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The wolf can smell a phony.
In a fascinating, one-on-one ‘Off Camera’ interview with renowned photographer Sam Jones, Ethan Hawke covered a lot of good and fertile ground. In one of the many highlights for me, he described a powerful lesson from his early work. White Fang was about a relationship between a boy and a wolf. In one particular scene, he was shown to have made friends with the animal by feeding him from his hand. But Hawke says that it took forever to get that moment on film, because a wolf can tell if you’re acting. He can smell the phony.
“He can sense if you’re faking it,” says Hawke. “If he thinks you’re full of it, he’ll run away.” So Hawke said he basically had to build a camp and sit in silence and stay busy to convince the animal he was serious. Eventually, the wolf believed him and ate from his hand.
A day away from a new year - like me - you’re ready. But 2021 isn’t coming with that, oh how would you describe it? That expected freshness? It doesn’t have that same “New Year” vibe. I suppose it’s because when we wake up on Jan 1st, the pandemic, shutdowns, social media nonsense, and the divided mess of our reality will linger like a stray. New Year, New You? We wish.
I remember when January was a big month for PrayFit. Through the years, Simon & Schuster and Lionsgate Entertainment both scheduled launch dates for our books and products each January to help people step into new habits of spiritual and physical stewardship. National bestsellers, we hit #1 on Amazon 4 times. Boy how times change.
For me, personally and professionally, 2020 found my chin. In January, we launched our most precious initiative in 10 years to focus on our 2 areas of vocation and passion: Respite and Mobility. The 2nd Mountain as I often refer to it was primed to usher us into a new decade of significance. I had dreams of becoming the “Charity: Water” of the fitness world in how we served those with special needs and disabilities. We dreamers have our way.
A few short months later, COVID broke through the sediment of our little path and it stopped our ascent in its tracks. But because we didn’t bring any “quit” in our backpacks, we did what determined climbers do in storms. We made camp. Stayed busy. Improved processes. Made a short film. And waited. Truth is, non-profit organizations like ours were hit especially hard. Like a cunning, circling wolf, COVID measured us up. Sniff. Sniff. Were we for real?
On the way to Romania last year with Joni & Friends to help deliver hundreds of wheelchairs to those in need, I situated my seat and got comfortable for the 11-hour jump to Europe. Thing is, I don’t sleep well in my own bed, what makes me think I could sleep on a plane? So, I measured my options of books, magazines and movies. I settled on the title for a flick about which my mind often yearns: SILENCE.
In a Gospel Coalition review of Scorcese’s film: “Silence” is an indelible reflection on faith, doubt, and the inscrutable mystery of God. This is a literary masterwork, but recommended to any Christian interested in a window into the persecuted church and the clarifying darkness of suffering.”
My review isn’t nearly as poetic, but here I go: SILENCE is a brutal film about the 17th-century persecution of Jesuit missionaries in Japan. It’s uncomfortable to watch. Basically, you either suffered for being silent, or you suffered for trampling on your faith; a literal reference because the test of whether or not you were a Christian was whether or not you would step on a picture of Jesus. Apostatizing meant an end to the pain. Staying silent prolonged it.
Gina Spivey, pastor and director of the Calvary Special Abilities Ministry, recently sent an update on the progress of the construction of our new room:
“This wing of our building is designed specifically for the needs of our most special families including vital components like: private bathroom with adult sized changing table, large sensory/quiet room, increased space for movement and learning, self-contained outdoor learning and play areas, secure doors and check in systems and MOST importantly…a location on the first floor right by the entrance to our building. This new wing will increase convenience, safety, and functionality for our entire ministry for many years to come.”
For those of you that have poured into PrayFit - whether you participated in The PrayFit Run, purchased our merchandise, built fundraisers, or if you are one of the 35 committed monthly donors that make up the heart of the Body, you are helping complete this project. Gina, her team and the kids and families that will walk, run and roll through those new doors are the very souls PrayFit is committed to serving even in the smallest of ways.
Not sure if we’ve helped supply a little paint or a little door, but the parents of these amazing kids are those that I’ve described in our latest film as ones that “can’t stop.” They’re who I think about as I warm my hands on the steep side of this mountain and wait for the storm to pass. Sitting here in silence reminds me that I’m weak and prone to wander. It occurs to me that I’m vulnerable to every kind of pressure, capable of every kind of sin and susceptible to descending, not only down the mountain but in despair.
Meanwhile, I am reinventing myself in pursuit of additional work. A former hospitality executive - turned author - turned disability advocate, I’m doing whatever it takes to pay the bills and maintain the ministry.
Yeah guys, 2020 revealed some things; things like character, faith, hope, resilience, our treasures, our hearts. It stripped many of us of health, jobs, opportunities, graduations, weddings, retirements and even funerals. It kicked us when we were down. And for my little part as I secure myself alongside this cliff in silence, 2020 served as a clarifying darkness, bringing into perfect focus my depravity, smallness and my God-given mixture of limits, hustle and tenacity.
The wolf is still out there, of course. But I think he’s getting the message.
