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Strong Community
"Simon answered, 'Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets." --Luke 5:5
Read: Luke 5
Smelly. Dirty. Grimy. These are just a few of the ways to describe Peter and his buddies. After all, they spent their days baiting hooks and cleaning fish. I'm smiling as I picture Jesus the Recruiter walking up to this motley crew. Did He pause and grin, crouching down to watch and listen to them work? Maybe after a few minutes, He looked skyward with a smile as if to say, "I found them."
I'm not sure, but I like to wonder what happened in that moment just before the call. What we do know is that of all the fishermen that came off the water, this bunch caught God's attention. And not long after Christ borrowed Peter's boat, the two were catching fish in water too deep for the nets to reach; Peter's preview to the depths of His love.
Friends, remember. Like that little bird reminded us yesterday, you and I have God's attention. So as we start our cars, open our offices, enter our cubicles, prepare for housework or hit the exercise routine, let's do what Peter did and abandon control. Let's just imagine Him saying with a grin, "I found them," and this is that moment just before the call.
--Jimmy Peña
STRENGTH IN YOUR NUMBERS Pastor Randy Frazee of Oak Hills Church in San Antonio once wrote, “The experience of authentic community is one of the purposes God intends to be fulfilled by the church. The writings of Scripture lead one to conclude that God intends the church, not to be one more bolt on the wheel of activity in our lives, but the very hub at the center of one’s life…" Are you plugged into a good church community or small group?
PRAYFIT NEWS: Team PrayFit Gets Stronger From a Team PrayFit standpoint, we grew in strength yesterday. Details to come but we added to our team in a mighty way in terms of representation and management. We're so grateful to the Lord for allowing it. We'll unveil soon, but we're praising God for answered prayer. Join us!
EGGS FOR MUSCLE How did the incredible egg earn its nickname?
Many of you may think that eggs are just a simple breakfast food — something that’s been on your plate every morning since you can remember. But it is so much more, particularly if you’re looking to gain muscle, says Jim Stoppani co-author of “PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days”(Regal Books). Researchers found that subjects who ate three whole eggs per day gained twice as much muscle in 12 weeks as those who only had one egg per day.
EGG FACTS: One whole egg contains 72 calories, 6 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbohydrate and 5 grams of fat. But don’t worry — about 80% of that fat is monounsaturated and saturated fat, which actually aids in the muscle-building process.
Shepherds In Suits: Part I
"And even the very hairs on your head are numbered." --Matthew 10:30
Read: Matthew 10
Back in 2009, I wrote about a small group of soldiers-turned-bodyguards. Once brave on the battlefield for our country, these men now stand in the gap between danger and their client, with no regard for self. On watch and on guard, for the sake of their call.
As it so happens, I was asked to advise their client with training and nutrition as he prepared for a movie, so I had a rare, bird's eye view of their excellence. And what I witnessed was nothing short of perfection. Selfless, stealthy. Shepherds in suits. I say shepherds because shepherds are fierce protectors; they can handle themselves, no problem. And yet shepherds are as caring for their sheep as nurses with newborns. And because I stayed close to the client, I shared his shield. I was safe, not because of who I was, but because of who he was. One call from the client, and you got the calvary.
So I suppose it's no wonder the bible refers to Jesus as the Great Shepherd. He watches over us night and day, and would go through hell to keep us safe. As a matter of fact, He did.
One call to Him? Calvary.
--Jimmy Peña
Question: How does knowing Jesus watches us so closely help you strive for better health or achieve modesty in how your portray yourself? Does it make a difference?
EGGS & CHOLESTEROL Are eggs bad for you? Hardly. Researchers have found that subjects who ate three whole eggs per day gained twice as much muscle in 12 weeks as those who only had one egg per day and that those who ate eggs at breakfast stayed fuller longer. And despite long-held beliefs, eggs really pose no danger to your heart when part of a balanced diet.
>> To read about how eggs affect cholesterol, click here. EGG FACTS: One whole egg contains 72 calories, 6 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbohydrate and 5 grams of fat. But don’t worry — about 80% of that fat is monounsaturated and saturated fat, which actually aids in the muscle-building process.
Cut To the Chase
"Come. Follow me." --Matthew 4:19
Read: Matthew 4
The phrase "cut to the chase" originated in scripts during the silent film era. After dramatic story lines, these mute motion pictures would routinely end in chase sequences on dusty roads. Today, the phrase has come to mean "get to the point." Fittingly, that's exactly what we intend to do.
