Since 2009
Rescue. Shelter.
"God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God." --2 Corinthians 5:21
Read: 2 Corinthians 5
In case you missed this story, former New Jersey Governor Richard Codey went undercover last week as a homeless man. He was cold, hungry and plagued with hip problems in the middle of the night. Governor Codey noted that he thought the best way to relate to the homeless was to become homeless himself. In the end, he was rejected by 22 shelters. Imagine...a former governor leaving his mansion to spend a night among the paupers.
Isn't it easy to think of Jesus right about now? Sure it is. Although, Jesus didn't just stay the night did He? He could have, but He didn't. No, He spent a lifetime here. And because He did, we can relate to Him in so many ways. Are you ignored at work? He understands. Rejected by neighbors? So was He. Hurting physically? Jesus knows your pain. But Jesus did more than dress up like us. Note the verse: "God made him who had no sin to be sin for us..." See, He does more than relate. He rescues.
Divine irony. He became homeless...so we could follow Him home.
--Jimmy Peña
One of the key exercises in yesterday's workout of the week was the dumbbell upright row. This multi-joint movement effectively targets your middle deltoid head but it also engages your trapezius, rear delts and albeit to a much lesser degree your forearms and biceps. Because so many muscle groups are involved in this movement, you are able to use significantly more weight than you would be on isolation moves in the routine such as lateral raises. For an exercise demonstration and a deeper analysis of the physiology, click here.
November 10, 2011 Read: Ephesians 2
"For by grace you've been saved, through faith, and that not of yourselves, it is a gift of God." --Ephesians 2:8
"No more school, no more books, no more teachers, dirty looks."
For years, my wife Loretta and I have playfully sung that short tune at the end of each of her college semesters. See, after high school, rather than walk for a diploma, she walked down the aisle. And throughout the years, she's chipped away at her degree at night school, auditioning for the title of graduate. Well, I'm proud to report that today she takes her final final exam. But what's interesting is that, even though she's done with class, the next ceremony isn't until May. So she'll have to wait for her reward, even though she's met her requirement.
Kind of easy to think of Heaven at this point, right? Except, Heaven isn't dependent upon us passing every earthly test. Our days are full of multiple choices, but our performance doesn't chip away at some heavenly quota of credits, and frankly, nobody auditions for grace.
The truth is, someday we'll graduate this life. And like I'll be singing "no more school" to Loretta one last time as she walks through the door tonight, I like to think that we'll hear much the same when we finally meet our requirement, face-to-face.
No more hurt, no more pain. No more struggles, no more strain. All is right, the fight is done. Welcome to Heaven. Your heart, I've won.
--Jimmy Peña
COFFEE & CHOLESTEROL Science explores the connection between your morning java and your heart health
We are a caffeinated nation. Sure, stressful commutes, hectic family lives and TPS reports keep us heading back to the coffee pot multiple times throughout the day but there is also a palate-pleasing allure to a well-brewed cup of java. But while the caffeine gets most of the attention, there are other compounds in coffee to be aware of -- some to be cautious of.
Some worry about coffee's effect on cholesterol because of the presence of certain compounds in the beans. Daily consumption of 10 milligrams of cafestol—the amount in about four 5-ounce cups of French-press coffee—has been shown to raise cholesterol by 8 to 10 percent in four weeks, mostly due to increased LDL (“bad”) cholesterol. Some people are affected more than others, and the effects may be greater in those who have higher cholesterol to begin with.
Luckily, most American-style, drip coffee is practically devoid of these types of compounds and coffee's many health benefits, such as its powerful antioxidant content, may outweigh the risks. Read the full report from the University of California (Berkeley) by clicking here.
September 9, 2010Read: Psalm 145 "The Lord is near to all who call upon Him, to all who call on Him in truth." -- Psalm 145:18
As a young boy, watching my dad leave for work was more than a habit or tradition -- it was a son's ritual. We'd say bye to him at the door, then I'd run to my room and watch for him from my window. I remember we had a big rock wall, over which I could barely see the top of his truck. As he drove down the street he'd wave goodbye out his window and I'd be waving from mine. And all was right with my world.
But boy, oh boy, if I happened to miss his truck, you'd think the sky had fallen. I still remember the anxiety. "Did I miss him? Did I look down or turn away? As much as I wanted to watch him wave, I needed him to know I was there waving back. And if I thought he didn't see me, I was a mess. Mom would get me on the phone with Dad, and he'd calm me down. He'd assure me that he sees me waving, even if I can't see him.
I don't know when I grew out of that, but we'll never outgrow the need to see the Lord.
God, we're at the window. We've run here to watch you go to work in our world. We're on our tiptoes, and our little eyes are looking for you over the walls of fear and doubt that we ourselves have built. Even if we look down or turn away, you're there. You see us waving, even if we can't always see you.
NEW BENEFITS BREWING WITH COFFEE Coffee is more than a morning jolt -- it is fortifying your DNA
Coffee, America's favorite pick-me-up, has drawn great headlines in recent months and years with research linking it to reduced risk of diabetes, and improved liver health. But a new studies are showing that it may help on a much deeper level, boosting your health all the way down to your DNA.
Researchers from the University of Vienna, Nestlé, and the University of Belgrade report that paper-filtered coffee – the most widely consumed form in Central Europe and the US – may protect against oxidative DNA-damage. Subjects were assigned to drink either 800 ml coffee or water daily for five days. At the end of the study, a reduction in DNA damage was shown in the java drinkers.
Though researchers admit that the findings are "casual," they say that the results are promising.
To read the full story at Nutraingredients.com, click here.
>> PREORDER PRAYFIT: Click here to order "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and A Stronger Faith in 28 Days," due out in December!