Since 2009
"Indeed, it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to enter the kingdom of God." --Luke 18:25
Read: Luke 18
If you remember the move "Cast Away," Tom Hanks' character, Chuck Noland was a time-obsessed FedEx analyst with a simple job: deliver the mail on time. After his plane crashed, he got washed up on a deserted island where he spent four lonely years. Well, he wasn't totally alone.
Wilson, a volleyball Chuck found in the wreckage, became more like a friend than a piece of sporting goods equipment. Clearly out of his mind, Chuck would talk and even argue with the ball. But when he finally escaped from the island, his raft was hit by a storm. And when he woke up, he realized Wilson had been thrown overboard (cue the sad music). After attempts to retrieve Wilson failed, a heartbroken Chuck realized he couldn't take it with him. He knew he had to decide: Be saved or go in after his prized possession.
Silly, right? I mean, who in their right mind would act that way? When I saw that scene, I was shaking my head thinking, "It's a VOLLEYBALL, you NUT!" But then I thought of the rich young ruler, and the answer Jesus gave him. Haven't we all been in that boat? Ever gone overboard on stuff? Funny, like watching Chuck, I wonder if the Lord ever shakes His head at how crazy we get about our toys.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: Are you fixed on the stuff of this world? Do you spend more time focused on clothes, iphones, jewelry than you do God's word or serving others? Would He be pleased in where our daily focus is? And for some of us, our focus on "stuff" even hinders our health. We need to ask the Lord for His heart. His heart in us. His heart for others (and His heart for things.) Where would our attention be if that prayer was answered?
RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Grilled Caprese Sandwiches Indulgent, healthy sandwiches are within reach. This recipe from new PrayFit contributor Kimberly Fuller provides the proof!
A Dad Who Shows Up
"Do not be frightened, and do not be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go." --Joshua 1:9
Read: Joshua 1
A few years ago, I was living a fitness writer's dream -- working at Weider headquarters in Los Angeles, contributing to two of the most widely-read publications in the industry. But it came at a cost. Hopelessly long commutes and deadline-packed work weeks meant that I was arriving home in the evening with just enough time to kiss my baby girls goodnight and spend a few hours with my amazing wife before heading to bed to do it all again the next day. Though I was flourishing in my role at work, I was far from fulfilling my role as a father. My girls needed a dad who showed up.
I left Weider HQ, along with my bi-monthly paychecks and generous benefits, in hopes of remedying the situation. The overwhelming uncertainty was worth the risk. Today, I am still blessed enough to write for several fitness publications, only now it's out of a home office. With my girls now at school age, they can count on seeing dad in the seats for every school performance and on the sidelines for every sports camp. They can depend on me to be there to prepare them for the school day and to be there when class is out. They have me to guide them along when it's time to ride on two wheels and to pick them up when their balance fails them. I may no longer be at the center of the industry but I am at the center of their childhood and that's alright by me.
Like my girls with me, I draw comfort from the unfailing, divine presence of our Father (Joshua 1:9). He is there when we struggle and when we succeed. We can look to Him when we crave guidance and reach with certainty for His outstretched hand when we fall. We can absolutely depend on His love to find us, each day, and always when we need it most. We never need to ponder whether He'll be absentee in our life story.
He could have stayed in heaven but the distance and disconnect were simply too much for Him to bear. He needed to be closer to His children and was willing to bear the consequences to come. He didn't want to miss a thing. Architect of the heavens, Author of our DNA -- there's no disputing His resume. But by a grace we can scarcely understand, He is most at home in a much simpler role: as a Dad who shows up.
--Eric Velazquez
NUTRITION: Stir-Fry Basics Stir-fry is a quick and easy weeknight dinner. They make a well-balanced meal with a bit of protein, tons of veggies and healthy carbs from rice. We’ll run you through the basic steps to get you started, then share a few ideas to liven things up.
>> "Wok" this way for better stir-fry! (Click here)
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June 8, 2011Read: Luke 11
“Ask, and you shall receive. Seek and you shall find.” –Luke 11:9
Back in high school, I had a basketball coach ask me if I’d come back to the team. It had been a couple years since I’d played, and by then I’d become a one-sport athlete. His question was as brief as it was surprising when he asked, “Jimmy, we need you back. Will you play?”