At PrayFit, we believe that a pursuit of health is all about enabling us to follow Christ with reckless abandon. Frankly, everything we have should help us chase Him; our money, our time, and yes, our bodies. The more fit we are, the better we serve Him, not for health's sake, but for heaven's. So, let's get to the point. Let's follow so close that we're "covered in His dust." He's the Producer and Director. And our storylines of life will become motion pictures of grace...the sooner we cut to the chase.
--Jimmy Peña
He Couldn't Move
"And the God of all grace, who called you to his eternal glory in Christ, after you have suffered a little while, will himself restore you and make you strong, firm and steadfast." --1 Peter 5:10
Read: 1 Peter 5
We talk a lot at PrayFit about the countless biblical examples of people who had physical reactions to Jesus, either to be near Him or because they had just been with Him. Shepherds sprinting to see the baby Messiah, John leaping in his mother's womb, or friends lifting their paralyzed friend through the roof so Jesus could heal. We've said it before, but He moves us!
But there was one person who didn't move a muscle.
The thief had just been given Heaven. Every sin of his wasted years had been forgiven, his name had just been written in the lamb's book of life, and soon the angels would be teaching him to sing. And yet, despite this gift of grace and mercy, He didn't run to embrace Him. He didn't leap for joy, lift his hands in praise or kneel in worship. Why? Well, he couldn't move. See, the nails were too deep, the pain was too great. If he could've descended the cross, he probably would've demonstrated physically what his heart had experienced spiritually.
What about you? You may be 18 or 80 and Lord knows this brief life is not about the body, but have you been given Heaven? Then tell your body to react. Walk the block, lift some weights, swim a few laps. And by all means, kneel. Don't wait. Celebrate in this life the free gift of eternal life.
--Jimmy Peña
RECIPE OF THE WEEK: Rise n’ Shine Breakfast Wrap First thing in the morning, you need protein to fight off muscle wasting, carbs to replenish energy stores and some healthy fat to aid digestion. This recipe provides all that and more in a tasty, waistline-friendly dish that'll get your day off to a perfect start.
(Serves: 4)
Ingredients: 4 eggs plus 4 egg whites 3 tablespoons water Kosher salt and freshly ground black pepper ½ cup chopped tomato ½ cup chopped poblano pepper 1 cup shredded cheddar cheese 4 (6-inch) whole wheat flour tortillas Nonstick cooking spray
Directions: Heat a nonstick skillet over medium heat. Combine eggs, egg whites, and water in a large bowl and whisk well. Spray skillet with nonstick spray and pour in eggs. Season with salt and pepper and gently scramble until eggs begin to set. Add tomato, pepper and cheese and cook until eggs are cooked and cheese is melted. Evenly divide egg mixture into each of the tortillas; roll up and serve immediately.
Nutrition Info Per Serving: Calories: 349 Total Fat: 17 grams Saturated Fat: 6.5 grams Carbohydrates: 25 grams Protein: 21 grams Cholesterol: 242 milligrams Sodium: 521 milligrams Fiber: 2.5 grams
Dana Angelo White, MS, RD, ATC is a registered dietitian and is currently a nutrition expert for the Food Network, and has worked as a media spokesperson for Cooking Light Magazine. She has appeared on Good Day Street Talk, Food Network.com, Access Hollywood and GMA Health. Visit her at Dana White Nutrition.
October 27, 2011Read: Romans 6
"For the wages of sin is death, but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our lord." --Romans 6:23
Before high-tech ventilation systems, coal miners used to send a caged canary down into the mine to help detect dangerous and lethal fumes. As long as the canary kept singing, the coast was clear. Silence however meant danger and the nearest way out.
We don't have canaries leading us each day, but we do have the Holy Spirit. We hear His warning and sense his guidance. It's when we disregard Him that we end up in the dark, in deep trouble or in dire need of an exit.
But thankfully, God never lets go of us. Our fall will never exceed His grasp. Like Mom used to sing, "There's no other word for grace, but amazing."
Lord, we love you. Thank you for your daily, amazing grace. And thank you for your Spirit that leads us and guides us. Where would we be without you? Amen.
P.S Lord, be with my mom right now. Please heal her; protect her. Whisper to her that I love her. Amen. And if you want us and others to pray specifically for your mom, just let us know in the comments below. Just say, "My Mom" and we will.
