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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena

The Home of Your Dreams

"I was glad when they said unto me, 'Let us go to the house of the Lord.'" --Psalm 122:1

Read: Psalm 122

It's the home of your dreams. White picket fence, freshly cut grass, backyard with a grill. It's that kind of home. When you close your eyes and grin, you're swinging on that front porch watching kids that miraculously -- and perhaps unfortunately -- have your nose. It's the home of your dreams. But despite your best offer, the price is too high. All the money you have can't justify the money you'd owe, so you're labeled unworthy; declined.

Say, have you ever been in a billionaire's bedroom? I have. Ever walked the President's garden? Yep, me too. And one thing is for certain...I will never own either. But while I've seen things that only a ton of money can buy, God is building us a mansion that no amount of money can. The offer was Jesus, the payment was His blood, and the asking price is faith. And if you've accepted, the key is yours. Interest paid. The title made to you. Home. The home of His dreams will someday be yours.

So as you and I strive for our little slice of Heaven on earth, be comforted when the world declines you. Because while He keeps asking, God knows what it's like for people to say His offer just isn't enough.

--Jimmy Peña

P.S. Sometimes our bodies that house our souls aren't exactly up to par. Whether by an unforeseen circumstance or perhaps neglect, you feel the Spirit grieve because of it. If so, we want to pray for you. What are your hurts today? What can we pray for? We want to know so we can lift you up. Either let us know or simply say, "Unspoken" and we promise to pray.


Like most Americans, you probably paid somewhere near $4.00 a gallon at the pump this week. But before you go and blame Middle East unrest, market instability or rapid inflation, you might want to consider the following information.

>> Click here for the story.

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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

Off You Go

"God doesn't call the qualified, He qualifies the called." I have always loved that saying. Story of my life. But what does it mean? Well, for me it means that God often calls us to do something that we may not feel equipped to do. Sometimes I think, "Who me? But Lord, that isn't what I am best at." Or so I think. I'm reminded of a few biblical examples of those who understood what it meant to be outside their comfort zones. (Moses, Peter, Mary Magdalene...) But when we're obedient, I believe those are the times we grow and are really used by Him.

Reminds me of my recent trip to Allaso Ranch, my amazing church's kids camp where I was a counselor. So many adventures and fun things to do, one of which was the zip line. As I stood in line with my 9-year-old daughter to fly high above the camp and across the lake, she was all smiles. I was smiling too but beneath my smile and sunglasses, I was scared. How is it that my 9-year-old daughter has no fear but me, a grown woman, is apprehensive?

So the guy tells us, "Just sit on the edge, let your legs dangle, lean over and off you go." I literally asked him, "Can you just push me?" (It seemed easier if the choice wasn't mine, but his) "No, you have to do it," he replied. "Ugh," I growled under my breath. I looked over at my daughter beaming at me from the other zip line, she was seated, feet dangling, just waiting for me. I flashed her a big grin, took a deep breath and off we went.

You know what? Experience of a lifetime. In my comfort zone? No. Worth the risk? Yes.

Outside of my comfort zone, I struggle. I sway back and forth between what is comfortable and what is good. It's a tug of war between my mind and my heart. Thankfully, God knows my heart, and He knows yours. He created us to be anything but mediocre, and He cares about the details of our lives. So today, I am going to move forward outside of my comfort zone, in obedience and in faith that the God of the universe has great things in store for me. He has them for you too. It’s His promise. So go ahead, sit on the edge, let your legs dangle you go.

--Allison Earnst

PrayFit's contributing writer, Allison Earnst, is a fitness expert, motivator, competitor and mother of three. She's been featured in numerous magazines including FitParent, Natural Muscle and Oxygen magazine. She has shared her fitness story on Good Morning America, Extra TV and Lifetime's "The Balancing Act." You can visit her blog by clicking here.

3 WAYS TO CLEAN UP YOUR DIET With the abundance of nutrition information out there, it can be difficult to figure out where to start making changes. Too many steps explored, unfortunately, can sometimes lead to none taken. Here, we've boiled it down to three easy things you can start doing today to clean up your diet.

>> Dietary Do-Overs: 3 Steps You Can Take NOW

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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

Alone in a Crowded Courtyard

"If they persecuted me, they will persecute you also." --John 15:20

Read: John 15

Yesterday's post stirred my heart. Here's how I see the same scene. When Jesus was taken into custody and led to the home of the high priest, Peter followed, wanting to stay as close to Jesus as he could. He did so at his own peril -- if the guards had realized that he was one of the twelve, Peter could have been on the fourth cross at Calvary. But that was Peter...a bold, brazen and unapologetic follower of Christ. Then they entered the courtyard.

