Since 2009
Mr. Irrelevant
"So the last will be first, and the first will be last." --Matthew 20:16
Some of you might be football fans. And if so, last week's draft was exciting. A lot of hoopla surrounding Johnny Football being passed over, and over, and over again made for a brow-raising draft, even for us baseball fans. Interestingly though, some of football's greatest Hall of Fame legends were some of the last picked on draft day. Curtis Martin, the NFL's fourth-leading rusher of all time (and PrayFit endorser) was selected 74th in 1995. Joe Montana, arguably one of the top three quarterbacks to ever throw a football didn't make the Top 10 of his draft. Try 82nd. And as far as Tom Brady, three-time Super Bowl Champion and multiple MVP award winner? Only 198 players were chosen before his name was called.
Just goes to show that what the world sees as a long shot can be a winner in disguise.
Interestingly, do you know what they call the last person picked in the draft? In 1976, the tradition began of giving the last man standing a name. They called him "Mr. Irrelevant." And every year since, Mr. Irrelevant and his family are invited to spend a week in Newport Beach, California, for a golf tournament and a ceremony awarding him the Lowsman Trophy -- depicting a player fumbling a football. In short, it's a gala for the one they say is immaterial, not pertinent, not germane, unimportant, inconsequential and insignificant.
Paul persecuted Christians, Moses had a stutter, and when others saw David as a simple shepherd boy, God saw a king. So if you're feeling like a long shot -- a Mr. or Mrs. Irrelevant -- have faith that you're a winner, not in disguise, but in His eyes.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: As we begin the week, are you feeling like your job doesn't matter? Your status? Your title? Perhaps your health? Make no mistake, that we are divinely made by a God who loves us and makes us relevant through Himself. We can can do anything God wants us to do. Who you are and what you do is divinely relevant when we're living in His will. And He's able.
NEW GEAR! Spiritually and physically, grace puts faith to work. Grace is why we "fight the good fight." We're blessed to be rolling out some new designs for shirts, tanks and caps and we hope they bless and capture your heart. In its powerful simplicity, this first one off the line will represent many things to many people. Some of you are coming off of a layoff, injury or illness, and you know you were able to get through it ONLY by His grace. For others, it's not a claim, but a goal for the day, the week or the rest of your life. Whoever you are, whatever your story -- physically or spiritually -- we're thankful to be on the battlefield with you. For His Renown.
August 12, 2010Read: Matthew 20 "So the last will be first, and the first will be last." --Matthew 20:16
Some of you might be football fans. And if so, draft day is always exciting. Interestingly though, some of football's greatest Hall of Fame legends were some of the last picked on draft day. Curtis Martin, the NFL's fourth-leading rusher of all time (and PrayFit endorser) was selected 74th in 1995. Joe Montana, arguably one of the top three quarterbacks to ever throw a football didn't make the top 10 of his draft -- try 82nd. And as far as Tom Brady, three-time Super Bowl Champion and multiple MVP award winner? Only 198 players were chosen before his name was called.
Just goes to show that what the world sees as a long shot can be a winner in disguise.
Paul persecuted Christians, Moses had a stutter, and when others saw David as a simple shepherd boy, God saw a king. So if you're feeling like a long shot, have faith that you're a winner, not in disguise, but in His eyes.
PRAYFIT NUTRITION: GET YOUR GOAT There's a good alternative for those sensitive to cow's milk
If you're sensitive to cow's milk, you might try the goat variety. Did you know that goat's milk has more essential amino acids and more omega-3 fatty acids, calcium, phosphorus and magnesium than cow's milk? With all that said, its protein is easier to digest than cow's milk and has less lactose. Wondering about the taste? It's a bit on the sweeter side.
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