- Jimmy Peña
If you’d like to come alongside us in ministry to provide respite and mobility to kids and families impacted by disabilities, click the button below. You can give a one-time gift or join the committed few that give an average of $25/month; affectionately referred to as “The Heart” of the Body.
Lord, we love you. We praise you for who you are. We confess that we have sinned against you in what we have done and the things we have not done. As we approach the end of one year and the begin another, we simply fall on your grace and beg your mercy. We can’t lift a finger unless you allow it. We don’t hold a candle against our enemies without your strength. You gave us our limits. We can’t exceed them, but we can face them with you.
As we steward the gift of health and navigate our illnesses, free us from our sin habits and our soft targets. Obedience means more to you than resolutions. Please rid the earth of COVID and our hearts of wrongful ways. Help us love more than we lift. Help us walk better than we run. In the end, we just want to look more and more like you in what we think, say and do. Whatever we look like on the outside for that to be true, let it be.
Help us serve those less fortunate and to do so quietly for you. For the glory of your grace, we move.
Live Jesus, in our hearts, forever and ever. So very, Amen, we pray.
A Final Chapter
Your health and illnesses are important to God.
“Be obedient and leave the consequences to God.”
I once had the pleasure of meeting Dr. Charles Stanley in Atlanta, Georgia. I've met a few celebrities in my career, but none of them ever made me nervous. Like, not really. But friends, my hands were sweating and my legs were shaking when I had the honor of speaking with him. You can’t be proud in the presence of the humble.
Well, yesterday morning I got the news that Dr. Stanley was stepping down as Senior Pastor in Atlanta. At 88 years old, he felt it was time to move on to other areas of ministry. He doesn’t believe in retiring, so he made certain to share that he will still be preaching the gospel and active in other areas of ministry.
Shepherd. Stud. Saint.
It was in his church that I experienced one of the first and most powerful moments with someone with special needs. I happened to be sitting behind a man who was paralyzed from the neck down. It was interesting to me that when the choir director asked the congregation to stand and sing, you could feel the collective reluctance of the crowd and could see the slow-moving wave rising to its feet. I thought to myself, I wonder how fast this sweet man would stand if he could.
The next song we sang was 'Bless the Lord, oh my soul, and all that is within me, bless His Holy name.' You know what? This man's voice was the loudest one around me. When we were asked to stand, he already was.
I wrote in my journal that week, “It’s true that life is not about the body, but if you have health and ability, use it as a means of praise. And Jimmy, if you're called to stand and sing - and you can still stand up and sing - then you stand up and sing!"
Well, anyway, I ended up including in my latest book that Dr. Stanley delivered a message entitled, "Discipline Determines Destiny." Of course, he made it clear that he wasn't talking about eternal destiny, but that he wanted to discuss our earthly effectiveness; how we handle our money, our time, our relationships and ohhhh yes, while I was at the edge of my seat, he said it..."how we handle our health and illness."
None of the other topics received much of a reaction (perhaps because they were expected), but when he asked the question, "Who wants to live a long, healthy life?", there was a noticeable murmur. When it became quiet, Dr. Stanley simply asked his congregation how they expected to live abundantly when they're facing avoidable and preventable road blocks of health. Hearing it from me is one thing, but when Dr. Charles Stanley says it, it's another thing altogether.
As he preached, I scribbled. He used words and phrases like,
The value we place on our health will be evident in our diligence... Fulfilling, achieving, orderly, less stressful... Aimless and lethargic versus Godly and confident... Feeling good about yourself... Nothing to do with age... He still has the best in mind for you... Positive impact on others...health can be a way to witness... Build better health and a better faith...
Folks, go ahead and quiet the murmur in your mind and settle your thoughts on this one: Your health and illnesses are important to God. Any personal justification you've otherwise convinced yourself with, is false. Discipline determines destiny, and if you're reading this, yours is still unwritten.
--Jimmy Peña
PrayFit's National Leg Day is on October 2nd. We’re bringing awareness to the crisis of mobility. Millions are in desperate need of wheelchairs.
When founder, Jimmy Peña, launched the non-profit arm of PrayFit - The Body - (something he affectionately refers to as his 2nd Mountain), he had two goals in mind: 1) fund respite programs for parents and caregivers and 2) help purchase wheelchairs for those around the world caught in a mobility crisis.
On October 2nd, we’re climbing to the top of that 2nd mountain to help raise awareness of the global crisis of mobility. When we get to the top, all you have to do is what you do best. Train. Do what you love with all your heart, mind, soul and strength. LIFT. RUN. WALK. RIDE.
To join us, simply tag @prayfit and use hashtags #thewheelhouse & #nationallegday. Please invite 5 friends to join you in the cause. We can’t wait to see you in the effort. Mobility changes everything. Mobility means access to church, school and work for countless people. Many of those in the middle of this are placed into back bedrooms and left there.
Thanks to you, PrayFit’s National Leg Day on October 2nd will help raise awareness for those around the world that can’t move.
See you at the top.
- Team PrayFit