Since 2009
"Where is the one born King of the Jews? We saw his star in the east and have come to worship him."— Matthew 2:2
Saturday night's lunar eclipse was as rare as it was spectacular. But if you're like me, you missed it. Chances are, we were all asleep, exhausted from work, school and some early Christmas shopping. It may have been a celestial phenomenon, but who has time for star gazing anyway?
It was 2000 years ago that God placed the star in the east to announce the birth of Jesus. But much like this weekend's early morning miracle, most everyone missed it. The calendar on Bethlehem's Blackberry was booked -- too busy, too stressed, too in control. Things had to get done and nobody else could do them. And yet, Jesus came to earth. Despite a limited live audience, life's main character was born.
Simply put, a lunar eclipse occurs when our world gets in the way of the sun.
Lord, may we never again let the same happen to us.
–Jimmy Peña
The mark of a true gym warrior is the telltale hobble in the days that follow leg day. You see, as your calendar begins to crowd over the course of the week, the first thing to suffer is usually your workout schedule. And the first bodypart routine to get bumped is usually legs, due to the energy, focus and determination required to thoroughly and properly exhaust these large muscles.
Legs, however, offer you the best chance of the week to make a positive and drastic effect on your overall body composition. Because of the amount of muscle mass worked in a single, well-scripted leg routine -- like the one offered here -- you enjoy a greater caloric burn and hormonal response in the days that follow that workout. So do yourself a favor -- don't skip leg day. Ever. The long term benefits are too great to sacrifice for the sake of a few days of discomfort.
Perform these exercises in the order listed, allowing 90-120 seconds of rest between sets and exercises.
Leg Extension: 3 sets of 8-10 reps The leg extension is a single-joint move that targets the front of your legs without the assistance of other muscle groups.
Leg Curl: 3 sets of 8-10 reps The leg curl is an isolation move that zeros in on your hamstrings without any help from other muscles.
Leg Press: 4 sets of 12-15 reps The leg press is compound, multi-joint exercise that hits the quads, hams and glutes. Research shows that it is the best exercise to target the inner, tear drop muscle of the quad (vastus medialis). Despite what many trainers will tell you, no matter your foot placement, the leg press is not the best exercise for the glutes because you don't have full hip extension.
Smith Machine Lunge: 4 sets of 12 reps The lunge is a multi-joint move that works all major muscles of the leg while providing the added benefit of safety. And since the weight is locked in a predetermined range of motion, you don't have to worry about balance -- you can focus your efforts on simply pushing the weight.
Jump Squat: 4 sets to failure Capping off the workout is the jump squat. A plyometric move where you don't decelerate your momentum, but rather allow your feet to leave the ground on each rep. Plyometrics are an excellent "finisher" for this kind of workout as the jump squat will exhaust every last bit of fast-twitch fiber your legs have to offer.
FAST-TWITCH describes the muscle fibers most responsible for fast, powerful and explosive movements such as jumping or lifting weights. These fibers are also the ones most responsible for muscle tone.
June 8, 2011 Most people, Christian or not, are familiar with the Footprints story. The end stanza where the Lord tells the author why there was only one set of footprints during the hard times puts a lump in the throat of even those with the most hardened of hearts.
"The time when you have seen only one set of footprints is when I carried you."
This week, amidst a storm of work tasks and family obligations, I also found myself alone on the beach. As I chatted to the Lord about all of my stresses -- the deadlines, the bills, my overcrowded daytimer -- I was stopped in my tracks, not by his response but by His silence. Hurt and agitated -- as I would be with any friend -- by the apparent indifference to my woes, I turned to look at Him. Seeing that He was no longer by my side, I looked back. There He was -- quickening His stride to hear what I was saying.
He never stopped caring about my problems. I had just become so consumed with stress that I didn't realize that I'd left Him behind. In just a few days, I seem to have outpaced my Maker, the distance between us filled with my own neglect.
Sometimes, as we struggle to navigate the chaos of life, we forget that God wants us to walk with Him. He still carries us through the tough times but we'd do well to remember to stay close by His side because He died to hear every word.
CARBS: FUEL NOT FOE The simple truth about carbs and fitness
There are scores of books and mounds of literature on the consumption of carbohydrates and how this macronutrient relates to performance and body composition. But the bottom line is that your body needs carbohydrate to fuel any number of basic processes. Carbs are the preferred fuel source of the cell, so going totally without them in hopes of shedding a few pounds can end up working against you. To keep things simple, try to focus first on the types of carbs you're consuming daily and when you're consuming them.
Complex carbohydrates, referred to as "good" carbs, are slower-digesting in nature and thus have less of an effect on blood sugar. They provide a steady stream of fuel for your work day and for your active lifestyle while having a minimal impact on your waistline. Examples of these good carbs include oatmeal, vegetables, wheat bread and other whole grain products.
Simple carbohydrates, or "bad" carbs, are digested rapidly in the body causing huge swings in blood sugar and spikes in the hormone insulin which can signal for your body to store fat. White bread, white tortillas, sugary snacks and beverages can be detrimental to your energy and overall health if consumed in excess.
STRATEGIZE: Most of the day, make sure that your carb sources are of the complex variety. The only exceptions to this rule are first thing in the morning or after a hard workout, when your body actually needs a rapid refuel of sugars to fuel recovery.
>> FAD DIETS: Have you ever tried a brand diet like Atkins, South Beach or Paleo? Do you rely on microwave diet meals to keep you in balance? Tell us your experience with diets in the comments section below, being sure to mention your successes and stumbles.