EGGS FOR MUSCLE How did the incredible egg earn its nickname?
Many of you may think that eggs are just a simple breakfast food — something that’s been on your plate every morning since you can remember. But it is so much more, particularly if you’re looking to gain muscle, says Jim Stoppani, PhD, co-author of “PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days”(Regal Books). Researchers found that subjects who ate three whole eggs per day gained twice as much muscle in 12 weeks as those who only had one egg per day.
EGG FACTS: One whole egg contains 72 calories, 6 grams of protein, 0 grams of carbohydrate and 5 grams of fat. But don’t worry — about 80% of that fat is monounsaturated and saturated fat, which actually aids in the muscle-building process.
Source: www.jimstoppani.com
October 5, 2011Read: Philippians 1
"For me to live is Christ, but to die is gain." --Philippians 1:21
Well, seasons come and go. Baseball seasons, that is. If you've followed PrayFit for any length of time, by now you know we're baseball people. And personally, I have a tradition. Each year, since I left high school, I call my little league coach on the first game of the year and whenever it could be the last. And yesterday, with my beloved Yankees facing elimination, I called coach. The same voice that comforted me as a 9-year-old, somehow does the same decades later.
Not sure if you can relate, but some days just feel like the last game of the season. Whether at work, school or in your quest for greater health, we often feel like one more strike and we're done. But friend, don't quit. Like Paul said, "For me to live is Christ, but to die is gain." Whatever we lose in obedience on earth, God has something better in mind, especially if it's our Game 7. So step out of the box, and call on Him. Hear His familiar voice. And if the sun comes up, it's not just another at-bat. It's God's sign for us to swing away.
In "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days," we advocate a balanced diet that splits calories evenly between protein, carbs and fat. The diverse selection on the weekly menu includes plenty of milk, cheese, cottage cheese and yogurt, which has raised some eyebrows. While some suggest that dairy can contribute to inflammation and other allergies, the connection may be somewhat overblown.
"There is little clinical data showing a relationship between dairy and inflammation," says Jim Stoppani, PhD, senior science editor for Muscle & Fitness, FLEX and M&F Hers magazines and architect of the "PrayFit's" nutrition plan. "There is, however, a lot of research showing that dairy protein is one of the most effective for building lean muscle. That is not only important for aesthetic reasons, but for quality of life as we age. And since muscle mass is a metabolic tissue, it can help to further aid fat loss.
Stoppani concedes that dairy's bad rap isn't without cause. "Yes, there is some "evidence" to suggest that dairy products may be related to some inflammation. Again, there is not strong enough data yet to fully support this. If it is a major concern for you, however, on any diet that recommends dairy you can simply replace any dairy foods with other protein choices, such as eggs, poultry, fish, or beef."
>> For more from Dr. Stoppani, visit his official website at www.jimstoppani.com. To try the PrayFit diet for yourself, pick up "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days" today at Amazon.
September 21, 2011Read: Mark 6
"They all ate and were satisfied." --Mark 6:42
When the crowds grew hungry, can't you just see the disciples on their tip-toes counting heads? I wonder what number they reached that meant they were outnumbered? But just to be sure, they decided to count inventory of the basket. "Two, three, four...nope, we're sure of it. Five loaves, two fish."
If you're like me, depending on the day, you've been both the worried disciple and the hungry crowd. In either case, the only one we can ever count on is the only one not counting. But somedays, I feel like the young boy don't you? Imagine him for a second. Little did he know that when his mom packed his bag that morning, he would literally hand it to God.
And while we don't hear the disciples say, "Thanks kid!" or "Glad you didn't come empty-handed, son," I like to imagine that after he got squeezed between the disciples and pushed to the back of the crowd, he found a nice spot on the hill with a good view. Grinning, he put his chin in his hands and watched God make a miracle out of his lunch.
We never know what the day has in store, but we do know what we bring to the day, spiritually and physically. (Let's remember to bring it.) And while we may not get applause, make sure to stick around to watch God do what only He can do with your life, and save me a seat.
P.S. Did you notice the verse? "They all ate." You never know, maybe the boy grinned with his mouth full, and maybe Jesus Himself brought him his meal. But what we do know for certain is that our work never goes unnoticed, at least not by the one who doesn't count.
