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Life is a Subhead

"Those who say they live in God should live their lives as Jesus did." --1 John 2:6

Read: 1 John 2

Subheads are critical. Ever had to write one? Well, over the years, Eric and I have agonized over our share. For those who may not know, a subhead is that little, tiny sentence under the title of an article, short story, book or manuscript. It's more than the summary sentence and greater than any synopsis. Extract the root of a 10,000-word body of writing and distill it down to one pivotal, all-encompassing core phrase, and there's the subhead. In fact, every one of those 10,000 words -- every paragraph or sidebar -- is subject to it. And above that, it can make the difference between someone reading more or leaving the store. Make no mistake, although it's short and sweet, it's powerful and nothing means more to the author than someone being drawn to the story.

Our lives are subheads in a way. I remember as the fitness editor for magazines, my purpose was to help people shape their bodies, but I wanted my words to help shape souls. I wanted a different subhead. And I'm grateful you're reading it.

The office worker who refuses to gossip, that's a subhead. The cashier at the supermarket who -- after standing on her feet 12 hours -- still asks, "How are you?" and means it, that's a subhead. The second string athlete who out-hustles the starter -- subhead. What's yours? Are you a teacher, lawyer, assistant, stay-at-home mom or dad? Friends, we have the honor and privilege to agonize over our daily subheads, constantly rewriting and revising to get it right. Why? Simple. Someone reading us may choose to turn the page. Our lives are short and sweet, but they're powerful and nothing means more to the Author than someone being drawn to His story.

--Jimmy Peña

For Discussion: As many of you already know, the last thing we want you to be known for is your body. Good health, poor health, it's how we serve God, family and others with our bodies that matters most. How can your health help write your subhead? Are your decisions for an active, abundant life fueling your God-given purpose or do you need to make some adjustments in this area of stewardship? Please share your thoughts below.



Stand with both hands directly in front of you, knees slightly bent with roughly a shoulder-width stance. Keeping your chest up and back flat, squat down until your thighs approach parallel with the floor then explode upward as high as possible, allowing your feet to leave the ground. Land on soft feet with your knees bent and repeat immediately.


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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Press Play

"I will remember the works of the Lord." --Psalm 77:11

Read: Psalm 77 Ever notice that the first song you hear in the morning is the tune that somehow your brain plays all day? You don't even have to hear the whole thing -- just a few notes and you got yourself a theme song. Better make it a good one, amen? You know, it's neat how the Lord can show you something, be it a story in a book, a movie theme, or even the words of a song, and you don't realize why until -- well -- until you realize why.

Back in March, Loretta and I downloaded an album by JJ Weeks Band called All Over the World. At first, it was just an incredible CD that Loretta wouldn't leave the house without hearing. (I'm the resident DJ, of course.) And it's so good, I've even written devotions with their music playing in the background. But what I loved hearing in March, I needed to hear in June.

Can you relate? Ever gone through something, and you're immediately reminded of a lesson God taught you some time in your past? Books, conversations, music. I like to imagine God doing neat things like that. Since all things work together for my good, I like to think that the notes He puts in my head one day, He gracefully leads to my heart the next. After all, how many times in my life have I whispered, "So that's why."

What song do you have in your heart today? As we start a new week, are you battling fear or doubt? Facing financial pitfalls or health struggles? Whatever your day has in store, let's recall the lessons we've learned. Extend the grace. Pray for courage. Summon your song of praise. So that when the enemy begins to hum that unwelcome dissonance of failures and weaknesses that seek to rob you of joy...close your eyes and press play.

–Jimmy Peña

P.S. If you want to bless your life, go to iTunes and download "Is It Ever" and "Sunrise" by JJ Weeks Band. Listen to the words. Write them on your heart. And when you need them, you'll say to yourself, "So that's why."


Today's workout will hit your midsection and your lower legs quickly and effectively. Even though you can't completely isolate any one portion of the abdominals, you can involve one section over another based on angles and which portion (upper or lower) of your body is moving at one time. As far as your calves, the standing calf raise targets the gastrocnemius, tthe larger, diamond-shaped muscle atop the smaller, deeper, soleus muscle.

>> Click here for the abs & calves workout!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

Baggage Handler

"Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own." --Matthew 6:34

Read: Matthew 6

We sure do like our baggage. Ever notice the reluctancy of airline passengers to part with their carry-ons? My chocolate lab Josey is more likely to give up a fresh t-bone. When it comes to personal property, we growl "mine", no matter how short the flight. Separate us from what's rightfully ours and somehow the sky is falling (even at 30,000 feet).

When you think about it, the purpose of the flight is not the flight, but a safe landing. The pilot doesn't need anything we lug on board to get us where we need to go. (You know where I'm going with this.)

If you're like me, you'd be better off to check some of life's luggage. Worry weighs us down and fear fogs our vision; good thing God doesn't need a co-pilot. In fact, I think I'll take my plastic pilot wings back to my seat. We still have a ways to go.

--Jimmy Peña

Question: Isn't it amazing that the only One who is capable of handling our baggage is the one who navigates our destiny? What carry-ons do you need to leave behind this week? Could be in the area of finances, relationships, and of course, health.


