Since 2009
With Honors
"For by grace you have been saved through faith; and that not of yourselves, it is the gift of God." -- Ephesians 2:8
Read: Ephesians 2
I'm not the first writer to see heaven in a graduation and I definitely won't be the last. But sitting in the bleachers this weekend, waiting for the love of my life to stroll across that stage, I just couldn't help it. As the band played a few sour notes and the crowd fanned their glistening brows, the keynote speaker talked about all the reasons the graduates deserved the stage. The homework, the term papers, the finals. All tough, all taken, all passed. Tired and weary, all that was left to do was receive their prize.
At first it seems like a simple analogy. You did the work, you get the reward. But if Heaven were based on our ability to pass every test, there would be no thrilling cheers, no tossing tassels, no celebration. When Loretta fulfilled her course requirements last semester, she couldn't wait for the big day to arrive. Jesus fulfilled our course requirement when He walked the hill of Calvary and paid our sin debt. Now, we don't know when the day will come, but by His grace through faith alone, you and I will someday walk across the stage and receive a prize we didn't earn. With all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto -- tired and weary -- we'll graduate with honors...His.
P.S. As she promised, Loretta tried to walk slowly across the stage to soak it all in. She wanted it to last forever. Yeah, somehow I think God loves a good graduation. "Just wait," I bet He's saying. "Just wait."
--Jimmy Peña
WORKOUT OF THE WEEK: PUSH-UPS Double your total on this foundation exercise in just a week
There's a reason that push-ups are included in fitness tests the world over: they work. Forcing your chest, shoulders and triceps to work in concert helps develop tremendous pushing strength, which translates over to a number of functions covering everything up to and including hand-to-hand combat (a handy skill for today's homeland defenders).
No matter how many push-ups you can complete, no matter your skill level, you can improve on that total drastically in a week's time by using this simple but effective workout. Try the following low-volume workout, each day, and track your progress online in your own PrayFit Workout Journal. Not yet a member? Click here to register.