Peter sat there, the glow of the firelight on his face, his mind racing with ideas on how he could be used to help his captive Savior. Just then, the flames betrayed more than his concern -- they revealed his identity. Recognized by someone from across the fire, Peter began to shrink from his steely determination and quickly denied who he was and who He was there for. A second mention of his association with Christ brought knots to his stomach. Again he denied. And the third put an arrow through his heart -- because at this denial, he caught the eyes of a crestfallen Christ. Though He knew Peter would disassociate himself, the denial didn't hurt any less.

Whether it's in the court of public opinion or our family's Sunday dinners, we can sometimes feel like loners in a crowded courtyard. Persecuted for who we follow, we can find ourselves absorbing the whispers and suspicious scowls of those across the fire but we can rest on two unquestionable truths: 1) He said it would be this way. 2) Peter became the rock upon which the Lord built His church.

Being alone in the crowd isn't comfortable...just an honor.

--Eric Velazquez

>> VIEWER TESTIMONIAL: If you're not yet convinced that PrayFit can help you change the way your body looks, feels and performs, consider this testimonial from Rich in Memphis, Tennessee.

"I did it! Day 33 is over....I finished strong!

PRAYFIT DVD: $15 Weights and Equipment needed: $0

19-point drop in systolic blood pressure, 10-point drop in diastolic blood pressure (at 41 years old, now into 'Normal Range'), dropped one pant size, found my abs, water has become my beverage of choice, avoiding processed foods more, consuming more fruits and vegetables, fish and lean meats, feeling less stress, better focus, more discipline starting my days with PRAYFIT Daily Devotions...closer to GOD: PRICELESS!


>> If you want to see what the PrayFit 33-Day Total Body Challenge can do for you, visit

WHAT IS PRAYFIT? Watch the video below, and if you think your church and community can use a faith-and-fitness makeover, contact us at

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Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña Prayfit Daily Loretta Peña

Safe and Sound

"Even though I walk through the darkest valley, I will fear no evil, for you are with me; your rod and your staff, they comfort me." --Psalm 23:4

Read: Psalm 23

Late last night, the sleepy, ambient hum of our household was disturbed by the distinctive sound of frightened whimpering. Before the light taps at the door could disturb Wendy, I sprung from my sheets and entered the dimly-lit hallway. It was my daughter, Mya. She'd had a nightmare -- one that had set her into the type of frantics that can only be calmed by the embrace of her daddy.

I carried Mya back to her bed and set about getting her wound down again. Yawning but still fearful of what lurked just on the other side of her slumber, Mya was reluctant to let me leave her side. Battling the sting of my still-dry contact lenses, I reached into my old bag of tricks. Tenderly, if amelodically, I launched into Matthew West's "Safe and Sound." Almost without fail, this song would soothe my girls back to sleep when they were babies -- and last night, it proved effective once more.

Perhaps it was Matthew West's fatherly, reassuring lyrics that did the trick. But more likely it was just the proximity of my voice that eased her fears. Knowing that the Father is just a heartbeat's distance away and resting in the breath of His words is sometimes all that's needed to set our minds at rest. Under His protection, we -- like Mya -- can sleep well knowing that we are safe and sound.

--Eric Velazquez

EGGS PROMOTE SATIETY New research lending to credence to eggs' "superfood" billing

Eggs are a fantastic protein source and have been proven to help curb overeating. A new study is revealing even more about how eggs can fit into a healthy lifestyle. Research presented at the European Congress on Obesity showed that those who ate eggs, which contain all 10 essential amino acids, for breakfast ended up consuming less calories later in the day.

>> Get the full story at Nutraingredients-USA here.

RELATED: Eggs and Cholesterol Eggs: Muscle Food

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


November 18, 2011 Read: Hebrews 12

"Therefore, since we are surrounded by such a great cloud of witnesses, let us throw off everything that hinders and the sin that so easily entangles, and let us run with perseverance the race marked out for us." -- Hebrews 12:1

I think God understands the marathon. Many people will tell you that a marathon is all about the journey, the memories. Well, yes and no. While the memories have their moments, what awaits us at the end is really what it's all about. I mean, I loved the music at mile 12, but I didn't hang around for an entire song. It played, not so much that I would enjoy, but more so that I would endure.

When I began the race, I had a running partner as well as a dedicated pacer (the pacer's name was Paul, by the way.) But as you learned this week, a little over midway through the race, my body started to fail me. And when the partner and pacer ran ahead, I had to slow down. But had that not happened, I would have missed the blind man with his guide, and the woman in the wheelchair with no legs. And yes, I would have missed the two men who led me my last few miles of the race. Two men wearing identical shirts; bright yellow jerseys with black letters. Unmistakable to me. Not so much for the color combo, but for the words on their backs. On one shirt, "Father", and on the other, "Son". Oddly enough, the only comfort I could muster at the time was written on the back of two strangers.