One popular bodybuilder once quipped that the only people who train calves are people who already have them. However exaggerated the claim, there is some truth to the fact that calves are an oft-neglected bodypart in our training schedules. While so many are unlikely to skip workouts for their arms, you're not likely to find anyone rearranging their social schedules for calf day. We understand. Calves are a frustrating bodypart to train and even tougher to grow. These muscles are worked exhaustively over the course of a day and can become highly resistant to traditional training (unless you already have calves, that is!). And while there is no one routine to achieve stronger-looking calves, this basic, once-per-week, five-week cycle can provide just the type of challenging stimulus that can set you on the right path.

After these five weeks, you can move your calf training into the gym where machines and additional equipment can provide a new spark for progress. We'll take your before and after pics at but you're on your own for finding a reliable masseuse!

Week 1: Standing calf raise No fancy physiology. From a standing position anywhere, simply press up onto the balls of your feet and return your heels to the floor. Repeat this for 5 sets of 20 reps.

Week 2: Standing calf raise Same as week one, only change the pace slightly. "Power" up onto the balls of your feet, hold the contraction for two seconds, and take 2-3 seconds to lower your heels back to the floor. Repeat for 5 sets of 12-15 reps.

Week 3: Single-leg calf raise Repeat your Week 1 protocols, only doing one leg at a time.

Week 4: Single-leg calf raise Repeat your Week 2 protocols, only doing one leg at a time.

Week 5: Single-leg calf raise (on step) Place the ball of one foot on the edge of an elevated surface like a step or the curb. This allows your heel to fall below the level of your toes, placing an additional stretch on the calves. Perform five sets on each leg to failure, or the point at which you can no longer complete reps without bouncing.

--Perform these workouts on "off" days or on your regularly scheduled leg day, after your other exercises. More advanced trainers can try doing these routines twice per week. >> FITNESS: Click here for more workouts, fitness tips and exercise descriptions!

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


March 28, 2011 Quote of the Week

"The word of God is like a lion. You don't have to defend it. All you have to do is let it loose, and it will defend itself." --C.H. Spurgeon

10-MINUTE WORKOUT: Abs and Calves

Today's workout will hit your midsection and your lower legs quickly and effectively. Even though you can't completely isolate any one portion of the abdominals, you can involve one section over another based on angles and which portion (upper or lower) of your body is moving at one time. As far as your calves, the standing calf raise targets the gastrocnemius, tthe larger, diamond-shaped muscle atop the smaller, deeper, soleus muscle.

We're going to simply hit the lower abs, upper abs then both simultaneously with three simple moves. Take each set to failure.

ABS Reverse Crunch | Focus: lower abs Standard Crunch | Focus: upper abs Double Crunch | Focus: Upper + lower abs

>> For descriptions and video demonstrations of these abdominal exercises, click here.

CALVES Standing calf raise | Focus: Gastrocnemius

--Rock back on your heels then up onto your toes at a steady pace. Squeeze your calves at the top of each rep. Shoot for 100 reps without stopping (or until failure). Rest briefly and repeat.

>> Want more workouts? Click here for a library of 10-minute routines.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


September 20, 2010Read: 2 Corinthians 4

"What we see will last only a short time, but what we cannot see will last forever." --2 Corinthians 4:18

There’s an old story about a pharaoh whose young wife died far too soon. In his grief, he ordered his wife’s tomb to be built lavishly. No expense was too great for the monument. Each time he’d survey the construction site, he’d order more jewels and more gold - - Bigger! Higher! His wife’s tomb became his obsession.

One day, as he proudly surveyed his masterpiece, the pharaoh tripped over a box along the perimeter. Embarrassed, he ordered the removal of all the trash. What he didn’t realize was that along with all the rubbish, he’d ordered the removal of his wife’s coffin. See, he was so caught up in the process that he forgot about the purpose.

I was reminded of that story while watching the movie “Up in the Air.” George Clooney played a man whose life was all about the journey. He lived for the process. Flight status boards, frequent flyer miles and hotel key cards were the trophies of his trade. Link enough of yesterday’s trips together with tomorrow’s, and sooner or later, you’ve got yourself a life.

But this week, let’s focus less on our man-made monuments and more on the one who matters. Like John the Baptist, leaping in his mother's womb, to Paul on the road to Damascus, our lives gain meaning when our purpose is revealed. Remember, Jesus is our destination. Everything else is just a first-class ticket to nowhere.



Of all of the training days you can spend in the gym, leg day may be the most important. Whether or not you "need" better, stronger legs, training them -- again, think purpose -- on a regular basis can help you change your body, all over, for the better.

If you're a beginner or you're coming back from an injury or layoff, this workout is for you. As your muscles strengthen and get accustomed to weight training, you can move on to more challenging free weight moves and intermediate-level workouts, but it’s important to build a solid base first to optimize success later.

Exercise                                              Sets     Reps Horizontal Leg-Press Machine            2          12, 15 Leg Extension                                         2          12, 15 Lying Leg Curl                                         2          12, 15 Standing Calf Raise                               2          To failure

>> WIN! If you haven't started a PrayFit Workout Journal already, now's the time. The next 10 people to start (and keep) their journal with us will win a free PrayFit wristband.

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