GREAT STARTS These two breakfast plans can help you fuel up right for the day ahead
People always talk about how breakfast is the most important meal of the day. It puts a halt to muscle-wasting, sets your blood sugar right, crushes food cravings and provides you energy for whatever the day holds in store for you. But what does a perfect breakfast look like? Ideally, as we published in yesterday's PrayFit Daily, your entire diet should be a three-way balance between protein, carbs and fat. Jim Stoppani, PhD, nutritional expert and co-author of "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days," offers two energy-packed options for your morning repast.
Option 1: 1 cup cooked oatmeal 1/2 cup fresh berries 1 Tbsp chopped walnuts 2 slices cooked turkey bacon
Calories: 296 | Protein: 20 grams | Carbs: 37 grams | Fat: 8 grams
Option 2: 1 egg + 3 egg whites, scrambled 3 slices tomato 1 Ezekiel 4:9 tortilla 6 oz. grapefruit juice
Calories: 358 | Protein: 25 grams | Carbs: 45 grams | Fat: 9 grams
>> For a full lineup of meal plans and snack options that offer balanced nutrition for your healthy lifestyle, pick up a copy of "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days" from Barnes & Noble or Amazon today!
February 17, 2011Read: John 2
"But the temple he had spoken of was his body." --John 2:21
Panic. I was driving over a 10-mile canyon heading to an appointment today when I suddenly remembered my truck had less than 10 miles of gas left in the tank. After some quick math, sheer panic. Bumper-to-bumper traffic on both sides of a two-lane highway with less than enough fuel for the trip.
Do you ever start your day like that? I know I do. But running low on fuel is no way to travel, amen? The good news: when we put Him first, we'll never be empty. Today, let's make sure He runs through our thoughts before we run out the door.
A couple years ago, I was made fun of on the cable clip show The Soup because of something I said about starting your day off with eggs. Well, regardless of the laugh, the benefit of starting your day off with eggs is no joke.
Research shows that this jolt of perfect protein not only helps promote healthy muscle tone, but it also helps curb cravings for unhealthy food choices throughout the day. It seems that eggs, like another familiar breakfast staple, do a body good.
>> The Truth About Eggs & Cholesterol
January 25, 2011Read: Daniel 2
“Praise be the name of God for ever and ever... He sets up kings and deposes them.” –Daniel 2:20-21
Regardless of whether you agree with the president's policies or not, the idea of the State of the Union speech is pretty awesome. It’s a time for the president to share with the country the progress that has been made in the last year, as well as an opportunity to lay out strategies on how things will improve. More than anything, this speech allows the president a chance to acknowledge that he hears the cries of the people while asking them to embrace his plan.
You know, with each new day, we’re able to address our own state of the union; of our personal relationship with Jesus Christ. If we think listening to our president is cool, how amazing is it that we can hear from the founding Father Himself? And you can bet your soul He hears the cries of the people, and He asks the world to embrace his plan.
And so Lord, we do pray for our President. Help him realize that a better state of the union will always begin with one nation under God.
Jim Stoppani, PhD, co-author of "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days," (Regals Books) is a big fan of the good ol' egg, and not just because he makes a mean omelette.
"I firmly believe in eating at least three whole eggs per day as research shows that whole eggs boost muscle size and strength and that those eating eggs for breakfast lose more body fat than those not eating eggs," Stoppani says. "But many people worry about the cholesterol in eggs. As I always tell you, the cholesterol in eggs won't necessarily raise your bad cholesterol levels."
Stoppani's take has been met with skepticism by some but new research is showing that he is dead on in his assessment. Studies cited by researchers at UC Berkeley point out that there has been no conclusive link between egg consumption and heart disease, except in people with diabetes. The researchers also point out that dietary cholesterol only raises blood cholesterol in about one third of people and that a resulting rise in "good" cholesterol, or HDL, offsets any potential damage from a rise in LDL.
For more on this study, visit the source article at UC Berkeley here.
For more tips on healthy eating and training for size, strength and athleticism, visit www.jimstoppani.com.
>> GET PRAYFIT!: "PrayFit: Your Guide to a Healthy Body and a Stronger Faith in 28 Days," is out on bookshelves now. In it, readers will find two, progressive 28-day bodyweight-only exercise programs, accompanying daily devotionals and the meal plans to tie it all together. To pick up a copy for yourself or a friend, visit Barnes & Noble or Amazon today!