Since 2009
November 16, 2010Read: Matthew 14
"Take courage! I am here." --Matthew 14:27
Perhaps like you, we live as part of a homeowner's association, where all community matters big and small are discussed, deliberated and put to vote each month. Loretta attends all the meetings, but not just to show her support or weigh-in on the issues. No, the poor thing has to. She's on the board. As for me? You're more likely to find me in a Red Sox shirt than at a community meeting. Spotted owls have more face time. You get it.
Well, last week, I knew Loretta was especially anxious about this month's session. Nervous as she left the house, she asked me to pray because the agenda was packed and the crowd, brutal. I prayed of course, but then I did the unexpected.
When I walked into the community center (a stranger to 99% of the room), I immediately found a seat in the very back. When she spotted me, her eyes got wide, her cheeks got red, and I grinned. Reinforcements had arrived. Unconcerned with the agenda, all I knew was that her biggest fan showed up in the least likely of places.
To be continued...
Nothing is worse than getting into a good groove with workouts, only to be sidelined by a chest cold or fever. And with flu season upon us, people are flocking to drugstores for boatloads of Vitamin C and other "natural" preventative medicine. But your best defense may be the gym.
The Human Performance Laboratory at the Appalachian State University, North Carolina Research Campus, recently conducted a study that found that people who exercise regularly seem to have fewer and milder colds. Those individuals who exercised five or more days per week not only had 46% less colds, but had a 41% lower incidence of cold symptoms. These active participants also experienced 34% fewer days of cold symptoms.
The take home message is that regular exercise not only boosts bone health, builds muscle and reduces bodyfat but it also enhances your quality of life by keeping you away from the sniffles. A workout a day keeps the doctor away...
>> For the full story, click here.