your kids with bad intentions?
>> RECIPE: An easy shake to energize your day or refuel after workouts.
>> TRIBUTE TO OUR VETS: A humble salute to those who have served.
>> STUFF A STOCKING: “PrayFit: Your Guide to A Healthy Body and A Stronger Faith in 28 Days,” is the perfect gift for anyone looking for a renewal of faith and fitness. The book includes 56 days of daily devotionals, complete exercise programs for beginners and intermediates, as well as full meal plans to speed results. Order a gift today or pick one up for yourself by heading to Barnes & Noble or Amazon today!
August 9, 2010Read: Revelation 3 "Here I am! I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in and eat with him, and he with me." --Revelation 3:20
"Who in their right mind would say no?" I said to myself as I sat in my annual CPR training last week. As it turns out, a conscious adult in a life-threatening emergency has to give consent in order to be helped. In fact, during our in-class role play, we'd practice saying, "I'm trained in emergency service. I'm here to help you. Do I have your consent?" It sounds absurd to think someone would deny being saved, right?
It was kind of easy to think about Jesus during the course. In our (life) time of need, He knocks on the door of our dying hearts saying, "Here I am!". He's the care giver who knows exactly where it hurts and the only one qualified to help.
It is easy -- far too easy -- to get bored of the treadmill. After a while, your seemingly ceaseless jaunt makes you question your entire motivation for exercise. If this is the best way to get fit, you rationalize, then someone pass me a towel and a donut.
Well luckily, there are ways to add some spice -- and greater productivity -- to your treadmill time. As it turns out, variety is not only advisable but required to keep your body changing. This workout forces you to adjust your speed, incline, duration and rest all in the same workout, keeping your lungs and limbs guessing. This interval-style scheme promotes speed, power and endurance, all while increasing your total work capacity.
If you're looking for a brutal but effective way to shake up your current cardio routine (and burn a few extra calories), then this workout is for you.
SPEED INCLINE TIME REST 5mph 5% 2min 1min 6mph 6% 1min 1min 7mph 7% 1min 1min 8mph 8% 45sec 1min 9mph 9% 30sec 1min 10mph 10% 20sec 1min 9mph 9% 30sec 1min 8mph 8% 45sec 1min 7mph 7% 1min 1min 6mph 6% 1min 1min 5mph 5% 2min 1min
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>> OFFICIAL FACEBOOK: Our "group" has officially gone the way of the dodo. To keep up with us and interact with fellow PrayFit fans, "like" us at our new Facebook location by clicking here.