The journey is one thing. But while our bodies fail us, friends leave us, and pacers lose us, the only real comfort is who we follow to the finish. I think God understands the marathon.

P.S. At dinner that night, I watched a lady limping her way through a restaurant. As she passed our table, I said, "Congratulations". Surprised, she thanked me. Hmm. You can always tell the runners. You can see it in their walk.

--Jimmy Pena



>> FOREVER ROAD: Each step is worth it when we remember who awaits us in the end

>> WHATEVER YOU DO: No matter how painful the pace, keep going

>> TRACKING NUMBERS: Following the steps of the one who's already won the race

>> TIRED OF RUNNING: His favorite place to run is to our rescue


>> RUNNER'S RESOURCES: Our favorite digital haunts for running advice

>> SPEED TRICK: A surprising benefit of running sprint intervals

>> MASS FRUIT: How apples contribute to greater muscle gain

>> RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Spicy pulled pork

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


March 23, 2011Read: Matthew 24

"No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father." -- Matthew 24:36

With baseball season approaching, we thought we'd warm everyone up for our favorite time of year by talking about the closer. For those who don't know, the closer is someone who specializes in sealing the deal. See, in baseball you play until the game is over. Not the case in other sports. Take basketball for instance. There's a minute left, you're up five points and rather than drive to the basket, you run out the clock. In football, you take a knee. Soccer, hockey -- you name it. Most major sports have a way to play it safe.

I think we all have the tendency to play it safe on occasion. As Christians, we can get into a mindset of "I'm saved, I can coast, I think I'll run out the clock today." But days can turn into weeks and weeks, years. Which reminds me, in baseball, there is no clock. You don't know how long a life -- I mean -- a game can last. Thus, the need for a closer. Someone who does his best work at the end.

Recently I read that Billy Graham hopes to preach one more time before the Lord takes him home. Even though he struggles to stand, Billy still wants the ball. Talk about a closer.

Now, granted, we're no Billy Grahams, you or I. Nobody's waiting to hear our last words. Or are they? The fact that we're reading this sentence means we're still in the game and the ball is in our hands. So stay warm. We just never know when we'll be needed to take the hill.



Tired of chicken breasts? Add some heart-healthy salmon into your weeknight meal plan. Here are five easy ways to prepare this healthy and sustainable, omega-3-packed fish.

Smoked Prepared smoked salmon is a great alternative when you don’t have time to cook. Wrap around asparagus stalks for a fancy but effortless appetizer or along with a salad for a light meal.

Poached Cooking salmon in a bath of wine, water and spices infuses it with flavor while keeping it tender and flaky. It keeps the calories low, too!

Grilled Thread chunks of skinless salmon onto skewers and grill for dinner in minutes. Sprinkle with a spice rub to add big flavor without marinating.

Wrapped Wrap salmon fillets in foil packets with lemon and fresh herbs for quick cooking and easy clean up.

Seared Finely chop fresh salmon in the food processor for a tasty burger. Flavor it up with sweet pineapple and spicy chili pepper then give a quick sear in a nonstick skillet.

Tell us your favorite recipe and it just might make our next book, PrayFit Family, due out this fall. Leave your recipe in the comments section below.

Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, is a registered dietitian, certified athletic trainer and owner of Dana White Nutrition, Inc., which specializes in culinary and sports nutrition.

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Prayfit Daily jimmy pena Prayfit Daily jimmy pena


January 11, 2010Read: Psalms 55

“Cast your burden upon the Lord, and he shall sustain you; he shall never suffer the righteous to be moved.” –Psalms 55:22

The tragedy in Tuscon leaves us heartbroken, numb and confused. Words don't explain or comfort. It's during these times in life that all we can do is seek a place to ponder His grace. Max Lucado said today, "Courage comes when we live with Jesus. Linger long and often in his presence. Meditate on his grace. Talk to him." And Max is right.

You know, it's true. Jesus is the only one who can rescue us from the inconceivable and unbelievable. They call him the Savior for days just like this.



As you contemplate the news from Arizona, it is still possible to reflect on your health. Remembering that your physical blessings are gifts from Him, you can still use this day to pay your respects both to those that were hurt and the One that heals.

1. Run faster

2. Lift harder

3. Eat well

4. Pray for those who can't do the above

Today, let your effort scream to the world, "God is! God still is!"

>> PRAYER REQUESTS: Tonight, there are plenty of people in need of prayer and maybe you're one of them. As you navigate our website on a daily basis, please be sure to stop by our Prayer Requests forum. Here, you can find out what other PrayFit members are heavy-hearted about and you can also login to leave a personal request for community prayer.

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