My response was only a little less expected than what he said next. I replied, “Wow coach, sounds awesome. I just need to check with my dad first.” To which he smiled and said, “No Jimmy, I was only testing you, seeing if you’d be there for us.”
He shook my hand and thanked me. (I admit, I was relieved.) A little test, I guess. Whether I passed or not, I’m not sure. But I’ve thought about that moment over the years. His question, my response, his reply. And I remember telling my dad about it later that night; dad loved that my answer required his blessing.
You know, we’re constantly being tested and the crossroads are always before us. Which way? That way? No way!! How much better would our lives be if with each decision, big or small, we said, “You know, I just need to check with my Father first.” And as I’ve learned even recently, it’s never too late to ask.
Makes 10 servings (1/2 cup each)
Ingredients: 6-8 large tomatoes cut into large chunks 1/2 large red onion, roughly chopped 1 red chili pepper, chopped 3 cloves garlic, whole 2 tablespoons extra virgin olive oil, divided 1 teaspoon kosher salt 1 teaspoon dried oregano Freshly ground black pepper 1 can (15 ounces) canned tomato sauce, no salt added 1 tablespoon tomato paste 1/2 cup red wine 1/2 cup fresh basil leaves, chopped 1/4 cup fresh parsley, chopped
Preheat oven to 425 degrees F. Place tomatoes, onion, chili and garlic on a large sheet pan; add 1 tablespoon olive oil, salt, oregano and pepper and toss to coat. Roast vegetables for 25-30 minutes or until tomatoes just begin to char; set aside to cool slightly. In a large pot, heat remaining 1 tablespoon of olive oil and then add the roasted tomato mixture, tomato sauce, tomato paste and wine. Stir to combine and bring to a simmer. Cook, uncovered, for 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. Add basil and parsley; season with additional salt and pepper to taste. Puree sauce using an immersion blender* until smooth.
*If you do not have an immersion blender, puree in a countertop blender in small batches. Make sure to hold the top of the blender closed with a dish towel while the machine is on.
Nutrition Information Per Serving: Calories: 80 calories Total Fat: 3 grams Saturated Fat: 0 grams Total Carbohydrate: 11 grams Protein: 2 grams Sodium: 139 milligrams Cholesterol: 0 milligrams Fiber: 3 grams
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC is a registered dietitian and is currently a nutrition expert for the Food Network, and has worked as a media spokesperson for Cooking Light Magazine. She has appeared on Good Day Street Talk, Food Network.com, Access Hollywood and GMA Health. Visit her at Dana White Nutrition. You can also visit her blog for more recipes at http://blog.foodnetwork.com/healthyeats/.
September 14, 2010Read: Phillipians 4
"Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds in Christ Jesus." --Phillipians 4:6-7
Do you ever feel like a contestant on Let's Make a Deal? Well, that's me today. I've been hit with door Nos. 1, 2 and 3, each with something behind it that I may exchange for what's already valuable to me. Truly, all I need is a life-size deck of cards to poke my face through, and it's game on, Monty.
Decisions, decisions. Our lives are chock full of them, right? From the little ones we dealt with yesterday to the bigger versions around today's corners -- which way do we go?
As believers, isn't it good to know that if we're praying, seeking wisdom and trusting in the Lord that we can go boldly into life's choices with the utmost courage? We can decide in peace, knowing that we've prayed about it and we've placed that particular burden at the cross. But if we don't (and haven't we all been there?) -- if we don't pray daily and seek His will, decision time is anything but peaceful. We end up second guessing, fretting and regretting.
So today, if you're faced with the smallest of choices or even decisions that are life and death, let's present our choices to the One who conquered both. He's been around the bend and because of Him, the coast is clear. Truly, the only door we want to pick is the one He opens.
HEAVY IS THE BURDEN A few more facts about weight gain in America
--Obesity affects over one-third of the adult American population. That's approximately 72,000,000 people.
--200,000,000 adult Americans are classified as overweight or obese.
--American adults are one inch taller and 25 pounds heavier today than they were in 1960.
--In 1963, the average 10-year-old boy weighed 74.2 pounds. Today, the average boy weighs 85 pounds -- an increase of 14.5%.
Source: The Obesity Society