Since 2009
A Prayer: I Need To See You Move
"I need to see you move. I need to see your hand. I'm trying to live by faith. I don't know if I can. But I know you've not changed. There's nothing you can't do. I've done all that I can. I need to see you move."--Newsong
Dear Lord, like it says in the chorus of this song, so many of us reading this sentence (and the one writing it) need to see you move. From ailing health to crippling financial situations, may the position of our necks mirror that of Abraham during doubt, David during despair and Moses during fear. We know that it's not only during crisis that you want us to look to you, but we're comforted to know that we can. We just need you.
Tonight Lord, may the flame that ignites the opening ceremony of the Olympic games remind us that it takes discipline to create a destiny of excellence. And even if just for a moment, let it also remind us Lord that because of the cross, we've won a reward we didn't train for, work for, or ever deserve. May you prevent our pride from blinding us to the truth that our hearts and minds are not medal-worthy. Our thoughts and actions don't deserve a podium's praise. But by your grace, your face is all you see in us. Therefore, may it be your perfect performance we get lost in. May we be mesmerized by your relentless love. Give us the resolve to realize that life is a vapor-quick gift -- a vanishing moment that's here today and gone tomorrow. Help us gather for ourselves the mind of Paul that our chance at life is our chance to show the world that we live not to hoist a medal but to wear a crown. (2 Tim 4:8)
And Lord, while we need to see you move, may that same desperate plea echo inside our hearts as something you're saying to us each day. Help us respond in obedience and out of love. Like the shepherds who ran when you were born, you're still our good news. Like an unborn John, your presence still makes us jump for joy. And like David may we dance to a rhythm that only a life spent serving you can provide.
It's so true Lord. You alone satisfy. And so -- much like it satisfied the men and women who fill the pages of your Word -- seeing you move is all we need. And may you be pleased with our response when you lovingly and sovereignly ask the same of us. Thank you for another week. Any health is only possible through you, and any health we'll use to glorify you. In Jesus' name and for His sake, Amen.
--Jimmy Peña
For Discussion (and a request): What went well this week? Any victories to report? Praises to lift? Let's celebrate and give God the glory together. Any prayer requests? What's on your hearts and minds? And personally, please pray for me and Loretta. For a few weeks, we've been in daily meetings and discussions on PrayFit-related projects and dreams, and we covet your prayers. We just want to please Him. His renown is all we want. Wisdom and courage as we make decisions. Providence. Thanks guys. Nothing means more to us than your prayers.
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FITNESS: Here, you'll find all you need to start putting your body in motion for whatever it is called to do. From workouts to exercise demos, we provide you a wide variety of ways to start reshaping your body and boosting your health. NUTRITION: Recipes. Research. Dietary tips. It's no wonder that this is one of the most popular pages on our site. To start eating in balance, click here.
I Can Begin Again
Thinking about 2014 goals is pretty exciting (and daunting). My heart skips a beat when I think of some of the big mountains my little legs want to climb. Dreams are awesome, aren't they? It's like we're saying, "That one, God. Yes! Let's conquer that!" And with a little faith, we chase them.
Well, on our most recent road trip home, I remember seeing the sign: DELAYS AHEAD. I didn't give it much thought. A few miles later: EXPECT DELAYS. I looked at my watch. "So far so good," I reasoned. So I shrugged, turned up the radio and set my cruise control. But sure enough the next sign literally read: EXPECT EXTREME DELAYS SOON. They weren't kidding about the "extreme" or "soon" parts. In fact, I knew it was gonna be bad when I saw cars pulling off the highway by any means possible to find a short cut. Our quick four-hour trip had quickly become eight.
You know, as we begin to think about, pray for and chase our spiritual and physical goals for the upcoming year, we can expect delays. Even though you may have hit the new year at full speed, the chances of a few roadblocks are high. But let's not quit or lose heart. Rather, let's keep our faith in drive, realizing that we're covered in grace on what the Bible says is a quick trip home.
–Jimmy Peña
For Discussion: Loretta's 2014 theme song is "I Can Begin Again" by Larnelle Harris. The chorus always catches my heart, and it's perfect I think for this time of year. Who among you will embrace it as YOUR theme song? And if you already have one in your heart, what is it? Tell us in the comments section below.
"I can begin again, with a passion of a child. My heart has caught a vision of a life that's still worthwhile. I can reach out again. Far beyond what I have done. Like a dreamer whose awakened to a life that's yet to come. For new beginnings are not just for the young."