Since 2009
The Absence of Perfection
"But he said to me, 'My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.' Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ’s power may rest on me." --2 Corinthians 12:9
Read: 2 Corinthians 12
In the history of professional baseball, there have been only 21 perfect games pitched -- instances in which no opposing batter reaches base over nine innings, or 27 outs. To put the rarity of such a feat into perspective, consider that there have been over 350,000 games played since 1876. More men have orbited the moon than have thrown a perfect game and no pitcher has done it twice. It is a feat that can cement a legacy, with five of these men having been enshrined in the Baseball Hall of Fame.
However, it is not the presence of perfection, but its absence, that defines the careers of most pitchers. It is the quest for consistency of conduct on the mound, an acceptance of the knowledge that the hits will come and the resiliency to keep their team in the game that makes pitchers more productive in the long run.
You don't have to be a baseball fan to appreciate the pitcher's perspective. Called to the mound and given the ball on a daily basis, we strive to minimize our mistakes and to avoid the hits at all costs. Ultimately, however, it is our absence of perfection that defines us, for His power is made perfect in our weakness. For our efforts -- and for faith amid flaw -- we are bound for a Hall that keeps no record.
--Eric Velazquez
FAITH & FITNESS HOTLINE A peek into some of the busier discussions on the PrayFit forums
>> In need of some spiritual guidance
>> Does anyone have a cheat meal?
>> Runners: Questions and concerns
>> Does God call us to be fit?
>> Rebirth of health: "I'm done with the lies"
PRAYFIT SUNDAY: "We don't strive to be healthy to be loved by God," PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena has said to churches nationwide. "We strive to be healthy because we are." Is your church in need of the gospel of health? Contact us today to see about bringing this message to your church. Click here to get started.
You Have Some Body
"God saw all that he had made, and it was very good." --Genesis 1:31
Read: Genesis 1
When we think of creation, it's easy to think of the depths of the ocean floor. Mention God creating the world and our minds gravitate toward the peaks of Everest. Trees, birds, deserts, the sun. Some of God's best work, wouldn't you agree? But folks, He didn't rest until He made us. He didn't stamp "It was very good" until He gave us freckles, elbows and our little toes. His glorious face wouldn't show a Father's pride until He saw a smile on ours.
Make no mistake, you're not one. When you think of creation, look in the mirror. When you consider the breadth of His work, take a deep breath yourself. Because when He said it was good, He was looking at you. What did He see? His image. Rediscover His handiwork. You have some body.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: How often do you stop to ponder the amazing craftsmanship of the Maker? How many times during the day do you stop to marvel at the function of your limbs, the cadence of your heartbeat or the countless other functions that God breathed into you? How often do you take these things for granted? Why or why not? Give your honest responses in the comments section below.
RECIPE: HEALTHY FRENCH TOAST What's for breakfast? After reading this recipe, the only acceptable answer may be French toast. But not just any French toast -- Angelo Family French Toast. PrayFit contributing nutritionist Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC, walks us through her guilt-reduced recipe for this breakfast favorite.
February 3, 2011Read: John 1
"And the word became flesh and dwelt among us..." --John 1:14
Yesterday we wrote about a wild bald eagle that shows up in the most unexpected of places: the zoo. According to wildlife experts, this majestic male is likely fond of a female eagle being held in captivity. But what we didn't touch on was the reason she can't be set free: she's injured and too vulnerable to survive in the wild. So, he comes to see her. For reasons he doesn't understand, she can't follow him. So he comes down to her level, because she can't get up to his.
Those eagles sure are making it hard for us to think about anything else. Imagine, God did more than pay a visit, He made our home His own. He opened earth's door, stepped inside and threw away the key. He breathed our air and slept on the dirt. The thought of us trying to survive on our own was enough to kill him...so He stayed.
TRUE OR FALSE Time to test your healthy-living acumen
1. You burn more calories warming the body than cooling it. 2. You cause more muscle damage walking downhill than struggling to walk uphill. 3. The longest muscle in the body is the sartorius. 4. Stretching doesn't prevent injury. 5. The safest time of day to have a cheat meal is immediately following a workout.
How did you score? Find out the answers tomorrow.
October 8, 2010 Most people, Christian or not, are familiar with the Footprints story. The end stanza where the Lord tells the author why there was only one set of footprints during the hard times puts a lump in the throat of even those with the most hardened of hearts.
"The time when you have seen only one set of footprints is when I carried you."
This week, amidst a storm of work tasks and family obligations, I also found myself alone on the beach. As I chatted to the Lord about all of my stresses -- the deadlines, the bills, my overcrowded daytimer -- I was stopped in my tracks, not by his response but by His silence. Hurt and agitated -- as I would be with any friend -- by the apparent indifference to my woes, I turned to look at Him. Seeing that He was no longer by my side, I looked back. There He was -- struggling to keep up, quickening His stride and straining to hear what I was saying.
He never stopped caring about my problems. I had just become so consumed with stress that I didn't realize that I'd left Him behind. In a week, I seem to have outpaced my Maker, the distance between us filled with my own neglect.
Sometimes, as we struggle to navigate the chaos of life, we forget that God wants us to walk with Him. He'll still carry us through the tough times but we'd do well to remember that checking in with Him regularly will ensure that He hears every word.
Have a glorious weekend -- we'll see you here Monday!
PRAYFIT: WEEK IN REVIEW Revisiting a week of updates, new features and fun facts
>> NEWS: PrayFit is hitting the road!
>> VIDEO: A welcome message from PrayFit founder Jimmy Pena
>> DISCUSSION: Does God call us to be fit?
>> FUN FACTS: How far did Jesus walk?